Thoughts on the new Shock Bomb? (Static Capacitor)

So, I've been looking for a "Support" Bomb & first thought of Ash of Agni. Many People said to get Shivermist.
So I've been thinking of getting Shivermist. Others said Ash. So I'm back at Ash.
Then the new Bomb, Static Capacitor, shows up & I've got to say, it looks pretty sweet.
So here's my question:
-What Status is best against most enemies? Fire, Freeze, or Shock?
Keep in mind that the bombs wouldn't be doing much damage. Personally, I use the Shivermist so I can set them up for a hurtin'.

Freeze offers the best control, but very little damage.
Freezing does more damage than I think most people expect. For fun, I've taken out rooms full of monsters (in T3) using nothing but the shivermist. It isn't the fastest way to clear the room, but it isn't that slow either.
So, when a shivermist is used in the more normal fashion of freezing the crowd, then whacking individuals monsters with swords, all the other monsters that aren't being hit with swords are taking noticeable amounts of damage. The damage from shivermist just isn't as obvious as the swords hit-hit-die, the damage is done where you aren't looking.
Similarly, when kiting crowds with my storm driver, I often see monsters die when I haven't hit them. They are dying because shock causes periodic damage. Again, this damage isn't something that is very obvious, if you aren't looking for it, but it is there. A shock bomb may well be very effective at kiting hordes.
Freeze only applies damage in the very small explosion radius and when it breaks naturally, which means that most of the mobs it hits won't be taking damage unless you want to keep waiting for freeze to break before dropping another bomb. The primary purpose of dropping freeze is so that you or your teammates can attack with impunity.
Fire and shock apply a DoT that deals damage at regular intervals no matter what.
Yeah, what Meta said. There are better bombs for damage when soloing, and when grouping, your team mates usually smack your frozen prey around before the ice expires.

There are better bombs for damage when soloing, and when grouping, your team mates usually smack your frozen prey around before the ice expires.
When there are lots of monsters, no, people can't get to them all before most of them thaw, that's the point. When monsters thaw in an area that has had a new shivermist planted, the monsters often don't even move before the re-freeze, so the damage isn't obvious.
And, uh, I never said that just letting monsters thaw was a great way to solo, I'm just pointing out that it does a lot more damage than I think most people realize.
And, again, the shock spasms caused by this new bomb may well be far more effective at wearing down monsters than it looks to people who are focusing their swords on a particular monster.
shocked things do damage to everything around them also. If the new shock bomb causes shock with the same reliability as agni causes fire then it will be clearly superior for kiting around large groups of things/
^^ Well, no argument there, I suppose. Thaw damage is nice on the occasions it happens. Hell I think even the base elemental damage isn't too bad... especially as damage UV's on Haze bombs are dirt cheap. I have a Very High vs Undead on my Freezing Atomiser, because I hate ghosts and phantoms and want to make sure they don't forget it.

I think the big bonus of this bomb is you can combine it with shiver or the ash. The ash and shiver are probably the most popular, but can't mix because the status cant co-exist. Shock and Fire can mix, meaning the damage will be really nice, you could also mix with shiver, but the shock ticks break the ice.
That being said, Poison Shock and Fire hazes put together will make quick work of anything. It's not so much of "bomb A vs bomb B" but more of "bombs A + B vs A + C"

>> The ash and shiver are probably the most popular, but can't mix because the status cant co-exist.
This is not true. Yes, Ash of Agni breaks Shivermist Buster's ice. However, when an enemy catches on fire they take fire tick damage so freezing them and reigniting them actually makes the fire ticks come twice as fast as they normally would.
>> Poison Shock and Fire hazes put together will make quick work of anything.
Combining the two worst hazes sounds like a great mixture. Heh heh. Poison is nothing but a weak defense debuff. It may or may not even completely stop healing anymore. Shock is pretty much a lower damage, damage over time bomb. Even in areas where it benefits most (grouped up enemies hurting each other when they shock) it doesn't do enough or as much as the AoA.
The fact is, the shock bomb took a HUGE nerf before it was even released. Shock used to have a longer interrupt and it used to have an accompanying defense debuf, both of which were removed. So essentially you're getting an AoA that does less damage. Yes, finally, you can stack two DoT bombs with AoA and VT but I'm not fond of bombs or weapons that aren't entirely useful on their own.
>> If the new shock bomb causes shock with the same reliability as agni causes fire then it will be clearly superior for kiting around large groups of things
I'm still in the process of testing this bomb so I'm not going to draw any conclusions yet but I've taken it into two danger rooms and it definitely isn't superior to AoA for kiting around large groups while you damage them.
way i see it freeze is great. but when you cant freeze may consider using shock to still have some cc.
One thing I am wondering - if a mob shocks and you are standing near them - do you get shocked as well? I have had some trouble with shock mecha knights recently (mainly in arenas 3rd room where theres lots of them last phase) - I seem to get shocked all the time but doesnt seem to be due to getting hit . If this is the case - forget the shock bomb.

