When I joined this game (which was around early 2014) the market prize for 100 energy costed around 7.5k crowns, and it's been going up slowly and now it's reached 9k crowns, is there a reason for this?
Why has the CE price gone up?

I'm not going to speculate on reasons, but here is a historical note. Ever since the game launched in April 2011, the price of energy has fluctuated between about 5,000 and 9,500. So we are not at any historical high, although we are approaching the high end of the historical range.
(Disclaimer: This post is not intended to defend Three Rings or its policies, or to attack Three Rings. I am merely providing factual information that you may find useful.)

I think I'm mistaken, but the first promo to not include energy occoured last year in April/May? with the blooming prize box promo with Lovely themed items. At that time, they took energy off the promo, but upped the amount of boxes that could be bought. That particular promo was also the cheapest promo, and you could get 14 boxes for less than it was now. More boxes = more people getting suckered into buying them.
OOO see's it's making so much more money than ever before, because people love those gamble boxes.
Almost every promo has been the same stance ever since; why go back to the old less money making way?
Besides if people ACTUALLY bought energy, they'd be spending it on USEFUL gear and crafting and UV's, breezing their way to the end of the game and quitting on them, and THAT'S NO GOOD! In an attempt to counteract player and vangaurd fallout, they have continued to not release energy promos to force everyone to grind and play them game for actual E-currency to advance instead. This also ties in with the 2013 Radiant drought: as long as you haven't heated your weapons, you can't finish the game, and you are forced to continue playing (and hopefully buy ludicrous amounts of Rads on the SD)
Here's the trick: noobs and players from post 2013 radiant drought don't know any better than not to get 5* gear: it's a life consuming investment. In fact, they are forced into 5* gear by the vangaurd mission wall, or else they can't continue. So now they have 5* gear they can't heat anywhere (reasonably) and since they never knew the Mist-heating VALHALLA DAYS, they buy rads through SD... all the more stupid.
This is why we must all band together and not buy promo boxes!
Every penny you give them only reinforces the current business behavior!

It's basic economics. We need more people who want to sell energy for crowns to drive the price back down.

Well why don't they nerf Acheron and Chaos? Having a single overpowered weapon and armor set lessens the need to buy more Radiants, because once you have the ring, why would you bother spending sweet dollars on any of its inferiors?
That's what confuses me about this whole model.

TF2 (and other Steam games) keys might be a problem too.
It's far more profitable to sell keys than to buy energy from OOO directly.
But by doing this, it does not increase the supply of available energy.

The energy price hasn't changed. It's still at $2.45 per 750E for me, the same as it has always been.

Less players playing, less players selling energy: more crowns for your pocket if you sell all your dusty Crystal Energy. But why would you? Buy ya'self some ol' TF2 key and get: the real moneys, yeah! Your grinded ol' energy and crowns pay off with a brand new 75% indie game. And then dust spiral knights to play your brand new game... or at least in a week, let's remember the fact ValvE makes you wait to sell it.
That's the thing.

Yep. I remember when it was 9kE a few years back.
My theory is that a number of very rich players (think 100kE+) use stock market inflation tricks that would get them arrested by the FTC.
By artificially pumping and dumping the stock they can increase profit margins slightly on a thousand energy transactions and net a hefty profit... which they use to increase their CE stockpile and do this more.
The trick requires CE prices to rise. The market isn't given enough time to cool back to previous levels before someone starts up again. Hence, the slow creep up.

Because not enough energy is being bought with $ and sold for cr. Easy answer. How to fix it? Much harder. It involves OOO actually making content people want to pay for.

It's because my assets are in crowns right now.
Ever since I made my original threads on the energy market, the market's been doing the exact opposite of what I want it to because it doesn't like how I'm right, so it just wants to prove me wrong, even if that means making the game completely boring so nobody buys energy anymore.
Obviously, Three Rings has it in for me. It just hates my guts.
The day I trade my crowns for energy is the day the market will crash. Duh.

Anyway, if you want energy prices to go down, just give me a million crowns. I'll convert my crowns to energy, sell my energy for games on Steam, and be on my way. The market will go down afterwards to laugh at me for converting my crowns too early, and that will be that.

I'm assuming the market hates my guts.

Remember that the market doesn't revolve around you there buddy.

