I sent a support request last week to increase spending limit. A chap called Artemis mailed me 5 days ago to say they were looking into it. Just wondering how long this usually takes or whether it can be chased up.
Spending limit increase... waiting...
Is a lass not a chap, the Greek equivalent of 'Diana'.
5 days is a long time for a support request, but you'd be better off to send a support request asking if your support request got lost in the shuffle or mailing Artemis back directly than posting in the forums.
Charonicus: Thanks for your patience. I took a look in the system, and it appears this has now been processed. Check your email?
Yup usually takes a week or less matters if they are backed up with requests...
Yeah, it just came through. :D What a happy co-incidence. Just in time for my day off work too. Epic dungeon crawling awaits. ^^ Thanks for the info peoples. Problem solved and Greek mythology learned. Everyone's a winner.
I'm one of Charon's guildmembers =] and I'm also waiting for a limit increase!
Figured whoever can see this, and is able, might be able to extend the limit sooner than 5 days =]
I think I provided all the relevant info... I pay through steam etc...
Having muchos fun in the game - looking forward to Vanaduke when I finish my 5 star set. ^^
You can only spend a certain amount of real life money on the game in a given 30 day period, to prevent credit card abuse. Details on this page:
You have a limit of how much money you can spend on purchasing Crystal Energy.
On your first time, you're limited to $100 for 30 days starting your first purchase.
If you hit the limit the limit will raise to $200 once those 30 days have passed.
If you hit the limit again it will raise to $400, and finally(?) $800 (or onwards?).
If you hit the spending limit but want to purchase more Crystal Energy you can request to have your limit raised before schedule. The admins will check your energy record and decide whether or not they will raise the limit for you before the 30 days have passed.
Well, thanks for keeping this game in business, but how are you possibly spending that much money? Where is it all going?
I also put in a request... I think.
The contact us link on the limit raise portion of the wiki submitted suspiciously fast, so I am concerned it didn't go through.
So if the fella in the thread capable of checking on it, could kindly do so when he has some time, that'd be awesome.
So painful happily getting my Freezing Atomizer to lvl 10, only to realize I don't have enough CE to craft my shivermist ;(
Eurydice is also more gal than fella, being a daughter of Apollo, and if not a goddess precisely certainly the hawtest of the nymphs, too hawt for her own good, it turns out, since her boyfriend Orpheus couldn't keep his eyes off her no matter what.
Anyway, you should get a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours even if none of the staff pokes into this thread before then.
I have used the wiki one and have not gotten a confirmation email on my yahoo ones in 24 hours so i dont think its working. For my gmail one it has not been 24 hours yet. If a game master could be nice enough to check on mine it would great.
So I have been getting the spending limit warning for a little over a week now. I emailed Three Rings through their online form and nothing. So, yesterday, just to test a theory, I tried to purchase the 20,000 CE package... and still got the spending limit nonsense.
So, then I tried the 9,500 CE package. The systems says that there is an error on that one... always has.
So, then I tried the 7,500 CE package... and it worked. So I tried it a second time... and it worked. Then I tried the 3,500 package.... and it worked.
SO, what I gather is that I can't buy $50 all at once... but I can buy $50 in small increments. Basically I got screwed out of 1,500 CE because Three Ring's system is dicked up. Which, at the current inflated price of 6,500 CR per 100... it means that I lost 97,500 CR because they can't get their ($&%$ straight.
Although it seems unlikely, it could be that your spending limit would breach $100 with the $49.95 pack, and that purchasing smaller packs for $49.85 was barely enough to avoid breaching that limit.
You may very well have avoided breaching it by paying 10¢ less of $49.95.
That is a strange scenario indeed, so this is my theory.
It should take one week at most, so just have a little more patience. Mine took about 5-6 days, so just have a little more patience.