Thoughts on: Immersion; Consistent rationale/game world; business model; energy pricing and energy merchants

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Legacy Username

Background and some questions

So real estate is driven by one word: Location.
Entertainment is driven, in the same way, by one word: Immersion. As long as your player is immersed, they are your player in your world; when they leave the world, you have to hope they want to come back.

As a general rule, allowing your players to keep playing is good; telling them that they can not play any more is bad.

Nothing new there. That's been the rule of Las Vegas for decades; it's been the rule of almost all of the entertainment industry since the mid 1970's. Star Wars brought it to the film industry. Etc.

So how does SK hold this up?

A consistent game world matters. A game involves suspension of disbelief. As long as there is consistency, your players will stay in the world. Surprise them with something that makes no sense, and you break that immersion; they have disbelief about the game world.

How consistent is the SK world?

The business model of any online game has to be to sell desirable play. Three rings has the exchange model as well on top of that.

Does the business model work? Does it scale to release?

The business model is currently based around the sale of energy. Energy is used by merchants in the game.

Does the energy system, and the two economies in the game, maintain consistency, immersion, and keep players hooked and coming back?

(Nothing of what I'm going to say involves any private Three Rings information. All of this is observations from someone that sees consistency errors and business model / pricing flaws, who is constantly subject to a lack of immersion and "Stop playing" signals.)

(And yes, all of this is in-world observations. I'm sorry if you don't like that.)

=== Strangers, Crystal energy, Vendors and Mist, and Crowns ===

So what's the story with energy? It emanates from the core, yada yada yada. But you don't collect mist energy faster for being down closer to the core. That seems ... wrong.

Strangers mine crystal energy. They will sell it -- they want other stuff more than crystal energy. Right?


There's a serious question about the Strangers. Are we actually their business clients, or are we their entertainment? A lot of the stuff about the setup that makes no sense suddenly does make sense if we are the entertainment industry for the Strangers and their world. They provide us with what we need to entertain them; we are their "television", for lack of a better word.

I can't rule that out. That's Three Rings' call. The rest of this post is going to assume that that is not the goal.

So the strangers have plenty of access to mist energy. It doesn't store, even for them. But it's clear that they don't need more mist energy. Now, even mist energy is good enough to run machines, but even the Strangers need the crystal form for other things.

And they'll sell us the crystal form. They want other stuff. What do they want?

One group of strangers provides us with crystal energy for cash. That's one economy. Another group provides us with stuff for crowns. That's a second economy. Now, it sure looks like they want crowns, and cash, and regard energy and tools as just means to an ends.

That's a setup that would imply crystal / crown transfers as well. That's a setup that would imply that the Strangers would take an active role in the exchange, even if they don't have a net change in the total energy through the exchange. After all, they want crowns, and sell crystals, so ...

We've got merchants that take energy for stuff. I can fully understand them taking crystal energy. But mist energy?

So here's the biggie first issue I see: Merchants accepting mist energy. They can't store it, can't keep it, etc. Why would any merchant accept something less persistent than water?

==> Suggestion #1: The assumption that mist and crystal energy are 100% acceptable for all transactions is broken. Machines will take energy in any form, fine; merchants should only accept crystal.
==> 1b: The merchants that unlock extra slots should only accept crystal energy; they may get a price drop in return.

=== Merchants, cost of items, value of exchange energy ===

Merchants sell powerup items. High-end equipment that requires using low-end equipment to make, and energy to alchemize. A three star item, for example, may require a charged 2-star item and 100 energy.

And 100 energy has about as much value as an Emberlight run, or currently, about 8-10K. The market seems to keep that value in the 8-12K range.

But the final price is only around 11K. That's not enough to pay their costs and provide a profit.

"But they don't actually interact with the exchange!". Yea, they don't. Doesn't mean that they don't interact with the Strangers that sell crystal. Sure, we pay the miners cash; they pay the miners something else. Probably crowns. Just because we don't see their actions on the exchange doesn't mean that its value/cost should not reflect the exchange.

==> Suggestion #2: Rebalance the cost of stuff from the Strangers. Take the expected value of the energy to produce into account. Things that require a charged base item should be more expensive than things that don't; things that require a charged alchemy-produced base item should be even more expensive.

=== Keeping new players hooked and playing ===

The value of playtime, as measured in crowns, varies greatly. At the beginner level of play, the crown income, measured either as crowns per hour, or crowns per energy spent, is very low; too low to afford any exchange energy.

The result? New players are told "Sorry, stop playing". Before they get hooked.

Before they get hooked.

