So are Freeze bombs obsolete now?
with the reintroduction of Sleep, Freeze seems obsolete now.
Sleep makes the target unable to attack or even block, and the health regen is so low it doesn't even matter, a frozen enemy is still able to attack you and block your attacks, the only advantage about Freeze is that it does some moderate damage if the enemy manages to unfreeze itself.
I'm sure if a Sleep Brandish were to be introduced, everyone with a Glacius would switch to it.

My biggest observation (as I've played most of the game's content with the bomb at this point LOL) has been as to where and when you would want each-
Shivermist Buster
-Vanaduke = the biggest place, regardless of whether needed it does help the fight tremendously
-When you want to freeze-lock them = newer players would benefit from not having the Alert! period.
-Never straight up helps enemies = if your party/you fail to get in a breaking hit you still hurt them with ice..
Torpor Tantrum
-Most "hard content".. which is...
-Heart of Ice = shiver doesn't work, and trojans/beasts/grievers can be slept+blitzed
-Legion of Almire = sleep can quell bombies while you blitz deadnauts
-UFSC = freeze doesn't work anyway against vana, so sleep is slightly better as Fangel points out
-Shadowplay = another deadnauty area, this time with crusaders who would otherwise be able to attack
-Swarm areas = swarm lumbers don't resist sleep, so everything gets put to sleep.
-Grinchlin? Sleep will likely help here quite a bit..?
-Most "easy content" is too easy for sleep, as players can just kill the baddies without immense help.
In essence...
Sleep is a MUCH stronger bomb that outclasses freeze against hard content when used by good players, but freeze is much more noob friendly, and allows bombers a much needed place in FSC as well as allows for the cheese-strats caused by spamming the bomb to freeze-lock enemies. If you're a bomber that plays less of hard-SK and more of casual levels, freeze will do you A LOT better than sleep. If you play almost strictly hard-SK as a hybrid and can afford to get CTR med+ then sleep is a very nice tech. For that reason I'd actually expect freeze to get more use- most people don't sit down and do shadowplay every time they log on, they go for FSC or JK or something where sleep is overkill or freeze is better.

I wish they made Freeze require some damage to break too. They really screwed up my Catalyzer setup with those 1 damage shots.
Well I wasn't aware that Sleep had some sort of cooldown before it could be reapplied, thanks for the insight.
I consider the Construct family to be one if not the easiest family to deal with so no big deal.
I'm pretty much a sword knight, chaos set and swiftstrike buckler, blitz needle in my inventory just in case. Bombs were missing from my arsenal so I decided to go with Sleep and I must say i'm loving it so far.

The only thing useful to come out of this whole debacle is the padded bomber suit, it is not much, but it is a piercing resistant bomber suit. Now we will just have to wait for another year or so before GH can release a shadow bomber set that doesn't require immense RNG to procure.

"The only thing useful to come out of this whole debacle is the padded bomber suit"
You clearly haven't used the sleep bomb in heart of ice or shadowplay yet lol

If you play almost strictly hard-SK as a hybrid and can afford to get CTR med+ then sleep is a very nice tech. For that reason I'd actually expect freeze to get more use- most people don't sit down and do shadowplay every time they log on, they go for FSC or JK or something where sleep is overkill or freeze is better.
It is situational and is for elitist players by your own admission.

Ah, I get where you're coming from and I kind of felt the same way using it for a bit- like wow, most players won't be effected by this at all, but to be honest...
A) That doesn't effect those of us that DO get high utility, and I mean HIGH utility, from the bomb like this thing taking lives dude
B) Casual players will still use it, even if it doesn't benefit them, and there will be situations where it actually helps them.....Even though it's completely overkill and makes me roll my eyes a bit. Like taking a helicopter to work in the morning on your fifteen minute commute when you could just drive... but hey, maybe you can afford to do that and even think it's fun. Humans are like that.
C) Lockdown is a thing to consider... imagine a new bomber with stagger, shiver, voltaic tempest and now torpor tantrum. They're still weak to guns, but no one's gonna shock walk them any more unless they have royal jelly set with ice max + shock max... at which point they're also gimping themselves to everyone else.
So no, I wouldn't say COMPLETELY useless and unimpactful. But in terms of pve meta you're correct that for most people it'll be relatively useless. A lot will start to misunderstand it soon because they don't play hard SK, they'll be like "WELP, it doesn't help my Vanaduking so it sucks!" and that will be that for them. Right now it's still under the luster of sleep, which for the SK community has felt like discovering that the tooth fairy exists.
Sleep differs from freeze in multiple ways.
Sleep AND Freeze
Sleep ONLY
Freeze ONLY
So as you can see, both are useful for different reasons. Freeze is better for crowd control and it works (almost) universally. Freeze itself can keep monsters in one place indefinitely should you keep inflicting them with freeze. Sleep is more for temporarily shutting down a room, however you cannot keep monsters asleep indefinitely since they will be immune to the sleep status upon waking up. On top of that, an entire monster family (that is the most common mind you) is completely immune to the sleep status.