so, i thought about making a thread bout wierd/awkward moments in SK...
feel free to write down your own, heres mine:
the awkward moment when youre fighting the twins and a scuttlebot spawns, and u must decide between hitting the huge gun puppy or getting shocked.
The awkward moment thread

I once had someone jump into my party with all 2* gear... and a faust. I would have thought nothing of it if they weren't clearly new to the weapon. I helped them the best I could but that only goes so far.
Also every accidental death on spikes after an arena finishes ever.

"accidental death on spikes" = Hey anyone need some heat, I dont need mine now.

I have pals that do that, I wouldn't consider those accidental personally.
But if you've ever finished the third arena by a hair and die on spikes after it ends it is really embarassing.
Then again it's free heat regardless in a party haha

My friend said to a party member "Hey your cute" the party member replied "I'm a boy."

First run I did with the GM of my guild I had a spike death on the way out. He was already up breaking boxes and I had to ask him to come rev me. The free heat would have been a great cover story if I had thought of it then.

When a guild member leaves your guild in bad terms and sees you again in haven with their new guildies... Now that's awkward.

@Mightyputty - "LOL! I know its so weird when that happens!!!"
As for me, awkward moment... Met a fellow knight, he asked for an invite to the guild, invited him. Quite a talkative little fellow. If not a bit to friendly, but I'm okay with that! Anyway, not even 2 hours, they left the guild and hopped to a new guild that some of my friends are in, and apparently wanted to start a guild war. But we're a friendly bunch, so I pretty much ignored it. The next day, my friend told me that he left their guild. When I meet him the very next day, he's in a NEW different guild, xD a guild that one of my other friends own. Anyway, he sends me a tell asking to be invited to the guild. REJECTED!

ugh, it's also really embarrassing and awkward when you've been thinking of a player as a woman for a looooong time (platonic, yo. I'm married), and the first time you voice a gender specification, you're wrong.
Tengu: "XXXXX's down. She needs a rev, pls"
XXXXX: "HE! I'm a HE!"
Tengu: "oooooooooooh mah bad..."
best you can do is lol it off.

"accidental death on spikes" = Hey anyone need some heat, I dont need mine now.
Haha, like a boss!

LUFFTEEE!!!! *runs around bazaar shouting the name lufte*

A guy in my friendlist PMed my kinda-girly-if-you-squint Knight, along the lines of "hey ur cute, how old r u? plz reply"
I raise an eyebrow, and reply: "I'm a guy and I'm 39. Also, PMs seem to cost money here, so I'm not replying to you from now on."
The day after, I see the following message form the same guy: "its ok were do u live u r cute answer plz"
Figuring it was too late to pretend I was instead a 61-year-old tax collector who collects porcelain dolls and human skulls, I gave up and blocked him.
Disclaimer to those with broken sarcasm sensors: no, I am none of the above.

Oh this was hilarious, awkward, and very weird on my part.
Me: Hi (insert person with full Snarbolax armor). You look really muscular compared to me (I was comparing armor).
Person in Snarbolax Armor: Umm... I'm a girl... O_o
Me: OMG...
Good thing I didn't get creamed for that.

I'm pretty sure I tried to flirt with someone I thought was a girl who turned out to be a guy. Not that I don't flirt with guys too but you flirt differently with your mates, right? I was a little alarmed at how easily he took it as me being friendly. Apparently I need to step up my game.

I wanted to play Lockdown T1 last night, and I forgot to unflag my T2 gear for PvP. I was utterly confused at first.
Someone on my friends list wanted me to play with them. So, I switched over to their group, I begin to load up and it says FSC. When my character loads in, my friend is dead and theres tons of wheels and things flying at me. (I'm full 3* right now, fyi) I rez him so he doesn't have to waste energy and then he dies again. So I try to figure out how to stop this stuff for him and can't seem to hit these things at the right angle. So I go back and rez my friend and we go together to break the wheel machines. And the person doing the most dying? My friend.
For some reason, all my friend were inviting me to FSC last night... After the incident, I double checked my friends list to see if it was somewhere I should be.

I was doing a RJP run with 3 other people and as soon as
we stepped on a party button to release the monsters...I got a phone call.
All three of the guys I was playing with died and I was talking on the phone
with one hand and dodging monsters with the other. They kept asking me
to revive them or why I wasn't attacking.
Not to awkward since they were friends but still pretty funny.

That awkward moment when people don't know about these "that awkward moment" sentences.

I went AFK near Juliet in a Romeo and Juliet reenactment and Romeo doesn't notice Juliet left

When you want to go on a run, but you don't want to be rude to your friend.
/Thinks: Dude, I got nothing to talk about, can I go for my run already!?
/says: So....what now?
Other dude: I dunno...wanna hang out?
/thinks: C'mon! I want to use my mist already!!!!
/Says: Sure.........
IRL: /*facepalm*

I was in a Full T1 Group.
3 Guys(Including me) & 1 Girl
1 of the Guy hits on the Girl.
She replies, "I'm a guy."
The guy leaves.(Probably due to embarrassment)
I get a Whisper from the Girl:
"lol i was kidding i thnk your cute"
I leave for Haven.
Ever since then, I've been Wondering: What happened to the other guy?