Recently, I played an 8 hour free trial of Vendetta Online. I was expecting a PvP based space battle game with some PvE for fund raising. PvE for earning wealth, PvP for destroying it, with PvP the primary focus of the game. That's what I expected going in, and pretty much what I found.

But 7 hours, 45 minutes later, I wasn't hooked.

I gave them detailed impression from a new player on their forums. Not too surprisingly to the people here, I'm sure, the result was old players over there complaining about a noisy newbie, and developers saying that they appreciate hearing how players take to the game.

But you had no time for social chatting. No time for any guild-level activities. Since the free play was strictly login hours, in order to see what the game had to offer, you had to play a bunch of different things in the game.

"Leveling up" in VO is based on licenses. Complete so many tasks, demonstrate some competence, and get better equipment. Legally, you can't get better than your licenses; illegally (at the pirate station in neutral territory), you can get better. So, after playing some of the basics, I went for what was supposed to be the VO version of EvE's 0.0 space. And, due to the low player level, found it pretty empty.

I had a chance to see the basics of the game. The space battle foundation is pretty decent. The missions that I was able to play, I later found out, went just up to the point where they start getting interesting -- courier runs into enemy territory, etc. But I didn't get to play any of the really interesting stuff, before the game told me, "Ok, that's all, good bye".

With 15 minutes left to play, and nothing really that I saw that I could do, I asked on the forums there what I could do. I was told, basically, shout on the general channel and ask for some PvP combat by the pirate station, so I could re-equip and fight again after dying.

Bottom line?
An introduction, a game that looked at least decent, and no hook. It was a month before I went back, and only because I saw an email from them.

And they are putting in a player driven economy (including shops) and crafting, something like 6 years after initial release.

But that's Vendetta Online. What does that have to do with Spiral Knights?

In SK, you'll get about 2 hours of play, at best, with a decent graphic system. (I got a lot more, only because my graphics are so bad that my frame per second rate is low, and "easy" training levels took me a long time because I can't aim.) And then, you're told "Come back tomorrow".

Well, maybe they will come back tomorrow. And maybe they won't. But you'll get one chance to get them to come back. When they've seen, perhaps, the starter zone (15), the Sparrow dungeon (30), a clockwork tunnels (10), and Firefly (40). That's 95 of their 100. That either gets them to come back, or not.

Even if they come back, then what? 6 levels in Haven? Moorcroft vendors that can't be afforded, return to Haven, and another half run (if they don't die).

And then, again, "Bye bye".

Players are being told "Bye bye" before they really have a chance to get that hook. I'm expecting a very large percentage of people that won't come back a second time, and also a large percentage that won't come back a third time, as they will think the game too expensive.

The value of playtime, as measured in crowns. At the beginning, crowns per energy spent is what matters. And as long as that rate will increase when you have better equipment, the value of that better equipment will determine the exchange price. You reach the point of saying that new players are expected to pay to play, and experienced players are not.

Not "Here's a free play to start, but high-end play requires paying".
You've got "Pay to keep playing while you're starting, and high-end play is free".

That's backwards.

=== Ideas on making things better / more consistent ===

How to solve it? Dang if that isn't a hard point. So lets look at one of the first things I mentioned:
> So what's the story with energy? It emanates from the core, yada yada yada. But you don't collect mist energy faster for being down closer to the core. That seems ... wrong.

Right now, going deeper gives you more crowns per time, and more crowns per energy.

Err, what? Why are there more crowns down there?

"All RPG's pay more as you get better. Nastier stuff guards nastier treasure". Yea, right, Dungeons and Dragons made soo much sense back in the 1970's.

"We want people to play at all levels" -- developers. Hmm.

So how would you get people to play at higher levels, and still have bigger/badder stuff down below that people want to go after?

Really Strange Proposal:
As you go deeper, you gain mist energy faster, as well as "heat" (which will get a new name -- since it represents improvements to equipment, more as a function of being deeper and exposed to the energy radiating from the core stored in those tiny glowing rocks, maybe it should be equipment power) but do not gain crowns any faster. Crowns, after all, are more like "Valuable minerals found on those other worlds, harvested from the ground under certain rocks and/or plants, or picked up by monsters". The amount of that isn't going to change.

But going deeper will expose you to monsters that have absorbed more core energy. They've become nastier from being exposed to more energy; constructs built to operate down there have to be nastier because the things found down there that bother constructs are nastier.

So we get a system where going deeper down gives you more mist energy, more weapon power, nastier monsters, more frequent deaths, and more energy expenses for the deaths. But not more crowns. Maybe even less crowns.

