You know the game gift cards you see in the wal-mart check-out? well I think there should be CE cards. they have different amounts of ce for different amounts of money (Its for those of us who don't have credit cards and rely on parents and gran-parents to get you stuff) What do you think? you could redeem your card at the ce merchant.
CE cards
Fri, 11/11/2011 - 19:32
Fri, 11/11/2011 - 19:41
Well i was talking about an
Well i was talking about an spiral knights only card.
Fri, 11/11/2011 - 19:44
It does, I've bought 40$
It does, I've bought 40$ worth of CE. I have a gold regalia set, close enough to proof.
Here's the website;
Spiral knights isn't in the game list, last I checked, but you can get to ultimate gamer through this website.
You should move this thread to the graveard, since the given suggestion already exists.
i thought the ultimate gamer's card worked on SK