Is call "inflation", coin lost value on time
"Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time" Wikipedia
Happen to every economy

Nolidor got like 100mil in the bank or something, and Im sitting here with 6k...
I think the high cr prices could somewhat promote spending, cause you could convert the Einto more crowns, and win cheap auctions at AH.
Saw a wolver coat shock max go for 260k the other day. That is 3k E....incredible snag.

ooo controls the economy. not in real life how we control stock markets. this is a game, and ooo controls it.

I'm sure you will all agree that when you convert energy into crowns the price of energy goes down (I think). So when the supply depot was introduced, instead of people buying their armor and weapons off the auction. They get it from the supply depot, so then, the energy price through most players doesn't go down and instead goes up from people converting crowns into energy.

I'm somewhat glad that I finished grinding supplies (shinings, eternal orbs) to reach Vanguard just before the CE prices started jumping up about 500 cr per day.
I'll probably just play Astroflux (my other favorite MMO, also available on Kongregate), wait it out for a few weeks, and see if things go back to normal.

Please +1 this thread. If the suggestions therein get enough attention OOO will be more likely to try to implement them.
Thank you!
1. Prizeboxes not bundled with energy.
I really hate this. In the past I will spend around $100 whenever there is a promotion where purchasing CE would also provide some boxes. I usually open 2 and sell the rest. Now I don't purchase CE directly from OOO at all. Well, the Year of the Goat promotion was different... wonder why... because CE came with freaking boxes!
2. TF2 and CS:GO keys
These sell for 2000ce/each and usually cost around $2.8. Far more profitable. The one week waiting sucks, but the output doesn't.
There are other reasons too, on the Taiwan server CE is at 25kcr/100ce buy and usually more than 80kcr/100ce sell.
So, the prime reason is that the market wants CE but less are being obtained by P2Pers directly from OOO. I would imagine a depot sale or some sort of promotion with CE soon.

Bought 100 lots of energy.
Event happens.
Price crashes 200 crowns.
Bought 100 lots more.
Price crashes another 200 crowns.
That's what I mean. The market hates me.
(I have a lot more energy that I didn't sell though, so I made more than I lost compared to when I sold energy before.)

Your level of complaining is basically "I bought something right before it went on a 5% off sale".
Are you that stingy that you're complaining about that?
Be thankful you don't get paid in Australian Dollars.

5% is a lot when it comes to energy trading when your usual margin is around 2% on a good day.

So you're implying you use the Energy Market regularly to profit?
It's essentially gambling what with the particular few players always riding it up and down. I thought you were actually using the energy, but looks like you're just another person who's complaining that they took a risk and didn't profit off it. /yawn what else is new.

I use the market to buy other games on Steam. SK is a very boring game. It was fun at first, but not anymore. Originally, I used energy to buy equipment and upgrade my guild hall, but eventually, I MAXed out in those areas, so there was nothing left.
If the developers made a long-term enjoyable product, then there would be a reason to stick around, but they haven't, so there's not. Likewise, there are different types of risks in the world. Internal risk is appropriate AKA the market ebbs and flows. You can analyze human nature to figure out how to deal with this.
External risk is inappropriate AKA the devs decide to randomly throw an event in there which jars the market. It's totally out of character and has no relationship to the gameworld.

Anyway, what's really mindboggling is how little the damages I endure are compared to the gameworld.
I've lost ~60,000 crowns from this event. That's not even a drop in the bucket compared to the overall economy.
If the market really does hate me, then it has its priorities incredibly out of whack.

Well I guess the market doesn't hate me after all.
My 60k loss now shows an 80k profit.

You know, you don't need to post onto the forums as if it's your personal diary. If you want to keep a log of your profit you can, you know, write it down on a .txt document and then mass send it out to anyone who's interested in your market habits.

Yea, but just because I don't need to doesn't mean I can't.
Besides, you have to put yourself out there to find people who are interested in the first place.

Didn't you have a thread about the economy? What happened to that bear/bull smidge?

Yea, but just because I don't need to doesn't mean I can't.
Actually, it does mean that. Your posts are not relevant to the original post nor are they promoting discussion relating to the original post, and therefore can qualify as derailment. If you continue, then that qualifies as spam.