>>but when you cant freeze may consider using shock to still have some cc.
Shock provides almost NO form of CC at all. Please don't think that this prevents mobs from freely moving around the map or you will be severely disappointed in this bomb.
Been playing with my Plasma Capacitor 4*. It seems to have a profound effect on gun puppies and kats, they just can't operate in a normal manner making them rather easy to destroy. On gremlins, it slows them down enough that you can safely get a blast bomb in front of the horde.
Mixing Ash and the Plasma Capacitor deals damage very quickly. The shock doesn't contribute much damage but it seems to increase the fire tick frequency. Not really sure, going to try doing a recording to see what is going on exactly. The nice thing about this instead of overlapping Ash/Shiver for increased tick frequency is that the mob is will remain mobile so you can maintain aggro and draw more in. Tried this on T3 jellies, wolvers and gremlins... really surprised how well this works.

+ inflicts strong damage over time without you needing to attack
+ allows you to run away from a monster instead of shielding attacks
- like curse, it doesn't make it easier to dodge/block attack
- becomes a lot less useful in situations with two or more healers
- Immediately extinguished by any freeze effect
- ignites Oilers
situation: damaging large mobs and monsters that are hard to deal with at close range, e.g. deconstruction zones and gun puppies. Also great for melting Ice Jellies.
+ immobilizes monsters, preventing them from moving and making them vulnerable to attacks from the side or rear
+ Gives the player time to recover or charge up attacks
+ if the status is allowed to wear out without the monster being attacked, the monster will take significant damage
- Status will be interrupted by any source of damage, in which case monster will not take any extra damage from the freeze itself
- waiting for ice damage is time-consuming
situation: small areas with large mobs; dodging enemies
+ interrupts attacks and movement
+ When taking damage from shock, monster's defense is briefly but significantly lowered.
+ can be passed from one enemy to another, potentially inflicting a large group at the same time
+ If multiple monsters are suffering from shock near each other, additional area-effect damage will be caused to them and all monsters near them; inflicting shock on a large group simultaneously will cause TREMENDOUS amounts of damage to the entire group
- against a single foe the DoT from shock is weak
- supercharges Quicksilvers
situation: small mob numbers tightly bunched together; useful in most normal rooms of normal levels (not Arenas/Danger Rooms etc)

>- becomes a lot less useful in situations with two or more healers
Not entirely true. Out DPSing healers is very helpful. They can only heal single targets at a time so damaging large groups of enemies is a good way to keep them busy while whittling down the amount of mobs in the room.
+ can be passed from one enemy to another, potentially inflicting a large group at the same time
+ If multiple monsters are suffering from shock near each other, additional area-effect damage will be caused to them and all monsters near them; inflicting shock on a large group simultaneously will cause MODERATE amounts of damage to the entire group
- like curse, it doesn't make it easier to dodge/block attack
- against a single foe the DoT from shock is weak
- supercharges Quicksilvers
situation: small mob numbers tightly bunched together; useful in most normal rooms of normal levels (not Arenas/Danger Rooms etc)
fixed for you. the first two are no longer true due to the patch that nerfed shock
edit: I take it back. Apparently it does have an affect on the attack/movement speed of scuttlebots. So I've found it is good at slaying scuttlebots and mini cubes so far. Very useful bomb.
i had some monster slowed down to slow motion
im not 100% sure, i think it was a retrode, but its probably a bug, definitely a + tho

