Name: toxic thorn blade
vendor: Sanctuary Alchemy Machine
5 stars
damage type: piercing
status infliction: poison
charge: same as the barbarous thorn blade
weapon idea: Toxic thorn blade

While I'm not a big fan of having even MORE flourishes (lockdown is chock full of them already), I like the idea of having weapons fashioned after the Shadow Lair bosses.

sorry for the late reply
it could go either way

I see this in the thorn blade line / snarble barb instead of flourish.
Reasons for being in snarble barb line instead of flourish:
1. Currently there isn't a status causing option, all you have is BTB for the snarble barb line.
2. It comes from snarbolax, which has a rabid snarbolax version which is the poison causing boss.
3. Thorns and poison just seem to go together for me. Not steel-looking swords like the flourishes.

I think he did imply that it would be a snarble barb. He said that the charge attack would be the same as BTB, and, it would only be forgeable in The Sanctuary as a Rabid Snarby reward.

Mine was more in response to Drayco's

Yes, I know, it fits the Thorn line, and that's what I was thinking as well, but I view the Thorn and Flourish lines as identical in Lockdown terms. I have never, EVER, seen someone use the charge attack of either.

the flourish's charge is i think 4 swipes in a row where the barbous thorn blade charge is thornes that can act like short projectiles

snarbolax themed weapon should cause stun, just like the boss itself

yeah, he does when rushes over you before you go to last part of the mission.

this weapon was supposed to be based off of the RABID Snarlbolax.
Maybe instead of calling it toxic thorn blade call it Rabid thorn blade?

Please don't necro threads with inane comments.

Zoinmalz, you necro'ed this thread. Shame on you. -_-
Don't say I was making a necro because I had to warn you
Would it be similar to the Furious Flamberge or Fearless Rigadoon, in that it sacrifices some of its power for a small chance to inflict poison per hit? If so, I could see this as being a viable weapon.