Dont know if this question has been asked but what is your verdict on the best suitable armor for Tails Tails, and just the correct set in general ?
So far i have no idea, except the advertising and thats Emberbreak Helm, what do u guys think looks the coolest ? :)
Tails Tails
Yeah gold rose gear was the only other thing i could think off, didnt like the idea of having regal vents though.
But it seems to be a must for the Tails look.
My knight is blue so maybe i'll check that groundbreaker armor, probably some lower tier armor will work thx.
If someone else has ideas, please post them :)
you can work blue ears on teh gold chap and maybe some regal accessories on a blue armor. go with a whole blue and yellow/orange combo scheme.
Gold chap, cool vert vents
sonic armor + regal bomb bando + tails tail (the yellow on the sides of the hands ties it back too)
had to be a beta player to get the groundbreaker armor.
oh so you cant get groundbreaker armor anymore ? dang i played the game the day it came out april 1, hadnt heard of it before that :(
But thx for that input, i will see how this will look like.
if anyone else has an opinion, please post them :)
Fehzor is getting way too pissy about a famous cobalt hedgehog's iconic facade (or at least the facade of his robotic doppelganger and that of his orange vulpine sideckick) intruding on his Bomberman-Black Mage-Links game.
What, you said "if anyone else has an opinion, please post them" with a smileyface at the end.
Actually though I'd have to agree with him on this. The orange color of the Tails tails doesn't match up with anything else in the game.
Question's been asked a few times.
So far the answers are generally:
Wolver suit, altough it's a bit mismatched colours
Gold tabard
And ofc, the best :D
Sayin' that, as Mejez said, the orange is slightly brighter than everythin' else in the game, so you're just gunna have to settle with somethin' slightly off, or make your set interestin' eonugh that the colour difference isnae really noticable.
the starting default armors if ur color was gold
or sum options if ur accent color is yellow
or perhaps groundbreaker armor, since it has some yellow and gold on it.