Alright so...
...I'm a serious energy market investor with over 40k ce, so please no, "Such a noob" retorts. I also trade elsewhere on the AH and estimate my overall wealth to be around 80k ce. That's a little under 6m cr. My incentive for doing this is to trade energy for games on Steam rather than actually play SK anymore since... well... the game's just boring.
Anyway, over the past week, the energy market boosted from around 6800 to 7300 cr/100 ce. I timed this right by buying into energy, and reselling after the boost to make a tidy 200k cr/2700 ce profit.
What's stupid, however, is that the market's margins are the same as they were before it got boosted.
People, if you're still making 100 cr per 100 ce bought and sold despite how the price for energy went up, you're effectively making less from inflation.
Just get this through your heads please. You're ruining the market for everyone if you refuse to see how it's costing you more to earn less.
Heck, right now, the margin is even worse:
People, if you can't do math, it's easy. There's a 2% fee after selling. Therefore, take the first two digits of the selling price (and round depending on the third). Multiply that by 2. That's how much you lose after selling... right now, the fee is about 74 rounded up *2 = 150 cr lost.
7500 - 150 = 7350
7350 - 7300 = 50
50/7300 = .68%
Really? Are we really competing so hard on the market to make .68% margin while the price is above average?
Talk about a lose-lose situation. It costs players in the game a boatload to get energy, and people with energy are earning hardly any profit.
I mean just to give a hint, if you're earning less than the fee you're being charged, then you're effectively working for the system in making Three Rings money while they pay you a wage by the piece.
If you enjoy working for Three Rings for such a crummy wage, then be my guest and continue, but if you have a sense of pride and actually aim to earn a decent profit, then you might want to relax a little in competing so hard on the market.
Personally, I like when prices go up because it means small time investors who were originally free to play can become pay to play players while facilitating other players who pay to play. Other players who pay to play drive the market down temporarily by selling energy for crowns, and those small time investors can buy that energy in the moment while selling it later on. Previous investments automatically earn a profit...
...but the MARGIN HAS TO STAY INTACT for this to work. Otherwise, you just get beat by inflation. Yea, your energy becomes worth more crowns, but with crummy margins, you can't transform your energy back and forth into more crowns to earn more wealth. In other words, you never actually earn more energy, or at least just end up earning more energy very slowly. Yea, you have more crowns, but the price of things on the market goes up too along with the money supply, so you're not making any real profit anymore.
I say this as someone who came from nothing and accumulated all this wealth merely by playing the markets. I have never spent a dime on SK, and never plan on it, but the game has potential for people to create something from nothing and become successful.