Now the energy exchange is available to everyone to afford. The expected crown to energy rate at the exchange is more stable, more constant; it becomes possible to price items sold by vendors based on reasonable expectations of the exchange.

What else can we see from such a setup? Clockwork tunnels, being access to the mechanics of the world, don't have "shinnies" -- those are found on the "yellow" floors from other worlds. The levels from other worlds can be nastier than the maintenance levels, and have a correspondingly higher crown payout. High-end players are doing deep levels for raids, special drops, and equipment powerups, and either shallow levels for crowns, or buying crowns by selling energy. Low end players are doing shallow levels for crowns, and buying exchange energy with those crowns.

And then there's the cash market for energy. How bad is that?

Yea, I'm hooked. I like the game. As it is now, it's not worth paying on my system; if it was released now, I'd say "Too bad, could have been great", and walk away like Bang Howdy. But it's not being released now.

We've been told that some graphic low-end cleanup is coming (good). If we can see some response improvement (other thread), even better. The idea of characters being able to block got a response from the devs that they have something along those lines in mind. And as a merchant, personally, I really like the idea of a player game economy. There's all sorts of things that might make the game better.

But do I buy energy? How much?

=== What do you get per dollar? ===

Well, that's the problem. If I buy too much, the excess is wasted. If I buy too little, I'll need to spend more later -- and my energy per dollar is too low.

Yea, I'm looking at the whole "You get significantly more bang for your buck", and thinking "The game isn't worth $50", not knowing what, if anything, will be done to make it better on my system, seeing that even high-end macs are having trouble, and ... cautious.

The 75 cent package ... well, that's great for protecting an account from deletion. Back in the day, if that had been available for YPP, I'd have protected 25 accounts. Today? If it would double the amount of mist energy and accounts I could play, I probably would. But apparently you don't get extra mist energy for extra accounts, even if paid, if I've understood the posts from the developers.

And beyond that? I finally realized that 75 cents gives you 200 energy -- and that's mist+50, and mist+150, or the two initial upgrade slots. 75 cents per month for basic upgrades? That's not really expensive. Even if a $3 purchase gave me 6 months instead of 4 months, if my idea is to unlock those, the 75 cent package is probably the way I'd go. And I still want to see that made "Login days" instead -- right now I feel I'll be wasting it if I'm not playing every day. The only reason I would consider it is that 75 cents per month is cheap even if I don't play.

But beyond that? When everything I look at indicates an energy consumption rate of about one energy per minute, more if you are dying (faster on treasure levels, faster on levels with energy gates, faster when dying, and slower only if I'm playing solo and taking 20-30 minutes for a clockwork level, 30-40 minutes for a fixed level), I'm seeing price per minute of play. And I'm back to "How much to spend before I can make emberlight runs and buy what I need". And if I buy too much, its wasted as crowns have no value; too little and I feel short changed.

What's the solution? Flatten the pricing curve -- I should feel less waste by getting a smaller package. And, tell us more about what's planned. You may think that is the best thing since sliced jelly cubes, and if you told the players you might get some very different feedback before you implement it.

For example, since the economy is completely garbled right now (I know, there's some people trying to sell items for crowns, but so far I've gotten almost all of my 2-star, and all of my 3-star drops for free from people who had tons of them and no need for crowns), I'd really like to see a notice that the game will be wiped before the next beta phase, and the energy purchased returned for reuse. Lacking a wipe and restart, there's no way to really tell what the effect of any economic (or other major) changes will be.

=== Summary ===

TL;DR summary: Looking at those questions at the top of the post:

How does SK handle immersion and keeping players playing?

SK is constantly telling new players not yet hooked to stop playing.

How consistent is the SK world?

There is huge consistency issues; swords that do normal instead of piercing, piercing resistant shields that break just as fast in bramble or spikes, the behavior of the merchants, etc.

Does the business model work? Does it scale to release?

The model of selling play time seems to be backwards.

Does the energy system, and the two economies in the game, maintain consistency, immersion, and keep players hooked and coming back?

I say no to all of these. I'm hooked more by the potential than consistency, immersion, or the economy.

(EDIT: Added section headers)
(EDIT 2: Made them bold)

Shoebox's picture
What is the point of this thread?

I read it and I don't even know why you would bother posting it.

Go get a diary, write in there. We don't want your walls of rhetorical questions.

