So I was thinking about the lack of diversity in the Beast family, and suddenly I had an idea. What about an armored crocodile-like beast enemy?
Poor concept made in paint
In T1, it would have a bite attack and higher resistance to damage than other mobs(think rock jelly)
In T2, it would have a bite attack, a close range spin attack that knocks knights away but deals no damage, and higher resistance.
In T3, it would have a bite attack(with autotracking during attack), the ability to curl up into an armored mass when low on health, blocking all attacks, until it takes enough damage and uncurls(think mender autobubble in T3), spin attack(with damage) and higher resistance.
Also, when the shield is broken, the monster could have normal amount of resistance to show that the armor has broken.
If you like it, think of a name. Something involving crocodiles or alligators or lizards.
Status variants will be recolours.
Opinions are appreciated.
New crocodile/alligator-like beast monster
Fire: Smouldering snapper
Poison: Vitrol-needler
Shock: Static Jaw.
You see, Beasts are meant to be WEAK to pierce apparently it looks armored kinda like metal, metal=resistant to pierce (As demonstrated by the constructs) so yea. BUT!!! The other families have stuff like this and they don't care so in this case +999999999999 :P
Biodragey, I'm not quite sure what you're saying. I'm not talking about pierce resist, I mean the armor makes it take less of ALL damages, like the Rock Jelly's higher resistance.
Armoured Kong
A gorrila like beast that has no legs and fleshy forarm areas.
Typical crappy concept:
Attack: Iron fist(A punch), the number of punches relate to the tier(1=t1, 2=t2, 3=T3)
Frenzy: Goes around the area hitting enemies while being invisible. Only in t2 and even longer in t3
Breakdance:Spins around with his arms.
Primal Roar!: A Aoe effect that causes a Tier dependent status.
It's arms are its weak spot, Having to hit it when the chance is there.
Stun:Armoured Kong(this one is invincible to stun!)
Fire: Raging inferno
Ice: Frozen Fist
Shock: Plasmatic Frenzy
Poison: Toxic Upper cut
@Post #5: He's saying that all beasts are weak to piercing, but most creatures with armor plating (all of the constructs except Lumbers) are resistant to piercing. Since your creature has armor plates, it looks like it will be naturally resistant to piercing (even without the extra defense) when it should be weak to piercing. I happen to disagree with that, though, since piercing weapons can go through the gaps in the armor plates and hit the creature's flesh.
As for the name, how about calling them Zarls? Then, the ice-themed ones would be Freezarls, the shock-themed ones would be Tezarls, the fire-themed ones could possibly be Charzarlz, and the poison-themed ones could be Poizarls.
Makes sense now.....
Also Zarls sounds a bit off.........
Zarls. Like zards. From AQ. XP
Had a beast idea few days ago.
Slizard, a race of serpent/lizard like humanoid wizards.
Has head of snake/lizard, body of lizard. Wreathed in robes colored according to status type, covered in runes.
Elemental explosion: Cause explosion like brandish charge, causes status according to status type.
Staff strike: Slashes and jabs with staff.
Rune of Cursing: Creates a runes to appear on the ground. Looks like a purple circle with a snake head design baring its fangs. All Knights who step on it recieve curse status.
Rune of Healing: Creates runes to appear on the groud. Looks like Rune of Cursing, but is golden. All monsters who step on it get healed.
Um... there's a Wolver line armor based on Wolvers. There's a Chroma line based on Chromalisks. There's a Drake line based on... what? If any beast monster should be added, it should be something similar to the Drake line.
EDIT: Apparently Skold-The-Drac wants me to change my attitude, so I'll just say, why did you come upon this thread, post about what you wanted saying it deserves a spot in the game more than mine, and not bother to make your own thread about it? Are you still there? You don't seem to have responded so far.
hi jellykingo^ and + like 9000000000! AWESOME IDEA and good drawing :D
They don't seem to add that much to the game, other than a new form of defense. The attack needs to be different, prehaps they could hide in swamps and come up out of the water? RAWRRR! The catch would be that you have to hit them in the mouth mid-attack.
