Scams and how to avoid being scammed

With the sudden surge of players, and just lack of morals in some people in general, it is very possible that you'll run into a scammer or 2 (or 12). Here's some common scams I've seen and ones you should avoid if you want to keep your stuff.
This might be worth linking in the Useful Links for new Knights post.
Crafting: You'll find a lot of people that offer to craft stuff at cost (you give them the mats, crowns, and CE and they make it). A lot are legit, some are scammers. There's 2 easy ways to prevent this one. Inspect them, most (I would be a fool to say all) people in 5* gear won't scam you, it's not worth getting banned for your 200 CE. The other is to ask them to craft the item first and you'll give them the stuff when they give you the item. A legit crafter won't have an issue with this, or at max might need a mat or 2 if they're out of stock of something.
Bank: Ran into this one the other day. A player offering to act as a "bank" to hold your items/crowns/CE. Your bag holds an infinite amount, why do you need somebody to act as a "bank" for you? Use your head and don't fall for this.
Mail trade: You mail somebody crowns/CE/an item(s) and they mail you something back. If you do not know the person DO NOT DO THIS!!! This is fine with friends/guild mates, assuming they're trustworthy. My guild mates and I do this all the time when we find a recipe at Basil somebody is looking for. Do not do it with people you don't know.
Basil trade: You join a group the floor before Basil and he has something you want. Somebody offers to buy it for you. They may or may not have the crowns to get it. Be careful who you trust with your stuff. It is best if they can buy and then trade the recipe to you. If not then use your best judgment. This one is hard to avoid unless partying with friends/guild mates.
ANYTHING involving you giving them your account name and password: This one should be obvious but for some reason always has to be said. GMs do not ask for your info, and their text shows up as purple. Is their's purple? No? It's not a GM then. The person does not know a hack, or a cheat. They're not going to buy you CE to make your account a paid account. If they want to give you CE (or anything) they can just gift it to you through trade or the mail. All they know is how to get gullible people to give them their info. And then oh look, they just made all your crowns, CE, unbound items, and anything bound you have is going to the merchant for more crowns. IF you get your account back it'll be empty, that's if you get your account back at all.
"Can I borrow X crowns/CE": If you're feeling generous then go for it. The random person is never going to repay you though, so if you give then do not expect to get it back. Again, does not apply to friends/guild mates.
And finally... If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. I can count on one hand how many times I've seen a legitimate offer to sell something really rare for stupidly cheap. One was a guy needing crowns fast and was offering to sell 1k CE for half the going rate, and the other was a new person offering to sell a Max Freeze UV Skelly Suit for 2k crowns. It does happen, but very rarely. Check all the stuff in the trade before hitting confirm.
If you think of any more feel free to post them.

Yea, didn't make sense to me either, but I would've been a fool to turn down 1k CE for about 35k when the going rate was 70k for 1k CE.
One was a guy needing crowns fast and was offering to sell 1k CE for half the going rate
Um... What? Why wouldn't he just sell it at the tra- I don't understand this game anymore.