Hello! My name is Flowerx and I have some suggestion to suggest here.
New gun.
Howling Blast (Normal)
> A gun, of course.
> Have a high range or same like Radiant Sun Shard range.
> Green in colour.
> Deal Normal attack.
How to use it?
> Firstly, you need to know that the gun has 1 cm range for the normal short.
> To increase the range, charge it. The range will be increase by calculating your charge time.
> If the charge was 0.3 sec, the range will increase by 2.5 mm.
> If the gun has fully charge, the powerful shot will be occur. (That mean, the range will be same like Radiant Sun Shard.)
Possible penalty for the gun.
> Charge Time Reduction will be increase.
Branch for Howling Blast.
Howling Death (Shadow)
> Has the ability to inflict curse.
> Dark in colour.
> Deal Shadow damage.
Possible penalty for the gun.
> Movement penalty when charging.
> Charrge Time Reduction will be increase.
> Chance of receiving curse.
Question that people may ask:
How about you got CTR very high for the gun?
> So, the gun range will be increase shortly. Example is, if you charge for 0.3 second, then the gun range will be increase by 4 mm.
Is Howling Death can inflict curse at the normal shot?
> Sorry, it's not. Just for the charge.
Hi, my name is attached to my posts.
New weapon. It shoot boolit.
Radiant Sun shards have an approximate range of ten in all eight map based directions. That is farther than any gun which currently exists, Pulsar being about six. Keep this in mind for the mechanic.
Range based on charge time to an indefinite duration? There had best be a maximum cap on that. Otherwise people could charge forever to shoot a single round forever, or until it hits something and is completely wasted. Starting it with a decently long charge ought to buckle its seatbelt. I have no idea where these phrases come from.
Unless you are holding a ruler to your monitor, use spaces as distance measurement. For the sake of science I am going to assume a centimeter means one space. Keep in mind not everyone has the same monitor size. Every 0.3 seconds would translate to a fourth of a space extension to the range from the starting one space range. One space is not very far for any weapon. At least give it three to start with. If it did have three to start with and gains a fourth of a space per 0.3 seconds, to get to ten spaces in range means waiting for seven spaces worth of extension, meaning math:
(X seconds / 7 spaces) = (0.3 seconds / 0.25 spaces)
X/7 = 1.2
X = 8.4
Slower than Ionized Salt, yet faster than Gran Faust; between bad and horrible in terms of complete charge times. The difference being as the user you can get instant gratification by releasing earlier. Assuming each charge bonus is about half a second, even with maximum charge bonus it still would take over five seconds. Depending on the damage, movement speed while active, width of the projectile, and speed of the projectile determine focused balancing values. Overall this would be a different pace than the current method of spamming charge attacks as soon as they are available. I was going to use a similar mechanic for a melee weapon in another suggestion but several factors would interfere with balance; regardless it shall be attempted sometime soon.
Give us damage rate scenarios, approximate movement speed while charging, boolit width and speed, and a Ferris wheel. Stick to one new weapon mechanic before trying to branch it out, otherwise we have to balance multiple things at once when we should be focused on one. When that one is ready to be packed and shipped we can start branching it out.