As SK loses people, they also lose potential energy buyers - those people willing to get CE with moneyz. This means that the people who are willing to spend hundreds of $$$ on the game can control the market, making more people leave as they bump up the prices more, and also giving themselves more power at the same time as competitors are put off due to the high prices, if they ever wanted to get energy *without* having to spend money, and the low amount of demand because F2Pers leave due to the prices.
There is just no point engaging in the energy market unless you are rich, or want a quick injection of crowns.
Additionally there's the fact that the powerful sellers can just buy cheap CE so the price doesn't drop, which was much harder before when there were lots of sellers and competition.
SK just gives too much economic power to the 'whales', or in other words, the people who are willing to burn irl money for power. The energy market is just flawed, and eventually there will be very few players willing to spend crowns on the energy market; the system will just stagnate and SK will lose alot of their cash flow as the whales soon realize they just threw their money out the window trying to get 'virtual' wealth.
Luckily you can progress through the game easily now without using energy at all. The grind though will put many people off, and this may contribute to the fact that the spiral knights population is dropping.
As for the population dropping, its probably caused by the energy market (a vicious cycle) along with the grind and lack of new content. SK could also do with some advertisement as well.

I told you cronus, about the market rigging: http://i.imgur.com/bXrLDR9.png
That was today less than half a week after ce was 7500 during your ah sales.

And shortly after a few people (including myself... mainly myself) got it back down to reasonable levels.
All this "market is crazy" stuff is being caused by three or four people for the lulz. They want to see those images. They want their names to be synonymous with power, control. If you all want the market to stay down, pitch your money in strategically and smother buy offers to make the price decrease.

Spiral-Spy seems under the assumption that Three Rings control the market, i.e. that these sales fix the energy price by forcing the players who are camping the market to give up their CE. But Three Rings doesn't force anyone to do anything. Sure, they give an incentive to lower the price, but I know for a fact that there was at least one person who didn't convert any of their CE or spend any crowns, and after the flash sale ended, immediately walled CE up to 8800 again. This sale was but a tool for them to get more money just like that.

Couldn't they be inputting money into the system and manipulating it that way?

CE Still hugging 9000cr, despite it being 7500cr during the ah sales. Wonder if OOO is gonna do something funny.

It's the same problem as Metal vs. Keys in Team Fortress 2, which is in itself just a basic
form of currency inflation. Although in this case, there are actually a few more reasons
contributing to it.
The first is that crowns are produced faster than CE, since you get crowns pretty much every time
you maul a monster, bash a box or...um...something that starts with "e" that has to do with elevators.
CE is only ever really added to the economy when you buy it with real-life money, which a lot of people
either won't or simply can't do.
The second reason is that crowns are a lot more "permanent" than CE. The only real circumstance in
which your crowns will automagically disapoof into cyberspace is when you buy something from a vendor
NPC. Which of course you're probably not going to do since EVERYTHING is cheaper through trade or the
auction house, since in said cases you're buying things at competitive prices from actual people who WANT
you to buy their stuff. And when you buy from said people, your crowns are getting recirculated as opposed
to simply disappearing into the endless void of the shopkeeper's ever-closed wallet.
CE, on the other hand, is used almost entirely in buying goods from the Supply Depot, crafting, and activating
energy gates and mecha-knights down in the clockworks. All of these are scenarios in which those particular units
of CE are permanently consumed and never reach another player.
Hence, CE is valuable because it's rare. That's literally all there is to it.

It appears OOO failed to suck up all the crowns with its auction house sale-a-thon.
Also my assertion that it's only a handful of people keeping ce expensive is correct, as those offers all went up in one minute.

It appears OOO failed to suck up all the crowns with its auction house sale-a-thon.
Three Rings doesn't do anything, or force anyone to do anything. It's those players' choice as to whether or not they spend money on the items that Three Rings offers. They simply chose to profit using their riches, instead of looking fancy. Who's laughing now? The person who outbidded everyone else on the Golden Dragon Mail and now can't find a buyer for it? (I wonder why) Or the person who increases their total wealth by 5% every few hours using the Energy Depot and money which they intelligently didn't blow on items that are just going to be circulated back into the economy anyway because no-one ever actually uses accessories or costumes?
People leaving, people got sick and tired of OOO's promos and caught up with the gimmicks, Bosco is being a sadistic bastard, you make your own conclusion, because there may not be one conclusive truth. Welcome to SK forum/internet debate.