Sarcusa's picture
I read the first few lines

I read the first few lines because I'm not even going to waste my time with that. Be more straight forward >_> Anyways, aren't you just complaining about the energy needs? Immersion is important but I don't think your arguments are that valid. The game's not even an rpg. (Not that much of an rpg anyways) Though I'll admit, the energy system is really restrictive and fairly annoying. (And kind of dodgy they're making us pay during testing =_=)

BTW, do you have a blog? The blogs I read tend to be this long (but the topic is more to my interest).

Legacy Username
To throw in my opinion about

To throw in my opinion about the energy:

100 is a bit low considering how much some trips require or how much alchemy needs. Allowing 150-200 every 24 hours, or perhaps an extra overfill-option allowing more than 100 for when you're inactive longer than 24 hours would be a really great thing here.

However, I do think limiting play time does make you look forward to the next day when your energy is refreshed and you can play again. You probably won't share my opinion though if you have your mind set on wanting to play this game for hours in a row, then it can get quite annoying especially if you don't want to cough up a lot of money for it.

Legacy Username
so, we have more one that likes to write

Actually, i just read most will outline hte things tat came to my interest (not necessarely that i support, though):

-What's the purpose of crystal sellers selling these energy for cash, and for the item sellers to sell for crowns?: actually, it's quite obvious how to make this decent...for now. They just need to eat/fix some parts of their bodies;
-Merchs that gives upgrades should only accept crystal energy, but at a reduced cost: Well...he said something that really goes in the direction of the lore. If it's mist energy, them it is rather inconsistent, like water...but, this is argeable with most things on this thread.
-What's the history behind energy?: actually, if the energy emanates from the core, so there might be a lot of energy crystals there, that are slowly degradating ann transforming into mist, but, actualy, that doesn't mean that there is the place with most mist. Actually, we can make it the reverse!. Every floor have some crystals, and they are degrading into mist. The lower levels would have less mist than the high ones, due the lack of crystals there/the amount of energy in the area that prevents then from degrading. Thus, high floors would have all the mist from lower levels (considering that mist would float up, instead of falling more), till it get out of the earth and up to the sky (ozone?).
-new players play less and high players can play a lot more, this is reversed: Actually, kinda true. We expect that new players would be able to play more, because they don't have too much costs to pay, and the itens should be cheaper. For high players, they would be able to play less, or the same amount, but would need to pay higher costs, so they have a motive to actually get money from their adventures. Actually, that's what this game is missing for now: a high end feature that consumes crowns, rather than selling crystal energy and buying it to sustain runs. If you put something to limit the amount of gameplay from something, you should not give too a way to sustain an almost infinite gameplay.
-"All RPG..":Stop there! this is no RPG, mainly because you don't level your character, you don't have rolls, and, for now, we don't have a consistent lore, with a lot of quests (though it would not make a RPG..but i would like, anyway ^_^). I consider it more as being a dungeon crawler/adventure, more or less like zelda (a lot more than less), ookami, and others.

now, a tip for you, BehindCurtai, if you want to write a lot: Make a resume, and put it high, saying the main topics of your...errr... Clearly make it so people understand what you're saying in that resume, and them write a lot in the complete area. Some thigs would not be too clear at the resume, so they could search it in the complete. Also, you can exagerate in details and examples if you do a resume before, because lazy people that don't want to read it (or don't have the time, though most are just lazy) would too have how to read a small text, and understand what you're saying. Also, like sircusa told you: if you don't have a blog, make one ^_^\/

Cherub's picture

Are you a wizard?

Legacy Username
@Shoebox: Why? To help make a

@Shoebox: Why? To help make a better game. To give the developers something to think about, early enough in the design cycle that they can actually consider and implement some of the things discussed.

@sircusa: Yes it is long. I put in a TL;DR section at the end
> Anyways, aren't you just complaining about the energy needs?
Nope. If that's all you got, please re-read.

>100 is a bit low considering how much some trips require or how much alchemy needs. Allowing 150-200 every 24 hours, or perhaps an extra overfill-option allowing more than 100 for when you're inactive longer than 24 hours would be a really great thing here.

100 is neither high nor low until you look at the energy cost of activities. We've been told that the current state of the preview is more to check for the technical functioning and less the actual energy/crown costs. I'm expecting everything to be overhauled before two more preview events.

This is what, the third preview? First was sometime last year?

I don't know about you, but I like to see game companies getting the game actually ready before launch. You know, instead of ... Vanguard, WoW, City of Heroes, etc.


Is this an RPG? Go to, and watch the promotional video. It calls itself an RPG right at the start.

It also (at 1:03) says no grinding, unique weapons (1:04), character customization (... not much, currently), and sentient jelly cubes. (Well, ok, it didn't say sapient, so it's accurate :-).