I've gotten my Tempest to level 10 and have used it in combination with Ash/Shiv as well as a replacement for them in a variety of gates now.
Basic Bomb Mechanics:
- Shock deals actual elemental damage (unlike fire and ice which deal "fire" and "ice" damage). Because of this Construct and Undead monsters take the most damage from ticks, Beast and Gremlin take the least
- Shock ticks do small AOE damage to surrounding mobs
- Same radius/chrage time/mist duration as haze bomb series
Enemy Effects:
Mechaknights - VT triggers shock spasm. This is basically reverse-quicksilver; it triggers a negative effect. This slows down movement and will affect regular kiting patterns. Note that mechaknights can still block while shocked.
Retrodes - They still attack with similar frequency. Their movement may be decreased but the range attack is what is dangerous with these enemies.
Lumbers - Maybe, but maybe not. Hard to tell.
Scuttlebots - Their movement is noticeably hindered by shock. They move forward a lot less than normal. They tend to travel closer together so they shock each other.
Gun puppies - No change as far as I can tell but maybe their movement speed is decreased. This not very significant since they are easy to predict and avoid at regular speed and the shock isn't decreasing their rate of attack.
Jelly Cubes - Their movement seems like it is decreased slightly but now that they have their ranged attack this isn't very significant.
Oilers - Movement speed hindered by shock. Not super significant but allows you a little more breathing room, I guess.
Kat Ghots - Decreased movement, attack interrupt They lunge a lot less, sometimes get frozen in place.
Slags/Zombies - Decreased movement speed, attack intterupt. Note: seems to interrupt their lunge but doesn't do anything for their breath attack.
Gremlin Menders - No change
Gremlins - No change
Wolvers - Can't tell, at least in T3, but I'm assuming no change. They don't go insane while shocked like they do when on fire though.
Devilites - Can't tell any difference. They still throw stuff with no regard for anything.
Bomb Hazards
- Can supercharge quicksilvers
- Enemies that are shocked can activate switches and blow up crates
- Sometimes shocked enemies cannot be knocked back
Possible Use/Combinations
The bomb's strength seems to be against the enemies that are weak to elemental damage. It visibly slows mechaknights, kat ghosts, and zombies. You almost get a two-for-one combo of shivermist+ash of agni against kat ghosts since they take damage over time (DoT) as well as getting nearly frozen in place with attack/movement interrupts. The best use for this bomb seems to be as an AoA replacement in areas where AoA isn't effective (i.e. fire strata) or in areas where VT has noticeable benefits (i.e. undead/ghost levels).
As far as combos go:
- Ash of Agni - The DoT stacks. This is sort of a weak combination since the DoT of the VT isn't very high but if you wanted to slowly whittle enemy health away this would be the best way to do it.
- Shivermist - Shivermist can hold groups of enemies together while shock ticks hit short-range AoE to nearby mobs. This combo seems to be so-so since VT breaks ice and allows a moderate amount of enemy movement.
- Venom Veiler - Since shock deals actual damage, lowering enemy defenses will actually increase the damage for each VT tick. Unfortunately, VT ticks deal minimal amounts of damage so the minor debuff doesn't help much (30 dmg instead of 28dmg against enemies weak to elemental @ D24). The short duration of VV makes the cost of upkeep for this bomb very high and yields very little.
- Graviton Vortex - This combo can almost be pulled off with one person but the shorter mist duration on haze-style bombs makes it hard to put the VT before graviton and the longer charge times on haze-style bombs and short hold of Graviton Vortex make it difficult to place after the graviton. When you do get it working though it appears that shock ticks come 2-3x faster than normal. This combination seems to have too much upkeep required to be useful though.
Gameplay Videos
I almost feel like this bomb was nerfed before it was even released, then nerfed again on the day it was released. Fire ticks could kill you but shock was more indirect. It would lead to your death due to leaving you extremely vulnerable since spasms prevented you from moving or blocking. On top of that, shock used to have a defense debuff which mean that you couldn't move, couldn't block, and when you took damage it was much higher than it should've been. It was an extremely deadly combination that deserved a nerf. That's for players though; enemies can't block attacks and now spasms don't prevent them from attacking the majority of the time either. They're no less vulnerable shocked then they are not shocked.
As a DoT bomb it is good in very specific scenarios that are sometimes difficult to force (i.e. densely packed areas) against specific enemies (undead, construct). Even then, the DoT is only a fraction of the AoA and against other mobs like slimes, devilites it is noticeably worse and then against gremlins/beast it is just plain awful. For crowd control it sometimes works but most often does not do anything at all. Again, it only seems effective in densely packed groups which are often not found in most levels.
For me the VT seems like it's a quarter Ash of Agni and an eighth Shivermist but 5/8ths of a bomb isn't very good. You can't really UV craft this bomb and even if you wanted to, running IMF is a PITA. The bomb itself probably needs a slight buff or a rebalance. As of now, it's really only good on a handful of monsters (kat ghosts, zombies, mini royal cubes, scuttlebots). What I'd like to see is the reintroduction of longer spasms to cancel attacks on more enemies as well as a slight defense debuff to make up for enemies not having shields.

