Okay, been playing for a month now, and I've come to the conclusion that devilites are by quite a margin the most dangerous enemies in the game. Especially when they're in groups in a closed room.
I know of no way to dodge their attacks reliably, I actually suspect it's programmed into their code to hit us immediately if we attack after a certain point that they've raised their weapon.
The only ways I know of to deal with them on the same level would be to get suggestions here or nerf them... no other enemy is anywhere close to how spontaneously they insta-hit people.
By the way, if you decide to tell me to 'suck it up, stop trying to make the game "easier than it already is" then please reconsider and try giving me advice instead.
lol joking
Anyway i think the way devlites are right now is just fine, just wait until they attack, block and back them into a corner, works for me.
and i don't think they're proggramed that way, once they raise there weapon they attack the same time every time