Patch Notes - November 30, 2011

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Featured Auctions
Featured Auctions are special auctions run by the Haven Treasury. They often contain unique or rare items. Featured Auctions can be buyout only with set quantities. Quantities represent the number available currently and are not representative of future quantities. However, you never know when a new batch of items will show up, so if you see something you like, go for it!

Featured Auctions will be displayed by default when opening the Auction House. They will also appear in standard category searches.

The following items will be immediately available in Featured Auctions:

- Scissor Blades - Leviathan Blades custom made by Bechamel to resemble giant shears. They function EXACTLY like Leviathan Blades in practice, but have a unique look.
- Trojan Disguise - A mask that makes you resemble a fearsome trojan! (Lasts 30 days)
- Love Puppy Disguise - A mask that makes you resemble a super-cute love puppy! (Lasts 30 days)
- Chapeau of the Coral Rose - A new pink Rose Regalia costume helm
- Chapeau of the Violet Rose - A new purple Rose Regalia costume helm
- Tabard of the Coral Rose - A new pink Rose Regalia costume armor
- Tabard of the Violet Rose - A new purple Rose Regalia costume armor
- Personal Colors - Also available from Vatel in the Haven Bazaar, these items allow you to change your Knight's personal color
- Prime Bombhead Mask - Didn't make it to PAX? Here's your chance to get the commemorative mask!

Item Preview
Items can now be previewed in the Auction House. You can even stack previews (if compatible)!

Personal Colors
Vatel has upgraded his recipe shop to now sell 'general goods' and has a selection of items that allow Knights to change their personal color. Each color from Knight creation is available. Once used, your personal color will change to the color of the item and the item will be destroyed.

- Reduced the rarity of rarer accessories in all lockboxes
- 'Drab' type accessories are now known as 'Military'

- Added "push-to-talk" option for Steam voice chat (enable in options dialog, default key is V).
- Elevator passes will now transfer for web accounts converted to Steam.

The official game credits are now accessible from the 'About' tab in the options menu.

- Removed collision overlapping parts of the path in the Gloaming Wildwoods
- Surgebreaker, Blizzbreaker, and Blazebreaker gear now have correct art.
- Fixed the issue where you could not invite a player into a party when they had an elevator pass but were low on energy.
- Snarbolax Coats now accept aura accessories... we promise.