Thanks, Eek5, those videos are very enlightening. I was looking forward to this bomb, but I'm having my doubts now. I might still craft one anyway, just for fun.
After watching those videos the new shock bomb seems really underwhelming :/
The shock bomb really should be looked at as a middle of the road bomb between the pure damage of fire, and crowd control of ice.
The shock bomb though, at least at the moment, doesn't seem to be shocking quite enough on enemies. If it could do the same amount of damage over time, but interrupt a little more often, if would be perfect for solo'ers or groups alike.
One thing to keep in mind is that all of the haze series and the new zappy bombs do MINOR status effects (and themselves do MUCH less damage than any other bombs). That means, compared to certain swords or even guns offering these effects, you really aren't going to be doing all that much. Minor fire is going to take a very long time to kill monsters on its own, minor freeze is just as good as strong for immobilizing monsters so you can do other attacks on them, but the defrost damage is nowhere near as drastic as what you'd get on, say.. the iceburst brandish line (where the strong freeze dethaw does about as much damage as the charge attack itself), minor poison will prevent healing but offer so little of a defense debuff you'll barely notice it, and minor shock? Well I'm not as familiar with the differences between different levels of shock; certainly it won't be doing as much damage but I'm not sure if the spasms are any weaker. other than slowing monsters down a little, I've heard the electrical spasms are good at interrupting certain monsters, particularly gremlin menders.
As for shock effects in general, you're only going to see worthwhile damage come from the status if you get the monsters clustered very close together, so that each one is hit by every other one's shock AoE. In those cases, you could do tremendous damage very quickly to a large group of monsters, but you HAVE to be able to get them clustered in tight. The way eek5 was using those bombs, the monsters were all getting strung out far away from each other and staying outside of each others' AoE. That sort of thing would be fine, if you placed the bomb and then switched over to something more hard-hitting and go to town on the enemy closest to you while the others struggle to catch up, but if you're just running around and dropping the bomb by itself? .. No.
On a related note, you guys should see what happens when you catch a big group of monsters in a Graviton and then immediately hit them with a shock vial. Spoiler alert: You get a lot of dead monsters.

Minor, Moderate, Strong words mean nothing. It's completely arbitrary and just hides a number that doesn't relate to the Minor, Moderate, or Strong effects of other weapons in any way whatsoever.
As for the videos, most of them are just showing AI behavior while shocked. I'm purposely NOT killing them so you can see what shock does and what they look like when they're not shocked. Sorry if that wasn't clear. There seems to be a misconception that shock affects the movement and behavior of all mobs and that, as far as I've seen, is untrue. A select number of construct, slime, and kat ghosts are affected but almost everything else I've seen is completely immune to any kind of tick effects.
Sad news. I would've picked it up as a replacement for my Shivermist on Ice strata, but as it's basically a poor man's ash of agni, I'll go for that instead.