1) We had just arrived at the Clockwork Terminal and were rushing through the recipes because the next depth was an arena. Just when we were about to go, someone joined the party. While waiting for him to load, the gate changed. We gave up waiting for the arena to come back after 6-ish minutes of standing around.
2) I think it was the Garden of Goo (First JK level). We got wiped out because SOMEONE decided to spawn everything at once. We spent about 2 minutes waiting for someone else to fork over the energy to revive themselves (At least the guy was kind enough to revive the entire party).
3) I joined a party, and everyone was speaking Spanish... They were also part of the same guild, and were happily chatting amongst themselves the entire time.
4) Throwing a Stun Vial at a large group of Lumbers, managing to miss every single one. Then, not a second later, two of them smashed me in the noggin, breaking my shield and nearly killing me. I had to wobble away, while stunned, with 1 health left.

the awkward moment when i realize the thread didnt go the way i expected, but even better.
and funny as hell, lol

My knight must be hot.... In the haven next to the AH all these girls started hugging me.... while my MOM was watching me play!

Those who hit online are those who stink at it in real life. MUAHAHA. Actually I had a real awkward moment on another mmo game, before I came to SK. I had a girl character & had this redneckish kid/buddy added saying if i'd let him hump me or do something s3xu@l with me. Of course i told him that I am a guy and are you freaking serious? & he knew but still insisted on asking over & over. Eventually I made a guy character where then eventually he started trolling me. People these days have no respect for their seniors. I tell him my age & i'm a guy & he starts trolling & cyber bullying. orlynao? kthxbai.

I once walked in on one of my friends talking with his other friends about some rather explicit stuff, I promptly turned and left.

Shiverlocked someone while taking a point and then continued to keep them locked in hopes of capturing a second knight while taking the point. They asked me to kill them to which I replied no, thinking that they should have been asking one of their teamates to come shoot at me or kill me (I am easily killed) At this point they begin cursing me (not with a faust) for not killing them.

@sir-didymus if only you had a Nitronome and a shock pad nearby.....

heres something from me:
jk run, me and a friend manage to take his crown off and we end up dying. weanwhile, jk hits an explosvie block and dies from THAT. we wait to see whos gonna pay the 40 ce rev, i rev first, and 5 senconds after he revs. LOL

Friend: Hey wanna help me in this arena
Me: Sure!
Ah its just part 1 , not so hard...
*just came from lock down*

...I announce that I made the Account Soveirg, the Anti-Troll of Grievos, out of Boredom.

I tried to chat in 2Trade, so I typed /zone 2 Trade, without thinking. Of course, 2 Trade ends up being broadcasted in Zone 1.

I was in a party doing FSC a while ago and we had 2 other really well armed veterans and a guy who had never done FSC before. At the terminal, he asked about our chances in killing vanaduke. I had a sword and a shivermist, one veteran guy had an argent peacemaker and the other a blitz needle. So i told him that we had a pretty good chance. The new guy had two swords.
When we stepped on the elevator at the end of smouldering steps, both the veterans left without saying anything, leaving me and the new guy to fight vanaduke. Now he was pretty excited, but i knew we didnt have a chance, with my skills being less than impressive and none of us having a gun.
but since we were down there, we decided to give it a shot anyway. We managed to get through stage 1 pretty easily, and he had to revive in stage 2. Stage three was next to impossible due to the lack of a ranged weapons. So we ended up dying, except he kept on reviving, thinking we had a chance of killing him. I think he must have revived about 4 times, and revived me (with energy) twice. Now i didnt want to leave him down there and leave the party, but everytime i explained that we dont really have a chance, he wouldnt believe me, and still thought we could beat him my practically throwing CE at the battle.

This knight approached me and whipped out his Chromalisk.

Finally getting to Vanaduke floor, then realizing I'm the only one a gun, a POLARIS.
Then we actually beat him, with the other people in the party only killing zombies and throwing water balls.
Right after that I made a Strike Needle.

That awkward moment when I realize that this thread is actually a year old... ಥ_ಥ

the awkward moment someone necro's a thread i made and i dont even remember making it.

You are talking to two of your female friends who think you are a girl, (but I'm not) and they start openly complaining about certain body parts (if you know what I mean) itching really bad. And you are forced to say "Yeah, I hate it when that happens...".

You're lagging in a trap, all of your comerades are dead, you have just about equal equipment but when the lagging finishes, you are not dead... I've done it a few times with the assumption that if I move about "this" distance in "that" direction for a duration of time, I should be alright. And somehow when I get the idea to drive AROUND spikes while blinded by the proceedings of lag, it works half the time lest the enemy closes in on me all the while.

One of the teachers at your high school is arrested for child molestation....the amount of times I've been in the same room as him and in close proximity with this guy....

You run a PUG Arcade run with a provocatively... feminine Proto set on, then end up with the other guy in the group giving you all his pills and vitapod, and he is always making sure his Knight is looking at me...
...he's dead. Better go revive him for the millionth time. /sigh...
...hey, he's blushing!

That awkward moment where you log on to craft stuff with mist, and end up making 3 million crowns off of 10k CE because Good Guy Greg decided to visit the CE market.

You are almost dead and have no energy left to revive and a respawning block you didn't see coming kills you.
I got into a group the other day right before the terminal and the party leader said something along the lines of "a girl. you look cute" (im in 0* feminine gear). He seemed infatuated with my character... asking if I was ok when my health was low. His friend also commented how I grabbed a large cystal, "a girl had taken the better crystal."
We get to the clockwork terminal and then people start asking to be put on tabs, not getting on elevators and all that. His friend whispers "i think he likes you." I simply said nothing and went back up to Haven.