I need to stop unboxing, I keep running out of money. HELP FEED MY ADDICTION!
Currently have:
- Cool Canteen
- Cool Knight Vision Goggles
- Cool Long Feather
- Cool Plume
- Drab Canteen
- Dusky Binocular Visor
- Dusky Plume
- Dusky Wide Vee
- Fancy Binocular Visor
- Fancy Knight Vision Goggles
- Fancy Vented Visor
- Heavy Canteen
- Heavy Glasses
- Regal Bolted Vee
- Regal Knight Vision Goggles
- Toasty Game Face
- Toasty Knight Vision Goggles
- Toasty Plume
- Toasty Plume
- Toasty Vented Visor
Offer in CE or CR, also looking for any aura, a volcanic scarf, or heavy/toasty/volcanic side blade. Yay, wavy lines.
I take it you're not interested in trading an accessory for an accessory? :< I have the same addiction and I really want those Mech'tennas, but I'm working on my last 5k of CE, and I don't want to burn through that too...
Do you have any prices in mind for those antennas? D: