now, im going to ramble, and everyones going to ingore me XD so here i go
-Biggest radius in the game
-Low chance to inflict strong stun
-keep damage and slow walk speed
-either keep or increase the currently slow charge or fuse time
this makes the big angry, not a main weapon, but sure as hell a useful tactical nuke that keep enemies stunned and at all corners of the screen , also scraping off a nice portion of health
-change to elemental damage (its a gremlin weapon seriously!)
-this should make bombers like me happy they have a DPS blast elemental bomb that they can buff with trinkets and armor
-a five star variant may be required, but only if the nitronome still out DPS' an Elemental Decon on constructs and undead
completely change the mechanics of this bomb. (i know , i am doing some coding and know it wont be, ohh itll be easy, just add "this" and do "that" and its done! XD)
-smaller radius and keep knockback and damage
-allow the player to instantly place as many bombs on the screen in accordance to the star level
-charge attack reveals a detonator, and detonates all bombs in play
-just to reiterate... the bombs never explode until detonated by charge, and there will be a slight delay in being able to place the bombs consecutively
the concept of a different mechanic will make it so there are different strategies available for use with this bomb, even if it ends up with lowest DPS