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PLEASE READ! The cautery sword wants you to make it inflict sleep!

15 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

I have a suggestion that may significantly improve people's perception of the cautery sword. As is widely known, the cautery sword line stops at 3-star and is nearly useless due to its poor damage output. HOWEVER, what if this sword's charge attack inflicted sleep? After all, it IS a modified medical tool, and I would be surprised if there was no anesthetics on it.

This would no doubt improve people's perception of it greatly. Not a single weapon weapon (not even the sealed sword) can currently inflict sleep, and no monsters can inflict it either (the sloom and sloombargo both being extinct). So, introducing this sword with a newly-gained ability to inflict sleep would greatly improve people's opinion of it. It would also allow for several new additions, which I will suggest here:

- A possible new stratum theme - sleep, caused by having moonstone, valestone, and dark matter as the dominant minerals in a gate in that order of prevalence.

- A variety of new enemies which can inflict sleep:
- Gremlin sleepers (do not attack, but produce Z's that inflict sleep and float towards players. They sleep on a pillow)
- Sandmen (Zombies whose breath and swipe attacks inflict sleep)
- Hibernators (bears which are passive and sleeping until provoked, and become very vicious when provoked)
- And of course don't forget the sloom and maybe the sloombargo
- All these monsters drop Zee cores, required in alchemizing the cautery sword line
- Cautery sword could have 4 and 5 star forms (I can think of no names)

If you remotely like this idea, please give feedback on it. If you hate it, also give feedback.

Bild des Benutzers The-Rawrcake
LOL Do you know the


Do you know the definition of Cauterization?

That deals with fire. If anything, it should cause fire.

Good luck sleeping while getting Cauterized x)

Bild des Benutzers Juances

Dunno, bad cauterization leads to infection, so it can relate to poison somehow too.

Bild des Benutzers The-Rawrcake
rofl, and there are some

rofl, and there are some poisons which make people sleepeh, so something that cauterizes could cause sleep!

Nevermind OP, you had it all right xP

On the cautery sword

I had thought that making it inflict sleep was a good idea because, being a medical sword involved in surgeries, I would only assume that it had some anesthetics on it to dull the pain of the surgery. The poison idea is a good one too (although I doubt a medical blade would be warm enough to ignite something), so thanks for the response

Bild des Benutzers Zeddy
I think exactly the thing

I think exactly the thing suggested in the title sounds fantastic. Put sleep on Cautery sword but do nothing else with it. That way we have a 3* sword that can inflict sleep. You don't see many knights or enemies with sleep immunity, so it's a more powerful status than you may realize. That's why limiting it to an otherwise rubbish 3* weapon would work great.

I imagine a T3 Lockdown team that carries this puppy could win pretty hard with some coordination, seeing how nearly noone has sleep resist.

Bild des Benutzers Demonicsothe
If they implement sleep that

If they implement sleep that can be used in a pvp mode, they'll likel put back the sleep uv.

Bild des Benutzers Zeddy
But how many people would go

But how many people would go for it? If someone could put you to sleep with a crummy 3* sword or spam a pushback-heavy gun or a large-area covering bomb to put you in shock which one would you worry more about?

A sleep-inducing Cautery Sword would be effective through not being very effective, just like Venom Veiler!

Bild des Benutzers The-Rawrcake
Venom Veiler is awesome. You

Venom Veiler is awesome. You can place down a bomb and then go do other stuff while things get poisoned and you don't really care, just benefit.

You, sir, are a Venom Veiler Virgin. Or you are using it wrong. You place it down while a boss is invulnerable / you have nothin' better to do; for example, clouding up the area before stepping on a button.

You don't realize the usefulness of a mist bomb status that works well with and does not cancel other statuses.

It is a great sidearm.

Bild des Benutzers Zeddy
You don't have to tell me!

You don't have to tell me! You seem to have mistaken my post for being sarcastic, but I actually think poison is a pretty cool status, and I've used VV to kick plenty of butts in Lockdown.

I should perhaps have written "threatening by not being very threatening".

Bild des Benutzers Geregias
sleep is bad

yeah sure improve the poor cautery sword why not but why sleep?
sleep does not effect constructs
while monsters are asleep they heal rapidly
the only use for this would be pvp but even then sleep is broken by any subsequent attacks

your suggestion is well thought out and everything but before sleep, or an alternative status, is introduced it needs to be fixed, at the very least not heal monsters, or very slowly

if youve ever had the chance to fight a sloom you'll know that sleep is basically freeze that cannot be broken by team mates and should never be used against enemies - also slooms have a really good chance of putting you to sleep, i recommend killing them rather than going ' oh look a sloom thats so cool i wonder if i can get it to put me to sleep?'

Bild des Benutzers Hexzyle
Sorry to say, but sleep isn't

Sorry to say, but sleep isn't coming back.

At least not in a widespread form.

There are too many factors that can't be overcome or balanced. This has already been discussed.

Bild des Benutzers Zeddy

the only use for this would be pvp but even then sleep is broken by any subsequent attacks

Lockdown is not a game about killing enemies, so having an enemy completely immobilized while you cap their points is not to be trifled with.

Failing that, you could always just put an enemy to sleep and then charge up a blitz needle in front of their faces.

Bild des Benutzers Toxicblade

I guess a 3* sleep sword would be ok, but Cautery sword? NOPE. Do you know the meaning of Cauterization? Cauterizing is BURNING a wound to close it and stop bleeding, sillies :P

Bild des Benutzers Zeddy
3* Cautery Sword upgrades to

3* Cautery Sword upgrades to 4* Anesthetic Sword where the line ends.

Makes as much sense as anything else.

Edit: OR! 4* Anesthetic Sword upgrades to 5* Antibiotics Sword which inflict poison, finally giving us a poisonous Brandish. (Which no one would care about.)


I understand - someone already defined cauterization for me.