It really is a fun bomb (I got the static and upgraded it to 4* today ) when in crowds, but not much else is great about it I guess. Fun for JK runs I think. And if someone pulls out a shivermist, just watch those numbers fly :D
But that's just that...a fun bomb. I'm not sure I could use this too seriously or bother with making the 5* unless I just get really bored/lucky with money/energy.
The thing with Shivermist is when there's an Ash of Agni in the party (used to happen a lot) fire breaks ice status and ice breaks fire status. I used to give Ash the priority since it does more damage and freezing enemies sometimes would cause my teammates to play careless and take a lot of damage for not paying attention to mosnters animation. The only place I'd use Shiver over Ash was at Citadel.
Now, I really liked my poison Bomb(Venom Veil), specially like to use it with fire. Here's the poison effects on monsters, from wiki:
- unable to heal themselves or regenerate health
- will take damage if a fellow enemy (e.g., Gremlin Menders or Wings) heals them.
- It will also weaken the monster's attack power and defense.
Wish they've kept the Venom Veil intact, no need to nerf a bomb nobody uses, and when you use it some players even complain about it being "useless". Anyways I don't even play the game anymore, just crafting my mist energy for now, will check out the PvP when it's out.
I think the main place where the shock bomb will help is when a bomber is soloing. They could easily alternate bombs while kiting a mob keeping both the fire AND shock values on the mobs, increasing their damage. Currently dropping a fire bomb you have like 6 seconds before that fire wears off, during which time placing another fire doesn't help much :\
I haven't used it yet, so this is just my speculation. Even if it has a low chance to inflict shock, it's still better than stacking fire bombs where the effect is simply refreshed, not amplified.

>The thing with Shivermist is when there's an Ash of Agni in the party (used to happen a lot) fire breaks ice status and ice breaks fire status.
This is actually a good thing. Enemies are slowed down because they begin to stutter through the ice field and the Ash of Agni's fire ticks speed up to 150-200% of their usual rate. It's basically a combination of higher damage with some form of CC at the cost of visual clarity.
>Here's the poison effects on monsters, from wik
That's no longer true. Enemies no longer take damage from getting healed and some of enemy healing still works (probably a bug). It does debuff enemy attack and defense but I don't think it is significant enough to matter. At least none of my teammates can tell that it does anything when I ask them if they can notice it.
>I think the main place where the shock bomb will help is when a bomber is soloing. They could easily alternate bombs
I disagree. You never really want to kill things purely with DoT. Lighting things on fire and then hitting them with an AoE bomb is a good way to increase DPS but just damage stacking DoT makes for very low DPS. On top of that there is nothing "easy" about alternating bombs; bomb juggling is extremely buggy. Sometimes you'll switch weapons and still be on your same weapon except after you finish charging it, it will be the weapon you meant to switch to so you end up switching to another weapon thinking it was the past weapon. Sound confusing? Yeah it's exactly like that in the middle of combat.
> Even if it has a low chance to inflict shock, it's still better than stacking fire bombs where the effect is simply refreshed, not amplified.
Again, this works OK if you're killing with DoT but that is rarely the best way to deal with groups of enemies. The only example I can think of where you'd want to let fire take care of everything on its own is in a graveyard where you're spawning zombies at every plot and putting an AoA there then letting the fire ticks fully burn before returning. In this scenario it is a huge waste of time to double up on DoT status since fire usually softens them up enough to get one hit or just plain die from a second AoA. The problem is you can't just think of additional damage as a bonus all the time. It comes down to hits per kill as well. For example it might take 3 DBBs to kill an alpha wolver past basil. If you deployed AoA + VT it might take 2 DBBs but at the cost of dropping 2 additional bombs which have longer charge times than the difference (1 DBB).
The one thing with juggling AoA/VT is that enemies don't stay in their optimal grouping (although worrying about packing enemies densely to maximize shock damage seems like a huge waste of time to me). So on one hand you're maximizing DoT but not maximizing shock's DoT but at the same time you could just be using AoA's DoT and applying more damage with another bomb like nitronome, DBB, etc which would out damage whatever shock ticks would occur even if you maximzied it in a dense area.

