Love Puppy Trinkets

7 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

Do love puppies still drop trinkets?

I have seen at least 5-8 by now and none have ever dropped anything.

However on all occasions I have gone solo to kill it. Does that void any chances of trinket drops even when you saw it spawn?

I am asking this because am pretty sure they fixed an exploit about going solo to kill gun puppies a while back.

If you did see a drop recently, could you leave a brief description of the encounter?


Bild des Benutzers Altos
What dark ritual?

i think they still drop the trinkets but ive never met one before:p but if i remeber correctly the chance is very rare for it to drop the trinket

Bild des Benutzers Tengu
I think they did patch that.

I think they did patch that.

Don't go solo!

If you see a love puppy do not go solo as you will not receive any trinkets from it. Stay in your party and hope for the best.

Thanks, I think rtdfox might

Thanks, I think rtdfox might be right.

Can anybody confirm this?

Bild des Benutzers Masterfang
I solo'd and I liked it

I got my first trinket from soloing the snarbolax

Think this was (silent)

Think this was (silent) patched sometime in May. Now if you were soloing to begin with and you came across a love puppy sure they might drop a trinket but if you were in a party and went solo it's most likely they won't drop a trinket. Thing to remember is that if it feels like you are using an exploit then you most likely are (teles to love puppies, looping levels, etc.)

Bild des Benutzers Tom-Awsm
Same as OP here. Seen 4 or 5

Same as OP here. Seen 4 or 5 with no drops. Haven't gone solo any of the times, although I have been solo from the start on a couple of the occasions.

Tom-Awsm is sad.