Oceanus himself says that the small red button under the box that is a "mystery" Does NOTHING. Its a leftover. (from beta i assume)
Now heres some things that were speculation until confirmed today by the GM
1. The Wolver theory
When pressed only normal wolvers will spawn instead of alphas.
1. When not pressed 3 normal wolvers still spawned
2. just recently I pressed the button and guess what. Spawned 1 Alpha and 2 normal wolvers.
2. Vanaduke is made easier
Thats nearly impossible to prove because you cant EXACTLY recreate the battle twice.
3. Makes Trojans in another room become T1 Trojans (grey ones) instead
When pressed or unpressed the Trojans are exactly the same Tier level in their respective spawn points when they spawn. Test it and you'll see
So yeah, the button does nothing. If you ever join with me and believe otherwise, either show proof, or ignore it because I'm not argueing with you during a run. Ill just send you here.
Just wanted to clarify for many of you. If you dont believe then ask a Game Master.
Yes, those are all wrong, but it's gotta do SOMETHING!!!