it would be really cool if weapons and amour evolved instead of just getting when they get to level ten they evolve such as
Hatchet into a heavy hatchet
beast smasher into big beast smasher
slime slasher into super slime slasher
Hot Edge into Searing Edge
Static Edge into Shocking Edge
Prototype Rocket Hammer into Stable Rocket Hammer into Warmaster Rocket Hammer
Calibur into Tempered Calibur into Ascended Calibur into Leviathan Blade
Cold Iron Carver into Cold Iron Vanquisher
Brandish into Cautery Sword
Nightblade into Silent Nightblade into Acheron
Fireburst Brandish into Blazebrand into Combuster
Shockburst Brandish into Boltbrand into Voltedge
Iceburst Brandish into Blizzbrand into Glacius
Cutter into Striker into Vile Striker into Dread Venom Striker
Hunting Blade into Wild Hunting Blade
Flourish into Swift Flourish into Grand Flourish into Final Flourish
Rigadoon into Daring Rigadoon into Fearless Rigadoon
Flamberge into Fierce Flamberge into Furious Flamberge
Snarble Barb into Twisted Snarble Barb into Dark Thorn Blade into Barbarous Thorn Blade
Spur into Arc Razor into Winmillion
Troika into Kamarin into Khorovod into Sudaruska
Grintovec into Jalovec into Triglav
Wrench Wand
Sealed Sword into Avenger into Divine Avenger
Faust into Gran Faust
so it would be really cool if you could do that instead of just building the weapons why not just evolve the weapons and amour like the swords I just would relly help beacause people have to use up soo much energy and don t get to play. but of course you need materials to upgrade them just no cr and energy just evoling whith heat and materials.
Do you not understand the fact that the current crafting system is the main method by which this game produces money for Three Rings? To craft, you must buy energy. To buy energy, someone has to pay for it using real money. If you suggestion was implemented, Three Rings would receive far less money than it does currently. Why, then, would they want to do this?
They wouldn't.