=🐉= Novaster's Shop =🐉=

General Information and Disclaimer
IGN: Novaster
Started this shop so I don't stare at /2 for too long and fall asleep on the keyboard. Instead of having AH fees...well a forum post seems more lucrative.
Please don't post in this thread, because I don't check it often, it's runnin on autopilot - I rely on browser mechanics to dredge up keywords below for people searching for items. But I'm in-game pretty much every day. Replies may be delayed due to real life events.
Mail me in-game with serious offers, non-serious offers will be ignored. For example, don't offer lower than the SD Flash Sale price.
I prefer Energy or Crowns. If I want an item, I'll post it in my WTB section. Please don't offer things that are not E, Crowns, or things in my WTB section.
Here is listed all inventory I'm willing to sell. I might have other things, or people might say I have other things, if they're not on here, I'm not willing to sell them/don't have them. Stahp.
Use the "cntrl+f" keyboard function and search for something you're looking for quickly, maybe I have it. Google can do this for you sometimes too. :D
If you don't like my buyout prices, then don't make a fuss, find another seller. Buyouts are sky-high because they are buyouts: they make it easier for people to get what they want from me with no hassle for either of us. You may politely offer lower than my buyout (simply offering does NOT mean I will sell it to you - I have no need for immediate cash, and I have waited years to sell items before), and I will list the highest current offer here. Obviously, you can't offer lower than the current offer. You'd be surprised how often that happens.
As always, follow forum rules, be nice and respectful, be good to each other.
What I'm Selling
-Cool Spiralhorns
-Dusky Barrel Belly
-Dusky Bent Vertical Vents
-Dusky Canteen
-Dusky Com Unit
-Dusky Game Face
-Dusky Maedate
-Duksy Maid Headband
-Dusky Sealed Pauldrons
-Dusky Wide Vee
-Divine Goggles
-Divine Headlamp
-Divine Helm-Mounted Display
-Divine Party Hat
-Divine Vented Visor
-Divine Wide Vee
-Electric Helm-Mounted Display
-Electric Ribbon
-Electric Round Shades
-Fancy Bolted Vee
-Fancy Com Unit
-Fancy Glasses
-Fancy Headband
-Fancy Maid Headband
-Fancy Sealed Pauldrons
-Fancy Spiralhorns
-Fancy Wide Vee
-Hallow Bolted Vee
-Hallow Maid Headband
-Hallow Mecha Wings
-Hallow Toupee
-Heavy Gremlin Goggles
-Heavy Wide Vee
-Military Binocular Visor
-Military Binoculars
-Military Bolted Vee
-Military Com Unit
-Military Grand Topper
-Military Headband
-Military Helm-Mounted Display
-Military Maedate
-Military Maid Headband
-Military Sealed Pauldrons
-Military Vented Visor
-Lovely Plume
-Polar Bolted Vee
-Polar Toupee
-Prismatic Bolted Vee
-Prismatic Grand Topper
-Prismatic Party Hat
-Regal Bolted Vee
-Regal Canteen
-Regal Com Unit
-Regal Game Face
-Regal Knight Vision Goggles
-Regal Monocle
-Slumber Headband
-Toasty Barrel Belly
-Toasty Bolted Vee
-Toasty Com Unit
-Toasty Helm-Mounted Display
-Toasty Maedate
-Toasty Pipe
-Verdant Com Unit
-Verdant Dapper Combo
-Verdant Helm-Mounted Display
-Verdant Maid Headband
-Vile Cat Tail
-Volcanic Disguise Kit
-Volcanic Game Face
-Volcanic Party Blowout
-Volcanic Plume
-Tabard of the Amethyst Rose
-Electric Draped Armor
-Electric Plate Helm
-Electric Round Helm
-Hallow Brigandine
-Hallow Draped Armor
-Hallow Raiment
-Hallow Scale Mail
-Hallow Fur Cap
-Hallow Pith Helm
-Hallow Scale Helm
-Jack O' Bombhead Mask
-Shadow Plate Helm
-Shadow Round Helm
-Slumber Culet
-Slumber Flak Jacket
-Slumber Pith Helm
-Slumber Plate Mail
-Slumber Sallet
-Slumber Tailed Helm
-Slumber Winged Helm
-Verdant Brigandine
Stranger Stuff:
-Heavy Stranger Robe
-Prismatic Stranger Robe
-Regal Stranger Robe
-Volcanic Stranger Robe
=== Require Unbinding ===
-Furious Fork (ASI med)
-Spiral Soaker (CTR low)
-Dark Briar Barrage (CTR low) (BO 4.1kE)
=== Already Unbound ===
-4* fiery pepperbox CTR high (BO 4.5kE)
-I have overstocked pre-obsidian Blackhawk recipes and a few others.
- Book of Dark Rituals
- I might make pet food, if you promise to be nice and buy it after it's baked.
- I have plenty of boss tokens. I will buy token items such as pulsars and unbind them for you.
- I can make a 3* or below item for you, if I have the recipe. Which I should, I'm fairly certain I have all the recipes in the game that exist atm. This would save you a small amount of crowns buying the recipe and materials yourself. Or save you some time finding the recipe/materials.
What I've Sold
I have a log of things for the curious, but I don't list them here so derpy intranetz searches don't make my forum node show up for buyers looking for goods.
What I want to Buy
-Pierce Max Skelly Shield
-Stun/Curse Max Owlite Shield
-Soaked Aura