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Stop auto-aim in LD

+1 to ANOTHER anti-AA thread that will yet AGAIN be ignored due to the playerbase being made up partially of skillless whiny noobs. And we all know OOO caters to them.

i aprove of this. Tbh im not even a big lockdown player and still think it is dumb to have an auto aim for something competetive like lockdown. This should be changed imo

I don't understand why it is always bad players who demand auto-aim to be removed. It was put there specifically to help you, you know that right?

I just find it funny that people think they'll suddenly become better at Lockdown if auto-aim was removed. If you aren't good at lockdown when there is auto-aim, chances are you're not going to be good at lockdown when there isn't auto-aim.

You should deal with it. You're being a whiny scrub when you don't use it and say that it's unfair. Use what the game gives you to get the biggest advantage you can. The game doesn't care what you use to win. It only cares that you win.
Yep. I use AA and don't care about it, nor do I whine about other people who use it. It's fair game.

Now now, let's be civil.
@Nodocchi: Well, I am not a bad player (as I hope you've realized from me being in VK so long), but I am opposed to auto-aim in LD. I'l' admit:
it is pretty standard for less-advanced players to dislike auto-aim, so you do have a point.
Generally, I have no problem with auto aim in lockdown. However I am opposed to strikers with the "clone loadout" using auto aim because (1) they shouldn't need it to pull off the amount of damage that the clone loadout regularly produces, and (2) it makes the whole setup even more OP.

Chances are, people will deal 10K+ dmg in LD using toothpicks because they have Auto-Aim on. Now what would happen if you take auto-aim away? They cant kill you as much. Now they have to rely on their own aim to complete that combo. I guess you are mad because of they remove auto-aim, you are pretty much trash in LD :3

so since you have brought up this idea what do you suggest they do for those that get lag?
lag can even move the placement of bombs let alone guns and swords, so when a player out there is not wealthy enough or lucky enough to not only have maybe even purchase something from spiral but do not have a 4bar+ connection what is your suggestion to them? perhaps you would like to enlarge the range of weapons?
Please note that aa only does so much, even with it unless you at least try to aim you will not hit anything.
So since you have had the idea of removing that which corrects the difference between what is on a players screen and what is on the server for both non-paying and paying knights alike what is your suggestion?
Is simple, ppl who NEEDS and USE Auto-Target are noobs.
Give a noob HP trinkets + UV + Autotarget = O.P Noob
Disable Auto-target and all your friends becomes noobs with money in 0.1 second.
And Pleeeeeese tell me I'm noob like the other one you insult.
: )
+1 to the cause.

"Chances are, people will deal 10K+ dmg in LD using toothpicks because they have Auto-Aim on. Now what would happen if you take auto-aim away? They cant kill you as much. Now they have to rely on their own aim to complete that combo. I guess you are mad because of they remove auto-aim, you are pretty much trash in LD :3"
Given that the hammer is here, you don't even need auto aim to toothpick/hammer and get 10K+. Just swing and dash with a hammer or use the first swing of a toothpick and shield cancel. Most people only use AA to get the perfect aim on combo finishers, which are pointless anyway because you end up taking tons of damage due to the vulnerability.
SHIFT + M2 + M2 + M2 + M2
You can't say that crap is SKILLZZZZZZ
If OOO disables that noob crap, I'll be unnstopable.
The only player that can get more than 30k without auto-target

First of all, auto-aim is not just helping the other person, it is helping you as well. Anything faster than a heavy sword benefits from auto-aim. Secondly, if you have trouble fighting people who actually uses their entire sword combo, then you aren't much better than that person and probably need auto-aim in order to play well. I do not really care whether they keep or remove auto-aim because it helps everyone. Though I personally think all removing auto-aim would do is increase the divide between the good players and the bad players and discourage anyone without a perfect internet connection or reaction time from playing LD.