> "All RPG..":Stop there! this is no RPG, mainly because you don't level your character, you don't have rolls, and, for now, we don't have a consistent lore, with a lot of quests (though it would not make a RPG..but i would like, anyway ^_^).

No rolls? Oh, you're thinking of a "Roll playing game".

Role-playing doesn't require levels. My combat thirsty pirate that loves a good sea fight is the same level as when he was first created. His name just bleached yellow, losing that greenish tint.

Nor does it require quests. The whole "Only you can save us" bit has been lampooned so much ... go read Dragon Tales (the web comic), the two-year RPG arc.

It requires a world that you can react to. It wants (but does not need) a world that reacts to you.

No consistent lore? Yes.


That is one of my key points.

Consistent lore? Show me one game that has it. EvE doesn't. (Otherwise, the super powerful mega corporation would have set up in the mineral rich area, instead of the pathetic mineral section.) WoW? Oh sure, look at the history of the druids, and then look at the reality of the druids. (Guess what I played :-).

@Blackhat: What's your definition of "Wizard"? Wise old one? Something else?

Legacy Username
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want
Legacy Username
Hoo Boy

Writing Tone and Organization

...the result was old players over there complaining about a noisy newbie...
- BehindCurtai

Like I tried to tell you in another post, you've got to work on your writing tone, which is everything on the internet. Right now, yours is complacent and demanding; transparently intentionally inflammatory. All those rhetorical questions you put in there are probably the worst of it.

For huge posts like this, you've got to divide it up with headings, otherwise it's just a huge impenetrable wall of text that no one will take the time to read. I think I might be the only one who did. As sort of an example I added headings to this post, which, in hindsight, is much better with them anyway. Also: compress, compress, compress.

Actual Post Content

See how it's easy to tell that this is the important part? Anyway: now that that first part is out of the way, I finally took the time to read through your whole post, and you do raise some good points. I can't for the life of me remember much of them though, and trying to find them again in that solid block is a nightmare.

I like the idea of more, well... everything as you get close to the Core. Aside from the other reasons you gave for it, it gives the player a greater sense of their depth and the planet around them. As one nears the Core, they should get the feeling of the intense gravity of the situation, and that subsistence is almost impossible here.

- Game Start -

I agree that new players aren't given a good enough taste of the game on the first day. I'd suggest giving new accounts (not new knights) an amount of Crystal Energy to start with as well. I get the feeling this could be cheated though.

- Consistency -

...swords that do normal instead of piercing [damage]...
- BehindCurtai -

Why would all swords do piercing damage? There are no thrusting attacks, at least not yet. There should be though! Sadly, not every game is Demon's Souls.

Come to think of it, I really like the idea that some swords would deal normal damage with normal attacks and then have a piercing attack as their charged attack. Maybe even the same kind of thing with the other damages. I might post a thread about this in Suggestions, though it'd probably topple all the damage stuff they have in place already...

- Dollars for Energy -

I was thinking the same thing about how much energy per dollar you get. If they were to double it, it'd put it right on par with Worth It.

If I buy too much, the excess is wasted.
- BehindCurtai

Wasted how? If you're talking about only spending the energy you buy on slot upgrades, well, then you've got a little extra you can spend in a gate or on a revive in an emergency. Plus, it's your choice to spend energy you buy with money only on slot upgrades, and since it's an uncommon occurrence, developers can't be expected to account for something like that.

...I'd really like to see a notice that the game will be wiped before the next beta phase, and the energy purchased returned for reuse.
- BehindCurtai

I'm sure the former is true, as the game is wiped every Preview Event. The latter... have you not seen the "Special Bonus Offer" on the Energy Depot page? All Energy purchased during the Preview Event will be given to you again on the official launch plus 25% MORE!

Alright, I've spent enough hours on this post. I'm done.

Legacy Username
If I buy more energy than I

If I buy more energy than I will use, then the remainder is wasted.

Will the game get the improvements that I want to see? If it does, good. If not, bad.

Did I see that the energy purchased now will be returned with a 25% bonus? Yep.

So, that means that if I buy $1 worth of energy now, my total play value is $2.25. That's the "double". You indicated you wanted to see double to see a good value; that's what you have now.

Lets say I spend $50 on energy. I've then got (... 400 per dollar, 20,000, or 2,000 levels, some revives ... Lets say I play 100 mist and 100 crystal per day, plus another 20-50 in revives, or) about 6 months of play. Easily.

But after 2 or 3 months, I see which way the game is going ... and it's not the way I want to keep playing. Then, I've wasted the remainder, AND all of the recredit bonus.

