(not sure if this was suggested) what if the four bosses (or equivalent there of) could be fought in any tier. Naturally balanced to the tier of course
Bosses (i havent worked out everything mechanic wise):
T1 Snarbolax: is as we know it now
T2 Snarbolax: could be like you fight the T1 snarbolax's mate a meaner, and all around more menacing form that can call forth wolvers with its mighty roar. scattered around the stage are useable bells like in T1 but if you don't time it right the snarbolax with burrow before the stun hits.
T3 Snarbolax: this time you fight BOTH of them at the same time. Same deal as before, use the bells to stun them (time them for T2 snarbolax) but this time if you aren't quick enough the snarbolaxes will disable the bells before it's use. also all bells are disabled at first and one will randomly become functional after some time passes.
T1 Royal Jelly: a smaller jelly still bigger than the common ones but spawns less minions than T2's. not entirely sure on what this royal jelly will do maybe it's tantrums cause it to jump around a lot, maybe it will jump real high and pound the ground (a dark circle will determine its landing area). all in all needs more exploration
T2 Royal Jelly: is as we know it know
T3 Royal Jelly: the way i see it is that we fight a multi stage royal jelly similar to Vanaduke (ill say 3 stages). so the initial form is a large (possibly bigger than T2 RJ) gold colored RJ that spawns all varieties of jelly ( including Ice Cubes and Ultra Blast Cubes) once this form is defeated it breaks down into a T2 and T1 RJ and go through similar motions. T1 RJ breaks down into a variety of normal jellies and the T2 will break down into 2 T1 jellies to continue until no more are left
Vanaduke (this was a challange)
T1: i couldnt think of something to involve vanaduke in T1 so im going with a red hot Almirian War Machine you got to break by using the water you normally use in FSC, not much else to say ill leave it open for exploration
T2: this could be like an undead boss that was once Vanaduke's most loyal general and even after death continues to serve him ( again left open for exploration)
T3: as we know it now
EDIT: 7/06 Roarmulous Twins
in light of the newest boss i thought id edit this to include them so
T1. the boss would be the prototype of the twins (ill leave it open for further expansion
T2:as we know them now
T3: how about something like the ideas ive seen involving Cerberus based turret twins... 3 heads on 3 sides of the whole thing (think 1/3 of a circle per head) they would rotate periodically and each head facing the knights would have different features like one would focus on the gun puppy turret energy pellets... another would focus on lasers like u saw in the room right before the boss room and the last would focus on the rockets (naturally all would have rockets since you would need to use them to hit the other side but not as much as the head focusing on the rockets)
naturally levels ought to be themed the same but different from each tier
Gloaming Wildwoods: just deeper, darker parts of the woods
Royal jelly palace could be a different palace naturally largest in T3 with the most challenges and simpler in T1 more straight forward
Firestorm Citadel T1 and T2 could just be different parts of the now ashen Almirian Empire naturally tailored to the tier's level of difficulty
Iron claw munitions Factory could have different divisions... how about for T3 Darkclaw munitions factory?
naturally with each boss defeat of each tier you gain tokens corresponding to your involvement only the chances of getting more than 3 are increased as you go down to T3
i am aware of the Frumious Fangs token low cost rewards but this could be filled by OOO in later expansions
Naturally this is a work in progress feel free to contribute something the more the merrier
As long as there is some story in the T2 and T3 bosses, this will be awesome. SK needs story.