I know this question has probably been asked a lot, but I cannot find any answer that is detailed (in both reasoning and explanation) enough to provide a satisfactory answer to this question. I am a swordsperson, and is currently working my way up to a Combuster, Acheron as well as a Final Flourish. I am also crafting the Vog Cub Set and the Barbarous Thorn Shield, and will craft the Snarbolax Set after everything else. However, I am finding it hard to use nothing but swords for the whole time (because it gets really repetitive and boring), and I sometimes feel an urge to use a gun/bomb. So right now I am thinking of crafting a gun/bomb (or both) as a sidearm, but I don't think I'm very good at using them so should I just stick to using swords instead?
Any help is greatly appreciated,
First, you will probably want either an elemental gun, because they are useful to take out all turrets (which are the most problematic for swordsmen) or a utility bomb (you have swords for damage). Here are a few options (you can take several and switch according the situation), ordered according my preferences :
- Argent Peacemaker : great mobility elemental gun. It's handy to pick out some problematic enemies from a distance while keeping mobility.
- Polaris : great utility elemntal gun. The explosion is great to silence turrets and knockback things. But you may get some hate if you use it against anything save turrets, because of the random knockback.
- Voltaic Tempest : great utility as well as damage bomb : shock is OP, especially against crowds. Makes some enemies ridiculously easy (kats for example)
- Shivermist Buster : I rate it under VT because I prefer Shock. Freeze is great (especially against Vanaduke), but also have some drawbacks : no damage (unless no one breaks it, which rarely happens), you can't shield bump nor have your sword knockback (especially for heavy swords users). It's not as bad as Polaris, but some people don't like it except for Vana.
- Blitz Needle : it's not an elemental gun, and not even what I would call a side-arm, but it has so great damage you may consider using it. First, it's great for Vanaduke. It can also one-charge kill almost everything which is not resistant. And last, for the new danger mission, it destroys both problematic enemies (knights and slags). I would consider it after getting an elemental gun.
There are other valid options, but those would be my top 5.
Edit : see Oatmonster propositions below, I largely agree with Valliance and Vortex (I would still rank them under all the above), but not for RSS : really, if you want to use RSS as a gun, just use a gun. It should only be used by pure bomber to blow stuff up grom upclose, hitting with all the shards (or using it as a gun as they already have high bomb CTR and DMG).