So what if I buy about one month's worth of energy? Then the energy per dollar is significantly worse -- I'm getting less from my money.

I don't know what Three Rings plans on doing.
I don't know how much the Mac Java slows things down (and it's not just my system, apparently -- other Mac people with much higher systems are complaining as well), and how much they can work around it, or will.
And, once I can make emberlight runs, then I'll have no need to pay cash for more energy because I can pay others to pay cash for me.

So that's what I mean when I say the excess that I buy is wasted. The crowns won't be of value, and Emberlight will let me buy on the exchange.


Lets say someone has paid $10 to get to the current state. And then, the next preview comes along, and the game gets a fresh wipe for the new preview.

The person that spent $10 now will get $12.50 worth at release. Fine.

But what will they have after the wipe, at the next preview? Will they get the $10 back to start their new character with?


> Like I tried to tell you in another post, you've got to work on your writing tone, which is everything on the internet. Right now, yours is complacent and demanding; transparently intentionally inflammatory. All those rhetorical questions you put in there are probably the worst of it.

Hmm. Those questions were not intended as rhetorical. They were intended to say "These are the points I want to look at". I think that the way Three Rings has answered them right now is broken, and the game would be made better by re-addressing them, and rethinking the design decisions that came from them.


> Why would all swords do piercing damage?

I don't think all of them should. The jelly shovel, and the "thwack" hammer, no; those are flat things.

But a big sharp pointy piece of metal? Like we say over there, "Pointy end first!".

Maybe the combo strike second shot should be piercing.
Maybe there's some general difference about a side-slashing weapon that affects all people next to you, and a forward-thrust weapon that only hurts one opponent for more damage.

But to say that all swords, of all types, are no different than a blunt object, except for the one blunt object that has a jelly bonus (instead of being an attack type that jellies don't have a defensive bonus against), well, that's ... (not inflammatory ... not inflammatory) not how I would do it.

EDIT: Ok, I added section headers to the OP.

Shoebox's picture
You are an idiot

No, no really. All credit goes to you on this one.


Legacy Username


So, let me see if I understand this correctly.

Whether it's sharp, blunt, explosive, a sword or a shovel, a high speed bullet or a big massive thwacker, you feel that the effect it has on any kind of skin, fur, membrane, steel shell, etc, should be identical, except that a shovel does more damage to jellies than anything else to anything else?

I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying. Because if I do, I disagree with that as logical, self-consistent, and making sense.

Shoebox's picture



Legacy Username
cutting trhough the mass shoting between you

RPG = Role playinng game, not roll. It's a game where you represent a character, and makes it history evolve depending in what you do and how lucky you are. Most of the RPGs have rols, but some don't, and are mainly focused in actions...but these kind of games are for experienced players and masters to control (i'm a lvl 3 or 4 master, if you think it goes till lvl 10, and RPG without rolls are good to be made when you are at lvl 8, more or less. Lvl 6 is good to make a campaing with more than 5 days/sessions).
Well, i can consider this game being a MMOG, but still not a MMORPG, because it lacks a lore that you actually live, and change with your actions (more known as quests that open new areas for you)(i just hope that, later, it will be implemented something like this, though).

Legacy Username
I think I finally realized

I think I finally realized the problem you're having. It seems you like to make points and ask questions in an extremely round-about fashion. So much so, in fact, no one takes the time to understand you.

Will the game get the improvements that I want to see? If it does, good. If not, bad.
- Behind Curtai

Ah. Well, the system requires a bit of trust, obviously. If you don't trust that it'll get better, or don't want to rely on trust, fine. Don't buy any energy at all, or just don't play.

Personally, I trust that the devs know what they are doing and won't rest until the game is fun all around.

You indicated you wanted to see double to see a good value; that's what you have now.
- Behind Curtai

Apparently we weren't thinking the same then. What I meant was that if they were to make the energy per dollar twice what it is now, then that'd be worth it for me. Similarly, if they lowered Energy costs by half the result would also be satisfactory.

But what will they have after the wipe, at the next preview? Will they get the $10 back to start their new character with?
- Behind Curtai

Presumably not. I'm fine with that. Also, I kind of get the vibe that this might be the last one anyway.

But to say that all swords, of all types, are no different than a blunt object, except for the one blunt object that has a jelly bonus (instead of being an attack type that jellies don't have a defensive bonus against), well, that's ... (not inflammatory ... not inflammatory) not how I would do it.
- Behind Curtai

They are indeed no different in this game; the different damage types are all only based loosely on the rules of reality and exist solely to add a little depth to the game. Currently, Normal is the most prevalent form of damage. I don't know if they intend to balance this with the other forms of damage in the future. If not, it seems logical that most of the damage done is Normal. If so, then having most of them do Piercing damage would unbalance the game.

