Hiyas. This may seem like an odd question, but is it possible to completely remove any unique variants from an item? I suspect the answer is no, but I wanted to double check. It does seem like one could get rid of a UV if they are upgrading something and uncheck the box to transfer the existing UV, and then don't get another one?
Is It Possible to Completely Remove a UV?
Why would you want to? A UV is always better than no UV.

Why would you want to remove a UV? We just had a new update. If you already have a UV to upgrade it to lets say 3 UVs you need to get rid of the existing.

I think because if you have one uv, you can't get more. So if you get rid of it, he is hoping to get a chance to get 2/3 uv. But then it's kinda more worth it to just get another item to craft.
Nope! The reason is... because The Order demands it! With my OCPD, there're too many different options with the whole Unique Variant system; therefore, my equipment must have none! Begone horrid UVs!
When I did get a UV on unbound items. I would sell them at the Auction House, so that worked out. But with higher star items needing to be bound, I've had a few cluttering up my Arsenal! I was waiting for the unbinding patch to get rid of 'em, but not now after seeing the cost for it. The lesser star items went to a vendor, but I'm worried about getting these filthy UVs all over my pristine higher star equipment!

Yeah, I know, it kind of sucks if you suddenly get a UV when upgrading 4*-5*
I guess the best you could go for is having the exact same low UV on all your gear. Something plain and general-purpose like stun or normal resistance on armor, and CTR or ASI on weapons.

Why would you want to? A UV is always better than no UV.
Once I got a Voltech Alchemer with low bonus damage vs beasts. I wanted to get rid off this UV because it's better to have pure Voltech Alchemer then Voltech Alchemer with low bonus damage vs beasts. It was embarassing to run around with something like that :-D
Sadly I got the same UV on it during upgrade to Volt Driver and I' was forced to get rid off it again when upgrading to Storm Driver.
Oh you people. A terrible UV gives your weapon a wacky personality.
*throws a filthy bag of dust at OP and runs*
That is probably the only way to get rid of a UV at this time. Upgrade the item with the box unchecked and you'll have a 90% chance that you will then be UV-less.