CE price is a delicate thing. When it's high, and free players cannot afford to buy any, or it takes way too long to get. Too low, and paying players won't sell them, because then it's better to do the clockworks themselves.
CE price has reached 6500 cr right now. It's not high. It's way too high. Using the crown output of tier 2, this price leaves you with nearly no profit, assuming you don't need to use energy for anything other than elevator fee.
Free players are essentially working for paying players: They invest time and get crowns for paying players that want lots of crowns and don't want to farm. But right now, this is a job that leaves you with no money left. You spend it all doing the job.
So I say it's time to strike. We will no longer work for such cruel and greedy employers. We will all stop buying CE with crowns until the price drops back to around 6000.
The greedy CE price jerkers can either:
1. Let the price drop back to where it should be, and everyone will be happy again.
2. Stop selling CE altogether. If they want crowns, they have to get their hands dirty doing the clockworks, and OOO can watch SK turns into pay-to-play.
Occupy Auction House!