So, as most of you fellow Knights out there know, some charge attacks are just so horrible that there's no reason to ever use them, ever. Or they're just not worth their charge time. You know what lines I'm talking about- Antigua, Troika, Pulsar, Rocket Hammer, Gran Faust (not faust!), and Cutter.
So what's the issues with them right now?
Antigua- Shoots six bullets in a row at the same location. Holding still like this for such a small amount of time is counterproductive for a gunner... and especially for how little damage it does.
Troika- An overhead smash that stuns/freezes the enemy. Deals the rough equivalent of two normal hits. For how hard it is to land, and how slow it is, it deals very little damage: you'd deal more just regularly attacking.
Rocket Hammer- The charge attack is like two Troika overheads, with large AoE on the 5* version, dashing you forward 2 squares per overhead. This suffers from the same issue as a Troika, and can be even more situational because of how far it boosts you forward. Enemies that are knocked back are, presumably, meant to be caught in the second swing as well, but sometimes they go too far to the side unless you aim just right. For some reason the second hit deals damage slightly earlier than the animation. You deal the same amount of damage in a regular Hammer combo (with the dash included), so why bother?
Gran Faust- An otherwise fine charge with few major flaws, it shoots a giant sword projectile that can curse you and enemies, dealing a good amount of damage. It catches on walls like an Avenger. The problem is that it has a HUGE charge time compared to the Faust, and as far as I can observe, the only thing different between the two is the size of the bullet and the damage. Unless you have a high amount of CTR, the charge isn't good for anything but causing Curse from a distance without using a vial...
Cutter- A multi-hit, stationary, no-mid-attack-aim charge that doesn't stagger the enemies it hits, can be outdone in damage by regular combos, and leaves you extremely vulnerable. Why anyone would use this besides on Vanaduke's stunned mask I don't know.
So, how can these charges be made better? Here's my ideas. I'll add in other people's ideas and give them credit as posts come in (if posts come in!).
Antigua- Be able to aim mid-charge, deal slightly higher damage on all shots.
(Fluffyfoxxie) Alternatively, remove the five prior shots and only shoot the final bullet, the eagle/owl/piercing round.
Troika- Much higher damage, but no change to the range of attack or speed. Perhaps the ice line can get a hitbox for the ice, and the regular have stones drop down from above/rocks burst from the ground?
Rocket Hammer- Be able to aim the second hit as well, and fix the timing of the damage. Slightly higher damage, but not so much that it surpasses a Troika. The theme of the hammer is mobility, isn't it...?
Gran Faust- Charge time on-par with Faust, maybe even faster (or have it deal more damage) because IT'S A 5* AND THE FAUST IS IT'S PREDECESSOR. Hurrrrrr.
Cutter- Aim the attacks mid-charge, stop it at any time by shielding, stagger enemies easily, higher damage or charge time.
For the antigua / pulsar observation
It can deal way over 3000 damage in one charge, the falcon is ridiculous AoE damage to packs of things and can occasionally clip a zombie 4 times.
It might leave you vulnerable, you just have to use it correctly.
Not everyone that wields a pulsar is a swordsman using a sidearm, in fact bombers might have a Polaris sidearm without a sword. Its charge attack is fine, useful for knocking multiple things a good distance away from being able to shield bump them while not letting your shield possibly take damage. It's made for pure gunners. Not every part of every gun should be based on swordsman.
It really shines with Ultra - Max CTR to bring a monster that is a distance from you but still too close to that distance where normal shots can expand. Its a bullet fanning corrector, basically.
-1 to the gun changes.