Winmillion's main problem is that there are very few advantages to having a projectile, and that the drawbacks created from having said projectile are huge. Not only does it mean that certain enemies are almost impossible to hit, but it means that in order to balance such a weapon, the attacking power must be numbed down.
Think about it this way- you start attacking when they are at a distance from you, so as to hit them once with just the projectile, and twice with both the projectile and swing. On a normal sword, you'd have had to walk up to them, and would have only gotten in 2 hits of the combo.
So lets say that our calibur styled weapon does 100 for the first two hits, and 150 fort he third. That'd be 200 damage at the same range as winmillion... so 3 projectiles+1 first hit+1 last hit should do the same amount of damage for it to be on equal footing as a sword. So it might be that the projectiles do 30 each, the first hit does 45, and the 2nd hit does 65. However, then you have to take into account that winmillion's projectiles can be used like a gun kind of- so that perhaps it should do less per combo. So then maybe the projectile should do 20, with the first two hits at 40 and 60. That'd mean that for the same combo, you would get 160 rather than 200 damage, to make up for the fact that you can easily side step around the enemy and attack+shield cancel to use it as a gun, sort of.
And that is why it does so little damage. Now why don't people like this? Because they can just carry a gun and still do more damage with a sword...
Here is what I would propose changing for winmillion and why:
-increase the projectile range by 50%
-make the projectiles stagger enemies
-increase the damage that the first two hits of the blade do by about 10%
-increase the damage of the third hit by about 30%
-increase the knockback of the sword blade on the third hit.
This would let its projectiles go far enough to actually make a difference, and the stagger would let them cancel attacks, making it a force to be reckoned with- remember that the actual bullets do very little damage. Its actual damage should come on the third hit, as that is the hardest and weirdest to land- while the normal attacks only require a small buff. The knockback on the third hit would allow it to sweep enemies back further.
Then there is the issue of the charge. Not only does it deal a small amount of damage, but it gets stuck on walls, and the projectile part of it is canceled entirely if you shield. Its one redeeming factor is that it lets the user turn before deploying it.
Here is what I would propose changing for winmillion's charge and why:
-Increase the size of the charge projectile by 40%
-Double the damage of the projectile (right now it does less than one of the single sword swings)
-Increase the range of the projectile by 30%
-Give the projectile more knockback
This would let the projectile actually knock things back and deal enough damage to make it viable. It would make up for the fact that it gets canceled, and would allow it to do comparable damage to other such charges.
Peaches and pineapples.