Ok, I added section headers to the OP.
- Behind Curtai

That's better, I guess. I don't mean to be nitpicky and I know that's how this will come across, but bolding them would help immensely (use the strong tag). Headings should be immediately obvious.

Legacy Username
> That's better, I guess. I

> That's better, I guess. I don't mean to be nitpicky and I know that's how this will come across, but bolding them would help immensely (use the strong tag). Headings should be immediately obvious.

Not a problem. I do appreciate constructive feedback and constructive criticism.

> It seems you like to make points and ask questions in an extremely round-about fashion.

I never thought of it that way. To me, it's a case of "Step back, and see what's really off-base here". I learned to look from first principles. I learned that if you don't ask the right question, you'll get answers that, while accurate, are useless, so taking a moment to ask the right question is more important than worrying about the answer to an arbitrary question.

> Well, the system requires a bit of trust, obviously. If you don't trust that it'll get better, or don't want to rely on trust, fine.

I got a bad case of burn in Bang! Howdy.

Understand: That's the type of game that I love, and grew up with. (Granted, I was used to hex maps instead of square, but that's a triviality.) The implementation ... < sigh >. Lost cause, I won't be back. Not when it now costs $20 to do anything, and the only thing that played well was two player FG when you only had 3 bots (it may have been ok with 4 bots, no more than that).

Now, I know I have graphics performance that's right around the bottom of the target range. I know I can't do anything about my system, and I can't control Three Rings. I don't know if they can improve the performance at the low end, or if they will say "Nope, has to be a better card".

The concern about the next wipe is simple:

The current state of the economy is: "Garbage".
Attempting to do any tuning or adjusting is subject to "Garbage in, garbage out".

The only way to find out if a major overhaul to the drop rate, crown rate, drop requirements, item rebalancing, tier repurposing (raids on tier 3, etc), recipe adjustments, etc., etc., is to start with a blank slate. Otherwise, the horrendous over-abundance of crowns and low-end goods, and the scarcity of 3-star goods, etc., means that any change won't reflect what will happen on release.

If it's not wiped, you won't get meaningful data.
If it is wiped, and someone has paid $10 to play so far, and build up, having to start over, then getting that $10 back to retest the still-beta quality game seems significant.

EDIT: Ok, section headers in the OP bolded.

Legacy Username
I'm not sure you could call

I'm not sure you could call the economy "garbage" as much as you could call it almost nonexistent. As there is no market yet in place all trades (except for Crowns for Energy) occur on a player-to-player basis. Sure, once a market is set up it'll be weird at first, but after some time it'll even out to normalcy. It seems like you are only expecting the worst on all fronts.

If you're that worried about them supporting lower-end graphics cards, just try to (politely) get a dev's attention and ask what their intentions are on the subject.

To me, it's a case of "Step back, and see what's really off-base here".
- BehindCurtai

Interesting, my approach tends to be more like "Find the reasons behind the reasons."

What depths did you say you hang out at? Moorcroft to midpoint, sometimes to Emberlight and then right back? I always stay past Emberlight and I've got tons of three-star items, some four-star and even a couple five-star. I get a lot of Crowns, but they go right back out again to pay for Energy.

I would like to go on to say something else though. We know:

  • PvP will soon be added as a Crown sink to raise Crown worth
  • Pets will be added soon
  • They are currently trying to rebalance equipment stats and making higher star equipment even higher above lower star equipment
  • Lower levels will be made much harder and will eventually have a system in which subtowns swap in and out
  • There will eventually be a story and story elements
  • They plan to add new equipment sometime soon
  • At some point there will be a kind of auction house

We all know Big Changes are on the way. What I don't understand is what purpose there is to making a fuss about how bad these things are now when we know they are being worked and will change at some point before release.

Legacy Username
All those things that you

All those things that you said are coming: Where did you see those? I haven't seen any indication for most of them on these forums.

Yea, I can make it to Emberlight if I'm tagging along with people with better gear. And once I've gotten my new gear (all pink and squishy) leveled up, I'll probably make it myself.

But below emberlight? Not unless I can join someone on their way :-).

> Interesting, my approach tends to be more like "Find the reasons behind the reasons."

We're probably not that much different then.

> I'm not sure you could call the economy "garbage" as much as you could call it almost nonexistent.

