Sometimes i see people asking how to change their picture or avatar. Also i notice lot of ppl without any avatar. As i dont understand why would anyone reject the posibility to have a shiny and kawaii SK themed avatar on forum i assume they DONT KNOW HOW TO CHANGE AVATAR/PICTRUE.
How to do it?
Firstly, you need to enter forum (i guess you are already here since you are reading this guide). Then you click on "Forum Preferences" link:
Then it directs you to your profile page. You will see there two tabs: View and Edit. You Must Choose "EDIT" Tab
After that you will see large list of avaliable avatars. When you hoover above them they get green outline, when you select one it gets red outline. After selecting desired avatar (you cant upload your own) you must scroll down page to the bottom and click "SAVE" button.
After that, its done. You have brand new shiny avatar. Now not only you can enjoy your avatar, but also people would see that you are not just a stranger coming in to forum but you took an efort to change your avatar, which means you propably plan to stay here a little longer.
Thx for the help dude. I found this out yesterday but i appreciate you helping us new players im currently a full multiple 3* set guy