Ok remember back in beta when Deathmatch was there well why not bring it back but instead of another Lockdown abuse on gear lets change up the gameplay a bit. So my thoguhts and some of another guild member Mirtsmak have cracked up on a brilliant idea on a ruling system just like how maps get randomized so with the rules of gameplay in Deathmatch or better yet Team Deathmatch.
this will negate all you uvs on any armor during the match making the match pure vanilla so the one with the best skill wins not the best gear.
Sets everyone in beginning proto gear during the match my be a funny thing to have fun with.
Maxes all uvs on all items during the match and not to vh on weapons i mean MAXIMUMS on everything
more like a full team effort where not only do you have enemy team to worry about but the Shadows from the hidden passage too :D
no more worrying about choosing classes it randomly chooses for you every time you die :D
Hate stats? well now everyone has the same stats at random :D
Well you could fight with those awesome weapons and such but your in the hood now so only wooden swords and shields allowed!
One hit one kill no bombs no guns. :P
yea i went there gotta confirm you kills now :D
Hey theirs no modifications in this rule :P
So those are ideas which would take a god damn long time to code in but their examples and hey maybe this would make alot of ppl happy but if u dont like it you still have LD so don't get mad with me bro :P
I love these ideas!!!
I hope they read these, i would love to play them =D