We're not talking about the same thing then.

I'm looking at the value of drops. One star drops, everyone has more than they will need once they start alchemizing, so one-star drops are worthless. Three-star drops, well, by the time you've gotten enough three-star drops to make your two-star items, you either no longer need those items, or you just purchased them with crowns. Etc. You yourself have said that you have more three-star items than you know what to do with, and enough 4- and 5- star items. And all the crowns you need to keep playing.

So, a simple question: Given such a huge over supply of 2-star and 3-star items, and given that everyone else that you play with has such a huge over supply, how much value do you place on them?

A quick hint: It's not 1000 per star level.

If there was an established game mechanic for selling stuff, the supply is so drastically larger than the demand that the price that players pay will drop to the vendor trash level. Or all the way to zero, or the listing cost at the auction house.

I got a few brute cores from brutes. Not even sure when. I got more brute cores for free, as well as swordstone for free (never saw one on my own) from people I went down to Emberlight with.

The supply of stuff is so large that the value of stuff is little more than the value of the time to make the trade and give stuff away.

That is what I mean by the economy is garbled. Not that there is no game mechanic for automating trades (what you call non-existent), but rather the comment other people made much earlier, when I started playing, about how there's more crowns and equipment than anyone knows what to do with them.

Legacy Username
All those things that you

All those things that you said are coming: Where did you see those? I haven't seen any indication for most of them on these forums.

I'm pretty sure most (or all) the things Shango listed is directly from the mouth of one of the devs, who was chatting with a group of people (and fighting off a legion of adoring fans, naturally) in Emberlight over the weekend. I do believe PVP has been confirmed somewhere on the forums, though.

Legacy Username
Ahh. I know how to get people

Ahh. I know how to get people to play elsewhere:

Devs only show up in Haven, and are announced :-)

Legacy Username
Yeah, some of it I picked up

Yeah, some of it I picked up from the forums which was then confirmed and added to by Boswick. I guess I just assumed it had gotten around by now.

Maybe I should make a thread for it...?

A quick hint: It's not 1000 per star level.
- BehindCurtai

Please don't patronize me. What I'm saying is that after a market is established things will eventually even out. I just hope they do it soon, as the longer they wait the worse it'll be. I heard that one of devs (Mark?) said they could build an auction house really easily, I hope it's given the go-ahead.

Boswick's picture
Whoa whoa whoa, there are

Whoa whoa whoa, there are some pretty sweeping assumptions being made here. Clarification:

  • Yes, we're working on PvP.
  • Yes, we want to offer non-energy activities.
  • Perhaps another developer has said something about pets, but all I've ever said is that it would be great to have them.
  • The team has spoken about an auction house-like feature, but it's far from a foregone conclusion. We want to facilitate in-game trade, but we haven't decided on what form it should take.

Quick rule of thumb: we may speak broadly about potential features and ideas we're kicking around, but you're not going to see us committing to specific details and implementations of those features.

Shoebox's picture
Wombles from Wimbledon?

You will be able to activate your own mecha knights soon enough! ~Nick

You should stop playing Poy Poy and browse the forums some more.

Legacy Username
Remember: "The list is not a

Remember: "The list is not a delivery schedule nor indication of the next thing being worked on".

We've had ship decay on the list since 2003, right? Cleaver-approved, even :-).

> The team has spoken about an auction house-like feature, but it's far from a foregone conclusion. We want to facilitate in-game trade, but we haven't decided on what form it should take.

And the fact that it isn't in a fixed-form yet is why I've recommended player shops (stalls?) located by an alchemy machine. The energy to run the alchemy could be provided by the buyer ...

Vbunny's picture
Princeberton's picture
Live Long and prosper

So, you necro-bumped a thread to prove your superior forum skills?

*sips coffee and walks away*

Sexysaurus-Rex's picture
Sometimes my dog takes me for a ride in the car

Shoebox i love you and want your mixed babies

PS. boswick i wish i could have a pet bush in this game

Njthug's picture
I apologize for the Necro my

I apologize for the Necro my guildee did it by mistake since I linked it in our audio-chat. I dont think Vbunny was reading the date....I do apologize again on his behalf was my fault.

Tantarian's picture


Njthug's picture

Dude....I swear I was like hey guys want to see the best thread on the forums....and linked it, but you have to hear Vbunny on audio chat he so confused he did not know what he did....he like nj i posted on that thread I was like Noessss.....I feel a storm is coming Tan...

Vtmoon's picture

Vbunny was a Necro poster. Vbunny is no longer with us.

He should've read the post date at least.