I know we don't even have PvP yet, but I predict that if we did it would be broken because of bombs. Imagine two knights fighting in 1-on-1 PvP. What does the fight look like?
I imagine the knights start with shields and guns: shoot - shoot - block - shoot. The knights converge on each other and the swords come out. Each knight starts swinging. There's no reason to move apart, so the swinging continues until the match is over.
Wait, aren't there alternatives? I don't think so.
- What about switching to bombs? No way. There's no time to charge a bomb. You'd be destroyed.
- What if a knight tries to switch back to guns? Nope. At close range the swords are stronger.
- Can I put up my shield and retreat? Probably not. The other knight (if he's smart) won't let you get away. He'll keep up with you and keep attacking.
So, every match would end up like a bad boxing match. Like tired boxers, the knights would keep getting tangled up - unable to separate without a referee. There would need to be some reason to break close-proximity.
I think that reason should be bombs. Bombs move you apart, guns move you together.
However, for bombs to fill that role, they would need to be instant. Charging is too vulnerable. But if they were instant, we'd be back to some of the problems we had before the charge time was added.
Is there any middle ground? Can we make some bombs instant and take away something else? (i.e. even lower damage, smaller radius)
PvP might be better implemented as minigames instead of just letting two players go at each others' throats. Bomberman, anyone?