So, let's just start from the very beginning with the background story. Knights strand on Cradle after having their flagship destroyed, before starting to take over pretty much the entire planet with the goal of opening the Core, taking the energy out of it and using it to escape the planet. Simple, right?
However, we have a few contradictions when it comes to details.
First of all, it doesn't really seem to be that important to leave the planet again, yet we keep stomping around the Clockworks in order to do so. Either the reason for why we have to go again as early as possible isn't that important in the first place or we are actually able to live on the planet without any complications. After all, we are apparently better off smashing each other's heads in in arenas or killing wildlife for materials we already got so many of than to actually, you know, trying to accomplish their mission.
Speaking of murdering wildlife. So, you might say "But Iskender, they are attacking us first when they see us!". Counter question: Would you like it if your territory was constantly disturbed by some strangers with pointy sticks and guns as big as their heads attacking everything like maniacs? Or, lemme ask the other way around: How many times was Haven directly attacked by wolvers, gremlins, devilites, anything? Okay, now how many times have you delved into the Clockworks alone, nevermind everyone going in there combined? They just want you to leave them alone.
Let's take the gremlins for example who are looked down upon by the Order for being, lacking other words, a little bit crazy. If you look at their weaponry, you'll quickly notice that it's all stuff that you could see at a construction site which should a given since the gremlins are canonically the engineers/repair men/(women?) of the Clockworks. Meanwhile, the knights are using weapons that are actually designed for effectively fighting, putting the gremlins at a huge disadvantage that can hardly be countered even by more gremlins fighting at once.
But wait! There's more! Take a look at this: Tenderfoot, Ironclaw, Darkfang. Notice the size difference. Given that evidence, it would make sense that they are mammals since they appear to grow over time. So the probability of Tenderfoot being made up of younger gremlins than in deeper strata is relatively high. Or in other words: You're very likely killing children in Tier 1. Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen!
Maybe OOO noticed the flaw that the knights are not as heroic as they seem to be. However, we still got the Shadow Lairs, hinting at the (very likely) villain of the story: The Swarm. It's obvious that the knights look better besides it, given that the Swarm is basically space cancer with the main goal to take over everything it touches. So you can imagine what would happen if the Knights actually try to open the Core. Does that stop them, however? Well, guess what? No, it doesn't. So, basically opening the Core might doom the entire planet without guarranteeing that the knights might even get off in time. In other words, the Order is trying to ruin everyone's lives without any kind of payoff. If they just have that little respect for other lifeforms other than their precious snipes or gremlin refugees (and even then it's kind of a stretch) or aren't seeing the consequences coming, I don't know.
So yeah, not really liking knights, heartless jerks that they are.
Everything we know is a lie.