We know that the Troika lines are under-powered with their combo, but here are some numbers to show you JUST how bad it is.
There IS a TL;DR.... I Put it in bold for you.
Look at the Damage at D24....
1st 241
2nd 297
1st 241 (lol, the same)
2nd 331 (Oh look, MORE damage, And Curse, as well as being faster.)
So, from a forum post from Darkbrady, when I was still a noob, I learned that the Sealed sword's First hit took .8 secs, while the Suda's took .9 secs... But that second hit took MUCH longer.
So I'm about to attempt getting the 2nd swing data from the lancer knights data...
Here goes... (Note that I'm using the calculator to keep the largest available repeating Number for accuracy)
Lancer knight data says the Suda can complete 28 combo's at ASI med...
60(seconds given)/28 = 2.142857142857 seconds for one combo.
2.142857142857 - .9 = 1.24285714285714
So the Suda's Second hit takes 1.24285714285714 seconds to complete...
Lancer knight data says the GF can complete 31 combo's in 60 seconds...
60/31 = 1.9354838709677
1.935483870967 - .8 = 1.135483870967741
So the second swing takes 1.1354838709677
Now for some easy to read %'s...
GF VS. Suda; 1st swing
.9/.8=112.5% or 12.5% faster then Suda
GF VS. Suda; Second swing
1.242857142857/1.13548387096774=109.456168831168% or about 9.5% faster the Suda
GF VS. Suda; whole combo
2.14285714285/1.9354838709677=110.71428571428% faster, or about 10.7% faster then Suda on average.
Now for DPS...
Suda; First swing
241 damage in .9 secs
Suda; Second swing
Suda; Combo
GF, first swing
GF; second swing
GF; Combo
DPS debate now...
GF VS Suda; 1st hit DPS
301.25/267.777777777=112.59336099585% or 12.6% more DPS then Suda
GF VS Suda; 2nd hit DPS
297.67045454545/238.965517241=124.566279679% or about 24.6% more DPS then Suda
GF VS Suda; Combo
299.15/251.06666666666=119.15161975570% or about 19.2% more DPS then Suda
Here's the short version:
GF Raw damage:
1st 0% more Damage then Suda
2nd 13.8% more Damage then Suda
Combo 7.6% more Damage then Suda
GF Speed:
1st 12.5% faster then Suda
2nd 9.5% Faster then Suda
Combo 10.7% Faster then Suda
GF DPS: (Not raw damage)
1st 12.6% more DPS then Suda
2nd 24.6% more DPS then Suda
Combo 19.2% more DPS then Suda
GF Effectiveness against Fiends and Undead: (Little lazy here... I'm tired :P)
360/1.9354838709677419354838709677419= 186 DPS (Exactly :O )
251.066666666/186= 1.3498207885304% or the Suda is 35% more effective then a GF on 1/3 of the monsters you'll find.
This means that if you have a GF and a Suda equipped, the only time the Suda is useful is against those Fiends and Undead. ALL other times the GF will deal 19.2% more DPS, which is like hitting a vulnerable monster.
And you know what? If you're carrying 2 Heavy swords anyways, why the heck not get a DA? It will essentially deal critical hits on everything that the Suda would be used for, and Even more on HALF the things that it would be used for, Undeads.
Normal weapons are simply outclassed in all but a few areas, and even then...
If you are bringing two DIFFERENT kinds of weapons, then why not bring a GF and a Argent Peacemaker? The GF, due it its mechanics allow it to Kill beasts, gremlins, slimes, and Constructs with ease. The AP shreds Undead, constructs, All turrets, Slimes, and its large clip, fast firing speed, range, bullet speed, and mobility let it kill all forms of fiend.
So there is LITERALLY No Legitimate Reason To Use A Normal Damage Weapon. Isn't that great... -.-
I'd like to make this a thread where we Can Place other Math thingies, and fixes for said weapons.
This spot is reserved for Listing links to other math things, and suggested fixes to weapons......................................................................
Sudaruska and Triglav Balance:
Option 1
The slowness is one of the things that just goes with the sword... So here is DPS fixes:
One: Bring The DPS in line with the Neutral Hits of a Sealed sword.
At D24:
1st: 271 damage, This brings the DPS for that swing to 301.111, which is about the same.
2nd: 370 Damage, this brings it to almost the same exactly as the Sealed, 297.75
Over all combo: 641 damage, this brings the overall DPS to 299.1333, Which is JUST under the 299.15 of the Sealed Line.
Also remember, That just by having 2 weapons slots at the start of the game, using typed is FAR better. So having the DPS set AT neutral for its typed counterparts is just about perfect for swords.
Option 2
The swings of these Giant swords are being interrupted by absolutely Silly things. They also can't seem to interrupt anything by hitting them with a Mountain. Brendell's Fix?
Make the damaging bit occur faster, leaving the rest of the Attack open for being hit. (Although making them not interrupt-able would work too, IMO)
Take the damage used to balance the DPS, and shove it all on the Last hit. He thinks that will make it able to knock over Almost everything... And I hope he's right.