Congratulations, OOO, on making a game that gets me my classic Zelda fix without having to dust off my SNES. I haven't had this much fun with an MMO in a very long time. I'm a huge fan of the economy and I think everything is costed fairly enough to be fun and challenging, but I can't help thinking every time I run out of Mist and log off for the day that I'd love to just keep playing. I have plenty of fun just playing the game even without getting more stuff in the process.
The suggestion I'd make to "fix" this for players like me is to have a Free Play setting that can be turned on in the Options menu. If Free Play is on, elevators cost nothing, enemies drop nothing, and energy-activated objects (like mecha-knights) won't spawn; basically, you can't gain or spend any resources other than your own time and health. Free Play and regular players wouldn't mix, and wouldn't be able to change the setting until they went back to Haven. Because free play wouldn't have any affect on the player's resources, it would also have no effect on the game's economy; everything about the ingenious business model you've built stays exactly the same.
In addition to letting players like me have more fun per day, this would also make it muck easier for players to enhance the wiki and answer other players' questions about the game. The Advanced Training Hall already does this to a certain extent, but there are many critical things about enemies, weapons, and tactics in general that you can't anticipate just by going there. I'm a Winmillion user, for instance, and the tactical changes that my weapon forces me to make around certain enemies aren't something that I can see in the ATH. I need to go down two tiers to figure that out, and I would have loved to have been able to see it in action in a non-critical environment rather than wasting three days' worth of energy doing research. Many weapons in the wiki currently have full tables on their damage in the various tiers against different enemies; with free play, I imagine that our scientists-at-heart will have completed tables for every weapon within a month.
But it would put a drain on server resources.