Greetings! I've got another update from Spiral HQ with some of what we're working on right now. As always the following is by no means everything that's in development and there's no ETA on any of this just yet.
European Servers
We are currently exploring establishing a server base somewhere in Europe as we believe it could greatly improve the experience for many of our players.
Featured Auctions
The Auction House will have a new category of 'Featured Auctions' that are created by the Haven Treasury. Featured Auctions offer rare, limited or unique items to players. For players interested in Featured Auctions, it will provide them with amazing items like new costumes or unique weapons such as Bechamel's very own 'Scissor Blades.' These special items will be offered in limited supply and cost a good deal of crowns.
Personal Color Changers
A personal color changing item will be available that will allow you to permanently change your personal color to any of the colors available at character creation. This item will cost crowns and you may purchase as many as you like. Each color changer is consumed when used.
Scenario Rooms
Our level designers are hard at work constructing special rooms that you will discover throughout the Clockworks. These rooms offer a little story, hints of a larger story, or a special bonus to those that discover them. Hope to see you round the campfire and share a story or two.
Drone Class Monsters
New monsters are on the way that we call 'drone class' as they do not have normal monster AI. Instead, these retro-inspired monsters move in set or random patterns much like you would encounter in retro games. Drone monsters add a lot of variety to levels and offer a chance to break up the standard flow of play.
That's all I can share at the moment. More to come later!
Scenario Rooms sound cool.!
Thanks for the post.