I am looking to examine the SK economic model, but in order to do so, I need LOTS of hard data. I've gotten a bit myself, but i am still getting a large variance (due to the games random nature). If any solo'ers are willing to help or contribute, just log the amount of crown's you earn per tier (the amount you finished with minus the amount you started with) and what tier it was, or if your willing to go the extra mile, log per depth and level type (preferable).
Post any contributions here. Ill start updating the OP with my findings when we start getting enough data to have reliable results.
Logging per depth and level would be preferable, but obviously people will be less inclined to contribute if logging is a pain, so any and all contributions will be welcomed, just please only post Solo' runs and at least the tier the run was on and amount of crown's earned (or what you started and finished with). Whatever format is convenient for you as well, (just be sure I can read it)
Heres a few possible examples:
Example of a run logging per depth and level type ( ):
4019 CT 4
4785 JV 5
5306 DZ 7
5995 BF 8
(can partially log runs when using this)
Or for easy logging (just be sure to ONLY include runs in which you FINISHED ALL DEPTHS FOR THAT TIER if your logging by per tier)
T2: Started with 1748 ended with 5418
T2: Started with 5164 ended with 9142
Don't worry about compensating for energy spent on elevators (but if you do, make sure to mention that you did compensate for the elevator tolls!).
Thanks in advance!
This is pointless with the gates having different layouts and what not. If you want to keep tabs on something, collect data on HOW MUCH CROWNS you get in SPECIFIED LEVEL at THIS CERTAIN DEPTH. That way it won't be useless to everyone but it will still most likely be useless seeing how crown drops are random drops like materials.