Okay, just to test this theory, I played a couple hours of LD with and without autoaim.
My findings are this:
The difference is minute.
I am one of the people that uses autoaim, and I don't really see the shame in it. It can even hinder a person, slowing down their sword swings. I use it primarily for my Gran Faust ironically because the first flourish swing has such a wide range, nothing really needs to be aimed. When I did turn off AA for about 5-6 matches I noticed my flourish first swings were much more accurate, but the second two hits are not so much. It is extremely hard to hit people with the full flourish combo without AA on, especially considering my usual 2 bar connection. I hit people outside of my normal range with AA OFF, with my Gran Faust, I just tended to miss with the second swing more often.
So my conclusion is this:
Autoaim is a PREFERENCE. It's neither a "win-mode" or "noob". It's just a preference. If you like to only use the first swings of weapons, I suggest auto-aim off, especially if you are a guardian who needs to predict where a striker is going. If you like to use full combos, turn on your autoaim. So what if other players are whining. They're only whining because they're dead.
And on another note, your self absorbed comments are quite frankly obnoxious. I don't think you will become "unstoppable" by any stretch of the imagination. This is a team game, it's not all about IM THE BEST STRIKER OMGOGMGOFMSDFN.

Whats Auto Aim? Its a feature that helps you aim at things.
Why do you use auto-aim? cause you cant aim with your own skills.
simple as that

Honestly I think it has more to do with the competitive aspect so anything that's there to dumb down that aspect sucks. lockdown is supposed to be skill based competition. And if you understand the concept of competition, you should understand that being the best, should really mean that you are the best in a game where everyone is playing by the same rules with the exact same resources etc. Anyone who understands this concept, should also understand the issue. Dumbing it down with auto aim options isn't nescesary for pvp modes, because it's supposed to keep everyone equal and balanced based around their skills. I can understand the auto aim switched on by default for newbies, but in PVE it shouldnt bother anyone. If it's competetive however, there shouldn't be anything there to dum down the experience, even if there are newbs, they will have to be encouraged as well to become better without the auto aim.
I think 3 rings is a team made up of clever people. If they see this type of thread, I have no doubts they will understand and maybe eventually chang it, because the mode will only benefit from it.
It kind of blows my mind that experienced BNP would defend such a thing. I would imagine skilled guys like you nodocchi, wouldnt mind to be forcefully challenged a little more. Would you really mind if they removed auto aim from lockdown?

I don't use auto-aim, but my play style and how I get my kills even if I WERE to use it, nothing would be different.
I usually tend to swing twice (with Flourish) and maneuver around to the side that the player fighting me isn't facing. Which I am usually close enough to not make any errors, not bragging, just saying it's hard to miss (nobody's perfect.) I DID test this theory because of people constantly complaining about the fact that:
-"Auto-aim is nooby."
-"Turn off the a.a."
-"You would suck without being assisted."
I found that in ANY play style, it's helpful, to an EXTENT. I guess I can see why the people that constantly die, rage by it, I just don't think they should keep assuming that the killer DOES use it even if it won't change the way they get damage.
Again, Lockdown isn't based on damage points, it was focused on capturing objectives and gaining points, there's another thread floating out there where every person on one team got over 11k, yet they lost.

AA only helps you if you're spamming FF/BTB combos like a Tier1 scrub, strikers who know how to play barely use the 2nd and 3rd swing of a pierce weapon. Gran Faust swings have a wide angle, its hard to tell the difference.
Probably if OOO disables AA for everyone, noobs will be missing a lot of hits because of combo spamming, while pro strikes kills them with GF or a brandish charge.
Besides, OOO seems to be too busy buffin' and nerfin' random stuff in stealth patches, or charging for new content, to listen cry babies.
Is that this also allows people using auto aim to easily hit other players using the recon cloak. I'm one hundred 100% sure that even AA enable you to hit invisible objects because when in the expansion missions when you just recklessly fling your sword around it always seems to turn toward the invisible gremlins.
So in short the only problem with it is the fact that your not really invisible when auto aim still lock on to you.

you'l be surprised at the wide range of stuff that atuo-aim shows up on :)

