We all like to know whether or not our ideas are being considered, right?
So, I suggest OOO make a thread/stick DEDICATED to telling us the status of our suggestions.
There would be categories to help with this:
Accepted: The idea has been taken on board. Please wait for implementation.
Testing: The idea is being tested for it's plausibility.
Considered: They're thinking about it...maybe...
Don't even think about it: Translated: NO. Not even. U crazy? What u talking about? Can I haz some of what ur smoking?
This way we know which ideas have been taken on board, and which are being considered, and which have no chance.
Like this: (This is only based on my opinion of possible implementation)
New monsters
New weapons
Simulation room
Guild hall improvements
Guild titles
More customization for knights
Don't even think about it:
Mist condenser
This could be updated whenever OOO makes a change, so we're kept in the loop.
What do you guys think?
OOO, what do YOU think? I'd like your opinion on this too. Would it be too much of a hassle to update this thing if it ever happened? Or will you consider it?
Might as well fill in some in this thread, just to start things off:
Elevator Passes
5* Troika expansion
5* Stun status bomb
Snarbolax Armor
UV Vendor
Unbinding Vendor
Improved Heat Amplifiers
Craftable Heart Trinkets
Last login time in social tab
Shadow Keys purchasable from Boost
"Fixing" dual-special weapons; antigua line and crystal bomb line
Never going to happen:
Vampiric/Healing weapons/bombs/shields/trinkets/whatevers
That really super awesome new boss that you wrote a wall of text describing in nauseating detail
Any mechanism other than exchanging real world cash that creates CE