I'd like to support the Ash/Shiver combo. Seriously if you have two people with one of those bombs each its some awesome quick burning. That's why I listed it as a possible combo with Plasma since it kind of does the same thing and Ash isn't usable in FSC.
But I mean that's just something to do, I don't think you should like take that seriously or anything.
iamah: they don't take damage from heals, and someone posted a thread claiming that the poison doesn't even completely stop the heal.
@eek5 "Ash of Agni's fire ticks speed up to 150-200% of their usual rate."
Fire status doesn't "speed up": it simply disappears! You can try this at the Training Academy, South East corner:
1. step on poison, then on fire, watch how you get 2 damage status icon above your HP
2. step on fire, then on ice, watch the fire icon be replaced by the ice
TL,DR: you can only have ice OR fire status, not both, and there's no "speed up". Ash breaks Shiver and vice-versa.
@SlyJohnny: People say it doesn't work because Jelly King won't take damage when healed by jellies, but the wiki says only regular monsters, not bosses, and not all healers are cited but only Gremlin and Wings. From my experience wings do seem to cause an extra damage.
I know the wiki says that, but that's old and probably outdated information. There's another thread here where a guy cornered two gremlin menders, kept one constantly poisoned and constantly taking the low elemental damage from the bomb, and yet it didn't die, which would suggest the other gremlin's heals were at least partially penetrating the poison, and certainly weren't causing it to take damage.
I've never seen a Wing kill a poisoned mob by healing it.
Hey, I want to love my Toxic Atomizer, too, but it's time to accept that it doesn't love us back.

>TL,DR: you can only have ice OR fire status, not both, and there's no "speed up". Ash breaks Shiver and vice-versa.
First off let's get some mechanics out of the way.
- When an enemy catches on fire they take an immediate tick of fire damage
- When an enemy that is on fire gets frozen fire is put out
- When an enemy that is frozen gets lit on fire, freeze is broken
Following me? So what happens when you have an ice field and a fire field up is that the ice will keep putting out the fire which leads to sped up fire ticks.
TL,DR: " Anyways I don't even play the game anymore"
>>From my experience wings do seem to cause an extra damage.
No, just no. The beginning shows how much health wolvers have. I take it you can work out the math yourself. I gave you all mercy by speeding up the video for the poison part. After that I do regular kills without poison to show you how much damage healers are (not) doing while enemies are poisoned. This thread is beginning to read more like a bomb mythbusters than anything. Seriously, if you don't even play this game or have no experience how about including some heavy worded disclaimers so misinformation doesn't spread like wildfire.

[Partly OT]
The Wiki says that damage to monsters from fire, shock and freeze is considered as elemental damage... but we know that damage from fire and freeze is the same for all enemy families as it was normal damage. I noticed in the videos posted above that damage from shock spasms seems to be elemental instead. Is this only for the bomb or for the other shock weapons as well?
Your theory makes sense if the status appliee instantly. But I don't think the status apply instantly, and sometimes it fails to apply for a long period depending on the monster, leading to even more delay. I guess I'll have to benchmark to conclude something now.

> I guess I'll have to benchmark to conclude something now.
You can't do it by yourself, especially since the latest patch. The increased rate of fire ticks requires that enemies be within an area where both ice and fire mist are active. To do this alone you'd somehow have to be placing both bombs in the same spot over and over which isn't possible to do safely. As a result you'll end up staggering them and ice will put fire out, as you've said, but they won't catch back on fire because the mists aren't perfectly overlapping. This is a teamplay-only strategy unfortunately and even then it is more funny than useful.

I think most people don't quite understand just how beastly bombs are for solo'ing when it comes to arenas/danger rooms.
That new shock bomb looked completely awesome. I'm already drooling over a AoA (UV very high construct), Shock, VV (UV high construct). For anyone who has never stacked AoA+VV in can't understand. What's more, arenas are (for the most part) all about the constructs--weak vs elemental. The fuse time on 5* hazes is such that it paces perfectly with mech knights. THe duration of the status effects is such that if you used the 3 bomb rotation you would have them virtually always effected by all 3 statuses.
Lastly, the shock effect; do you realize how huge of an effect it is to have a mob occasionally (even rarely) miss an attack? This is huge on healers.
AoA, shock, VV, Charged attack with Glacius (UV construct V.high) and good night arenas, i'm dropping all status ailments!!!!! (curse vials i guess lol).
P.S. Nice vids eeks :)

