it took me a year of effort and over 200 triple rolls to finally be THE BEST geared night on the game. And 90% of the items i rolled myself. Serioulsy, all those triple rolls. I have 3 ctr vh triple uv any clown with a single ctr vh and a credit card can have better. It's just not fair. Such a screw job.
2 hours after the patch, and 10+ players have better gear. That's right. A year of effort loses to an hour of an idiot with a credit card.
Sigh. Thanks for bastardizing my game OOO. Really sucks.
They don't deserve it. All this FAKE super gear. So much effort down the drain. And wasted crown. Don't forget the crowns OOO now made mute. Just sucks. Feel like they stabbed me in the back. That's what loyalty gets ya tho. That's all.
Hmm, I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I wonder where I've seen a thread like this before? ಠ_ಠ