>"Large" enemies like Lichen Colonies and Trojans
>They teleport around the room and act like Wizzrobes from Legend of Zelda, casting fireballs.
I just want to see Owlites ingame.
>"Large" enemies like Lichen Colonies and Trojans
>They teleport around the room and act like Wizzrobes from Legend of Zelda, casting fireballs.
I just want to see Owlites ingame.
Moonkin? I think you mean Owlbear son.
What owl shoots fireballs and teleports?What kind of owl does that?It might as well just fly around the room trying to slash you with talons or ram you.I think Owlites should be in T1,Horned should be in T2,and Wise and Grey should be T3.And also,-1 for your idea.
This is assuming that the Owlites are are a 'evil' race, and there is no indication of that anywhere. You have to think about how this would fit into the, non-existent, story.
P.S. I know what you are going to say, make them Owlites you fight Dark/Evil. Same goes for the Philopso.
we also need the skolver and vog cub monsters too
"This is assuming that the Owlites are are a 'evil' race..."
I hope they are an evil race... otherwise I would feel bad for all those poor Owlites that had to die so we can have our fine shields... :(
(I suppose the shields ARE made from their feathers/beaks or maybe bones)
And what about this:
Owlites could be just "medium-sized" owl-like birds that would fly in Clockworks peacefully and wouldn't attack unless provoked (similar as Tortodrone).
They even wouldn't have to have any drop, or just hearts... and they could be rare. We need more rare monster anyway :P :D
Like the idea they should be fairly common but not really common in tier 2 and 3.And fairly rare in tier 1 when people are crafting owl être shield for tier 2 acess.
P.S. It's a Soul Jelly.
its a Soul Slime not jelly.But someone and post a list of all types of slimes and jellys?
Do some research before posting wrong information.
But it's a freaking slime.....not jelly.I thought slimes were just slimes.and now they are jellys?you confused me.
Back on topic, have you guys even read the description for the Owlite feathers? They're scholars, not combatants, although you could come up with a story for those 'that have turned from the light' ^^
I think there actually might be Owlites in this game: Kats. It doesn't sound that insane for a mage to, um, transcend mortality by becoming an undead. They seem to be sentient species, they have fortresses, they use magic, they have wings, they drop owlite feathers: everything seems to fit.
As for hostility, who wouldn't attack bandits from outer space bent on pillaging the planet for their own selfish needs?
owlites should appear in-game, but not as enemys. maybe they would be a rare appearance, but not attack. (such as a mewkat or a love pup.) maybe they wouldnt appear in the clock works? i do think they should be in the game, but not as a monster.
I don't think owlites should be enemies. They don't sound like it...they sound sort of graceful and charming, idk, but I definately know they shouldn't be enemies. Mayby they're allies and can be found randomly to follow and heal you or something. Mayby a species of owlite for every shield; normal, horned, wise and grey?
Owlites are extinct, The Spookats killed them all. the lore plainly mentions that. The Spookats are the evil ones, Owlites are good. The feathers of the owlites we get, they are from the owlites the Spookats killed.
Like Manliness, the Kats were dead owlites. Though, it would also make sense ghost cats eating owl mages in their library-fortress.
[That is a really stupid sentence]. Owlite lore needs an expansion.
The Spookats were alive when they killed the Owlites. The reason the Spookats live in the Candlestick Keep is because They took over the Owlite Library Keeps when Owlites went extinct
How do those people (call them whatever you want) find those damn topics from like 6 months ago??
WTH is wrong with them, are they blind? Cant they read? They cant check the damn date of post?
With what people can dig up these days, only to post "yes".
Oh Im sorry I didnt realize the post date, it was just on the front page of the suggestions so I posted a reply
1. the owlites were pure beings.not evil. (and if your not sure how to tell good from evil,just remember: Every Villain Is Lemons= E.V.I.L.)
2. the owlites were killed off by the kats in a big war between the two (tho perhaps a few owlites could have survived by going in hiding?who knows)
3. if the owlites are going to be brought back,they should not be enemies,but instead be brought back in the form of an owlite caravan that visits haven maybe once a week or maybe once a month to sell special items,such as 4 and 5* materials and such
4. and finally,the owlite gear isnt made of dead owlites since that is obviously what some of you are thinking.its owlite technology devised by the owlites themselves.
Moonkins / Owlkins from WOW! :D
We need those!