Hello community, We all know that Valestone (green mineral) and Moonstone (blue mineral) are useless now. Wouldn't it be great if OOO release 2 new Sprites?
I know I'm not the only one who thought about it, someone said something about wolver sprite that would be a crawling sprite, thats nice indeed.
We have an offensive, defensive, stealth ones... I was thinking, and I came up with an utility (green) and a healer (blue)
first of all, I know people will say that seraphynx are the "healer" but its not, it just give a chance of droping and fails at the criticaliest time. I'm talking about a TRUE heal you know... Like the area of effect of the gremlin healer, and as other skill it would remove status condition! It would be nice
As of the utility one, I was think about buffs and teleport, I mean.... People want a wolver, so, you know when it dive into the ground and appears behind of us? That's the teleport I'm talking about, because I'm tired of being cornered by that stone horse and wait for death, we could teleport behind him! As the other skills... What about an attack up? the wolver roars and we get attack up like it's puppies.... I think it's good.
I hope you guys liked these things, feel free to help and develop or upgrade or fix my ideas, and sorry if I said any BS, it's just a suggestion!
P.S: The healer sprite would looks like that blue butterfly.
healing would make the game too easy. every time you finish a battle, wait for the skill to recharge and you have full heal. the only thing feasible to balance it is healing when killing monsters, which is exactly what seraph's ability is for.
as long as teleporting doesn't teleport you out of bounds. buffs are ok.