I like this idea! and in fact, i will try my hand at a drawing of these creatures .
i think they should be called the Trap series
Chartrap (fire)
Frostrap (freeze)
Toxitrap (poison)
Voltrap (shock)
Snaptrap (stun)
Behold the SpinBug
Funny comic and cool idea, BUT POST THIS AS YOUR OWN THREAD~ lol this one is about beastly crocodiles
i finished my drawing, heres the link.
whaddya think?
Warning: You've officially touched the wrong nerve... if you'd like, I'll add a TL;DR which will sum this up in 1 sentence for you.
You're specifically asking for new beast monsters... and yet turn down the one addition that's more likely than most. (one that's already halfway in the game due to a material already made SPECIFICALLY regarding it)
Go make your own thread about OMG SKYWIM DWAGONZ or something. Now shoo."
First off DRAKES and DRAGONS are of two different mythological series. One exists primarily at sea, the other on land. Such is not the only difference. As drakes have a control of weather patterns, dragons most certainly do not (I couldn't care less how Skyrim or any other RPG has screwed this concept out of the skulls of the general populace). Drakes aren't exactly strong (compared to those glorified charcoal pits with wings) , however they are extremely intelligent and extremely deceptive, they enjoy stealth and deceiving others into doing their bidding. "Drem" didn't so much as say Dragon... so right there (at your wonderful comment to him) you can go push your sword/gun/bomb down or up whichever cavity your knight prefers.
Just because two things are similar does not mean they are the same thing. In combat, a drake will generally (btw these are the 'good' ones aka dumbed down ones)nearly kill you with a storm, sneak up behind you, chomp your head off, and laugh as your fellow knights run like dogs with their tails between their legs. An Eastern Dragon, will outwit you, choose a method to destroy you, and laugh at you for thinking you had a chance. A Western European Dragon (oh dear dovahkiin) is the only dragon portrayed as stupid enough to directly attempt to deal with humans in combat. They will try little deception because they're 'noble' or whatever messed up notion you want to put it up to. (All this thanks to a stupid game made by developers who could give *censor* less about keeping mythology to tradition and instead favoring one where a self-inflated paradigm receives ever more stimulation.)
Whatever you search up off of a wiki, or whatever crummy website is often inaccurate to the ACTUAL nature of the beast. Crack open a book or two and read about the tales of the deep as told by sailors the globe over before the 19th century. You'll see that when they say "drake" it's a far different issue than "dragon". Welcome to mythology!
On another note, if your going to make a suggestion thread, asking for a new beast monster but instead focusing on your own suggestion for a new beast monster... type specifically what you're looking for. Title included with the OP. Thank you and have a nice day.
Tl;Dr Xplad needs to be a little more specific with their posting, needs to get off that horse, read a little, and attempt not to put people down so much.
Okay, fine. You want it? It's yours, my friend. As long as you have enough ru-okay, fine, no horrible internet jokes.
I'll be back.
Also, there's something I have to say.
You're specifically asking for new beast monsters... and yet turn down the one addition that's more likely than most. (one that's already halfway in the game due to a material already made SPECIFICALLY regarding it)
So you say that drakes are halfway in the game and have been in the works ever since the drake scale was added?
The drake scale was added in, what, the last or second to last preview event? If what you say is true and drakes are currently halfway in development, then you're gonna have to wait a loooooooooooong time if progress on it continues at this rate. (No offense)
Hey... hey Xplad. *pokes* did ya see my drawing :3?
Skold-The-Drac needs to stop reading mythology books. You can't be more correct than someone else about something that "cough" isn't real "cough". And this "self-inflated paradigm" is called "creativity". Chianese dragons don't even have dragon wings? Who cares, this isn't real life.
Yus. It's pretty nice. Like a refined version of my original doodle.
Also working on a Gremlin concept I've been trying to make in Paint ever since I drew it up on paper.
I probably won't get to finishing it until I get to a laptop. Fffs paint difficult to operate
lol thanks X) i hope this thread gets a little GM attention
talking about the gremlin concept i made my own gremlin costume in-game if u want to see it just message me in game and ill put it on for you xD my knights name is Metaalpha. if u wanna know about me im t3 mostly 4* and a little 5*
I like these crocodile fellas. I would love seeing them in the game.
(Same goes to bugs)