It only makes sense.
Gremlins should be able to use Pulsar and Catalyzer against Knights.
they should use all of those gremlin weaps.
Wrench Wand (waitaminute dont they use those?)
pulsar line
cactalyzer line
darkfang shields (o wait they already do)
deconstructor line (wait they already use those too)
and so on and so forth
Normally it might sound like fun if it wasn't for the fact that people can barely cope with anything already explosive in this game. Howlizers heads, mini bombs, Rocket puppies....
Not exactly loving the fact that I could be overloaded with lots of charged catalyzer shots, then one-hit KO'd when I get unlucky enough to get hit by a normal shot.
Still, no complaints for the Pulsar line.
I'd be more concerned with explosive pulsar spam from Gremlins than catalyzer shots that are generally easier to dodge since they don't have an AoE effect. ._.
Teach US to abuse our stolen OP weapons; fight fire with fire.
Gremlin with pulsar = anti-gunner, since their shots are only powerful from distance
Gremlin with catalyzer = anti-sword, cause getting close means getting covered in explosive goo that would otherwise be easy to dodge
I see the logic here, but I don't think it'd work.
The problem with having Gremlins - or indeed any mobs - using analogues of player weapons is that it can make the battlefield hard to read. Look at how enemy firearms behave at the moment. The projectiles are visually distinct from player shots, have a set velocity, and all do broadly the same thing (with allowances for the immediately intuitive colour-coding that tells you what, if any, status effects you can expect) at roughly the same distance. Now, I'm not saying that it'd be impossible to implement Catalyzer or Pulsar equivalents into this system, but, as it stands, you've got two broad groups: Enemy Shots, which need dodging or blocking, and Everything Else, which can be safely ignored. Do you see? It'd add an extra layer of interpretation to reading enemy projectiles.
The other thing is, well, sort of what Coneycrab said. You know what happens if enemies "abuse" Pulsar spam, firing at one Knight in the middle of a hectic melee? Other Knights get got through no fault of their own. What about Knights getting tagged with Catalyzers, moving away to escape a follow-up, and getting set off anyway as they pass their teammates? Other Knights get got, through no fault of their own. It's potentially an arbitrary death sentence for a target's fellows.
Spamming Pulsar rounds into dense crowds of enemies is a lot fairer, gameplay-wise, because there's hundreds of them, but only the four of us at a given time - one well-placed (or lucky) Pulsar shot could take out a whole party at low health.
Are you a gremlin inside that bush that wants OOO to make you stronger?