Sigh. Another pointless anti-auto-target thread filled with support from people who are terrible at Lockdown regardless of what their opponent uses. I'm going to explain this very slowly one more time for you...
If using auto-target causes such an increase in playing ability in Lockdown, then if you are skilled, then you should use it, and then go beat all these supposed "unskilled AA-users." It costs you zero money, and essentially no effort to activate auto-target. If it's as game-breaking as you claim, you have no reason to not use it. Your enemies are using it, turn it against them. Not even "I don't use it on principle" is an excuse. You know what, I use it on principle, just to have that much more advantage over noobs that don't understand the concept of using every tool at your disposal. Because if you don't use all your available tools, and you lose, you only have yourself to blame. I could understand it if it was some completely hidden feature, or if you had to pay a lot to have it enabled, but it's not and you don't. It's available to literally everyone who plays. It's like if you entered a woodcutting contest, and when they offered you a free axe, you said "no thanks, I'll chop it with my hands," and then complained when everyone else took an axe and cut wood faster than you. It's your own fault, get over it.
But, it's like the actual experienced and skilled Lockdown players in this thread have said - it doesn't actually make that big of a difference. If you're skilled and you use it, you're still skilled, and if you're unskilled and you use it, you're still unskilled. All it does is help correct for minor deviations in mouse placement. It does not turn your sword into a homing missile, and it doesn't really help at all with heavy swords.

Honestly, I find this whole auto-aim removal thing a bit silly.
First, you can't tell if anyone has auto-aim in the first place (and the only way to be absolutely sure is the way Scrolax describes, and even then I doubt it.)
Secondly, on the programming end, it may not be easy putting a restriction on this particular game mechanic, and OOO simply has not found an efficient way to remove auto-aim
Finally, I hate how using auto-aim automatically labels any knight as an instant Noob. It's like the whole F2P deal in Team Fortress 2. It's bad stereotyping.

From what I remember, auto-aim was automatically disabled initially when it was being tested in the test server. But people complained and so OOO had to turn it back on before releasing it into the main game.
I guess the moral is if you don't like auto-aim, blame the paying players who tested it hahaha.

Hey, at least AA allows the newer players to have some kind of chance at winning.
What fun would the game be if a super pro player walked and demolished the entire other team so you didn't get to do anything?
I couldn't care less if the auto-aim is removed or not, but did everyone (except a few) ignore what Liveice said? Not everyone has perfect internet, uses a mouse, or has a good computer. What do you suggest to those people? Get better internet/mouse/computer? Quit playing?

@HorizonknightI was ready to go against the removal of Auto-Aim with a passion, but you explained my feeling all too well.
@Topic and those who are crying over Auto-Aim: People who use Auto-Aim aren't "noobs" or "scrubs" (this is what bugged me the most). I see people saying that Auto-Aim is a handicap, and better players don't need it or use it. I can count of many good players who use auto-aim. It doesn't mean they're bad, they just utilize the resources given to them. Why should OOO take away this ability to help those, as Liveice said, if there are many people who may need it to land a hit with poor connection. If you don't like people using Auto-Aim, and you don't use it, then just use it. It's not like you're a worse player for doing so. If you decide not to use it, you're challenging yourself, but you have no right to call others out on their usage of Auto-Aim. It's given to you, and if you want to make life more difficult for yourself by not using it, be my guest.
I may sound mad, but you really shouldn't be calling people out on Auto-Aim. It's just another aspect of the game people don't like. OOO can't make your individual perfect game. I'm sincerely sorry about that, but they do what they can, and I believe that they do a pretty good job with this game (especially with the more recent content).
EDIT: Didn't want to make another post, but +1 for Tennis

Like others have said, auto-aim really only is useful if the player is using the second and third hits of the Flourish combos.
It's not too difficult to dodge and counter these players as they leave themselves vulnerable after the last hit of the combo.
Anyways, what're you going to do?
Why is your solution to complain on the forums, to your friends, or even your guild?
Why do you make yourself so miserable?
Adapt and overcome!
Really train yourself to learn how to dodge those combo spammers, and before you know it you'll be able to defeat the average Lockdown crowd.
Once you learn how, you'll start to support the auto-aim because frankly, those spammers are actually at a disadvantage.

While your at it, remove Shield Canceling, it's just an animation exploit that makes certain weapons (I.E. hammer) OP. Also Trinkets and UVs are OP too, better remove them from lockdown to make it a fair fight for people who can't afford them. Also Sealed Swords and Toothpicks are way OP, you better nerf their range to fix them. Better yet, remove them from the game, I enjoy getting my **** stuffed by T3 greavers.
Also Re-nerf zombies, bodyslam damage is OP.

The above post...
Oh my goodness.
I'm not even gonna say anything.