VV is a waste especially if you only have high UV on it. The poison basically debuffs defense enough so that the VV is dealing similar elemental damage to the vhigh AoA which means you're only doing more damage every other bomb. VT does cause mechaknights to do their seizures which completely messes up regular kiting pattern meaning you'll NOT be hitting with ele damage on most of your haze bombs and instead you'll be relying on DoT which is slower, not to mention how f'd up a 3 bomb rotation would be. You can only maintain two status fields now so fire would be running out when you're putting up VT and poison would be running out when you're putting up Ash and shock would be running out when you're putting up poison. Sounds extremely inefficient when you could get away with just using AoA and having a regular kite pattern. Blowing 3 weapon slots to do the job of 1? Meh.
>Lastly, the shock effect; do you realize how huge of an effect it is to have a mob occasionally (even rarely) miss an attack? This is huge on healers.
Rarely? More like never. The only time I saw menders stop healing is when I made their pathing glitch out by blocking them and forcing them to run from me. See for yourself
So after some more testing, shock rarely affects gun puppies. The first time I tried it on a gun puppy in T2 it was only able to fire 1 out of 3 shots, the other shots were disrupted. This was clearly very lucky. It took repeated tests to finally get another shot to be disrupted. Against T3 Gun Puppies (not Red Rovers) after repeated tests it finally shocked right when it started firing - only 2 of the 5 projectiles were shot as a result. Again, it is so incredibly unreliable that shock is impractical against gun puppies. Maybe there is some magic drop pattern that would shock at just the right time, but I doubt it.
I noticed that they cannot turn their heads as fast when being shocked taking them longer to aim, but it is not worth the effort.
On gremlins it only works when you have dozens chasing you through a Decon Zone. Shocking each other due to their numbers and proximity will slow them down making them easier to dispatch. But there are better ways to deal with gremlins, aggroing every one in the level isn't typically advised.
On T2 and T3 Alpha Wolvers, the shock didn't stop them from biting but it did stop them from lunging, which I did not expect. Instead of lunging forward every bite they just sit in one place and rotate with each bite. I tried 5 alpha wolvers and it is pretty consistent, about 80% of the time they were unable to lunge. This makes them a lot easier to deal with. I don't think it happens consistently with wolvers however, if at all.
I've been recording the shock damage, it looks like there are only 3 levels of shock resistance among monsters. And... surprise! It follows elemental resistance unlike Fire and Freeze. Undead/Construct take the most damage. Slime/Fiend are in the middle and Beast/Gremlins take the almost no damage.

Yeah I saw the wolver elemental thing when I tested my plasma. I don't really think that's right. Why does shock get to be the only status that actually is elemental? [but then again, I'd better be careful with such complaints before they make all status damage elemental >.>;]

yeah and the weird thing is that on Wiki it says also fire and freeze damage is considered elemental when dealt to enemies... while it isn't
this could also be the reason why shock damage is the only one you can actually shield against: it's considered elemental, while the others probably do not belong to any type.
I just got my Shock Capacitor today and its my first bomb but I really like it. I did notice the elemental tick damage though which made Gremlins in the arena pretty annoying but just being able to run around and Shock everyone then just move in with a Sword is pretty awesome. I can't imagine how great this thing will be once its radius is larger. One thing I didn't catch was whether or not Constructs took more damage from each tick.
A sampling from Depth 27 for shock ticks (random depth, since the table is hardly complete yet...)
Undead/Construct: 30
Slime/Fiend: 23
Beast/Gremlins: 10 (edit... typo)
You can compare that to Ash at the same depth:
Zombie: 94
Most slimes and Lumbers: ~78
Most constructs and Wolvers: 68
Chromalisks: 58
Fiends and Kats: 49
>A sampling from Depth 27 for shock ticks (random depth, since the table is hardly complete yet...)
Beast/Gremlins: 9
Should the ticks be the same damage on each tier? If not then it strikes me as interesting that the Beast/Gremlin damage in T3 is the same as T2. Or might it be that I'm using the Static Capacitor? I assume yours may be upgraded to give out the same damage against stronger enemies?
Typo... that should actually be 10 not 9 >_>
But yeah, in increases very slowly for Beasts/Gremlins. In T1 is is around 3 and slowly maxes out at 10 at D27/D28. The damage is laughable throughout the clockworks for them.
Fire does the most damage, but offers very little control
Shock will probably do less than fire, but allow some control. This is all guesswork, but depending on the proc rate of the 5 star bomb it could either be really good or really bad. Randomly shocking enemies can result in a very staggered pack and somewhat unpredictable behavior. I don't think anybody has played with this bomb enough to make any real insights.
Freeze offers the best control, but very little damage. The point of freezing mobs is to allow your teammates to deal damage, although you can attack every so often as well.