Here's the problem(s):
1. People are complaining about payouts - either being too high or too low.
2. Difficulty throughout a specific level is constant, so either it becomes too easy or too hard.
3. With reference to point 2, some missions become bland and repetitive.
Here's my solution: Adaptive Difficulty.
1. What is Adaptive Difficulty?
Adaptive Difficulty involves an 'AI Director' while you are performing your mission, monitoring your performance throughout the mission one level at a time.
Some stats include time taken to complete the mission, how much damage you have taken, how many times a player has died, how many players there are in your party etc.
After every level, the AI Director will tabulate all of this information, and scale the next level's difficulty rating accordingly - i.e. spawning more enemies of a higher tier, or spawning more/tougher enemies on party buttons etc. At the same time, crown rewards (and to some extent material drops) will become more bountiful.
For example, if your party breezes through Silence the Guns on Operation Crimson Hammer, expect more Ghostmane Stalkers and Rocket Puppies instead of normal Gun Puppies on Flank the Frontlines; however you will earn more crowns from that level.
Vice versa, if you've died many times, expect to see less Stalkers on the next level.
2. Why should we implement Adaptive Difficulty?
Adaptive Difficulty takes into account the party's performance, while allowing for rewards to be scaled to how well the party does, and providing enough difficulty to make a mission interesting even for veterans.
At the same time, adapting the difficulty allows a party to gauge how well it does in a specific mission.
3. No, this suggestion is sooo exploitable.
Fortunately for you guys, this has been taken into account:
For those that deliberately drag down the party in order to take advantage of reduced difficulty on the next level, they'll get exactly what they aimed for, but with a slight problem; severely reduced crown and material payouts. That being said, Adaptive Difficulty incentivizes players to perform better in missions.
On the other hand, if someone does manage to hack SK and propel through the levels at inhuman speeds in order to take advantage of vastly improved crown payouts, fear not.
Adaptive Difficulty doubles up as an anti-hacking tool that tracks a player's performance. If that performance surpasses a certain threshold (e.g. taking half the time to defeat all enemies in a level compared to the best PvE'ers for that stratum), the hacker will be instantly marked by the system.
4. If changes are only implemented at the start of levels, what happens if performance changes drastically?
If performance changes due to a player leaving/joining, the difficulty will be scaled to the performance of the players in the party with tabulated information at that point in time.
If the party's carry leaves and you happen to be the weaker player, monsters will be considerably weakened; if you are the MVP, difficulty remains pretty much the same, but mobs will have health scaled to the number of members in the party.
Alternatively, if the performance of all members fluctuates considerably, the system tabulates this information, and immediately alters the difficulty for the next level.
5. Is there a limit as to how easy/hard a level can be?
There is a limit to how easy a level can be - this is to safeguard against players taking advantage of repeated deaths to plunge the difficulty of levels to something completely effortless.
There is no limit, however, to how hard a level can be, however if the system records stagnation in the player's progress in comparison with the last level (given that the progress of the player tends to saturate at higher difficulty levels) difficulty will remain the same.
6. What if a player has recently joined the party?
This is one of the main flaws to the system - i.e. the player is subject to the difficulty level of the party already in the midst of gameplay, and has little, if any, time to adapt.
That being said, given that players are already taking risks when playing with an open party, or joining a pre-existing party of randoms, this consideration is largely negated by the fact that the player is doing so at his/her own discretion.
Any comments? :P
Still exploitable. Good players can handle almost everything. Since your increase in difficulty only depends on higher tier/more numerous enemies, a group can potentially farm even more crowns than they already do.
I'm not sure how exceeding possible thresholds can label one as a hacker. As far as most people know, hackers don't exist on this game. Other than those youtube vids with ce/cr programs, but those are doubtful at best.
Back to difficulty scaling. Other than creating new mechanics, difficulty is best scaled with increase in attack speed, reaction, and other various speed up of current enemies. For example, your gun puppy to rocket puppy replacement. Granted, they are harder, but completely different enemies. Not like T2 to T3 difficulty scale, this is just changing enemies.