Thing is, people always forget about those not in Europe or America. I live in Australia and get 1 bar 99.9% of the time. 0.01% of the time, it's 2 bars for about 20 seconds. Hit registration is one of my worst enemies, which is also one of the worst enemies of other players living in Australia or Asia or Antarctica (Yupppp :3) and Africa? By taking away auto-aim, not only will we be severely disadvantaged by this, but it'll also cause a lower influx of players into Lockdown. People really need to think through about what they're complaining about. Now it wouldn't be fair if you had your way but not ours, no? One thing I keep having to say over and over again in FPS games: "Less QQ, more PEW PEW". But it really doesn't work here... well for people who go swords or bombs :p. My two cents. Good day.

Auto Aim can lock onto cloaked Recons, did you know that?

To the best of my knowledge and time in Lockdown, Auto Target never locked onto a cloaked Recon for me.

*random person passby*
Can't play Lockdown very well? Complaining very much? QUIT/DIE AND MAKE ROOM! >:I

With AA, you can just spam slashes in random directions until you lock on to a Recon.
The recon has to be in range in the first place, but with a flourish's full combo, it's hard to hit a cloaked recon. A simple 15-degree adjustment can be extremely useful in those cases.

Auto Aim DOES track cloaked Recons. You don't see the reticle lock on to the invisible player, but your attacks can and will find him/her.

Never had an instance of it... or maybe I did but I don't remember? Dunno. But remember, point here is to think about the players who don't live in Europe or America. Hit registration can always be quite late. Late to the party, but still the death of it.

This would really piss off a lot of guardians and strikers that continuously does the 3-combo with toothpicks.
Doesn't affect the pro-strikers though since they rarely use the third swing. Removing auto target will make those with bad ping miss a lot even in close-up encounters.

Thats the only thing that bothers me is that AA locks onto recons. I gennerally have AA off and some people get a laugh at recon marking me and watching me flail around hopelessly but I don't miss it. That's because i'm usually recon and don't like being poked :P

Really guys? A thread about removing Auto Aim in LD and not a single word about gunners? You guys are all complaining about the lack of creativity and originality in LD and yet the same people are supporting an idea that would almost obliterate an entire genre of the most original breeds still surviving.

Autoaim breaks LD for 3 reasons.
1. Autoaim pidgonholes Sword Play
Gun users don't benefit. Bomb users don't benefit. Sword users benefit RIDICULOUSLY. Want to know why almost every player is a sword focused user in lockdown? This is it right here. You can tell me all about how bombers counter sword users and gunners counter bombers but until I see ONE match with more gunners in it or more bombers in point stands.
2. Autoaiming makes Recons RNG to the point of frustration
Autoaim tracks cloaked recons. Every player knows this. Every player will spam sword swings everywhere the second "!" appears over their head because the players know if the recon gets somewhat close...they WILL get hit first.
3. Autoaim forces Striker Play
Autoaim works the best when you are very close to another player. This means that you'll always be trading hits with another player because you cannot move faster than the other player to get out of melee range of the weapon.
That is UNLESS you are playing a striker. The only class of the three capable of exiting the autoaim radius of a weapon (Striker Charge). This essentially allows a striker to always take advantage of the autoaim radius while escaping the autoaim radius to avoid trading hits. A guardian or recon does not have this option, when it comes to leaving melee range. This is because a guardian only has so much shield and autoaim tracks recons attempting to restealth.
Autoaim doesn't REQUIRE you to all be sword using strikers. But Autoaim DOES punish you severly if you aren't.

I've already said it, this time I'll stress the main part. Which is most of it:
Thing is, people always forget about those not in Europe or America. I live in Australia and get 1 bar 99.9% of the time. 0.01% of the time, it's 2 bars for about 20 seconds. Hit registration is one of my worst enemies, which is also one of the worst enemies of other players living in Australia or Asia or Antarctica (Yupppp :3) and Africa? By taking away auto-aim, not only will we be severely disadvantaged by this, but it'll also cause a lower influx of players into Lockdown. People really need to think through about what they're complaining about. Now it wouldn't be fair if you had your way but not ours, no?
For my favourite part:
One thing I keep having to say over and over again in FPS games: "Less QQ, more PEW PEW". But it really doesn't work here... well for people who go swords or bombs :p. My two cents. Good day.