The Basis:
This is a Beast expansion.
This is more story motivated, based on how desperate the gremlins are to get rid of the knights.
There are new enemies exclusive to the mission and some that I may want to be added to the normal CW.....
There is a more dynamic Background, changing the time of day.
If it feels like I’m recounting, Sorry, it’s a force of habit when I do something story related……………
Now, onto the enemies (excluding the boss).
Werewolvers: These furry creatures of the night appear in the 3rd lv continuing. These are hunchback, Wolven and as tall as a Trojan. They have different facial appearances. They are either Knights or Gremlins. Knight based ones(No variation in attacks) appear in the penultimate lv. They are invincible to freeze and stun and some reisitance to shock, but have negative defence aginst fire.
Claw Combo: This piercing attack can be up to three in a combo.
Lunge: Like the Zombie’s lunge, the Werewolver will lunge and latch onto you attacking you. You can still attack, and can get them off via hazards, an attack or until it stops after 5 seconds.
Primal Howl: A large wave like scream which can stun, and knockback players.
Leader Wolver: A miniboss who is basically a un-nerfed, Faster, Less vulnerable, and stronger Alpha Wolver. It is also has a Burrowing attack which Creates a Tremor and stuns and Dmgs the player. It is also covered in tailored Armour which is mixed and matched with cobalt, Plate and Demo(Reason will be explained). He has A LOT of Pierce resist and less SHADOW resist.
Follower Wolver: A Un-nerfed, Stronger Wolver covered in Proto. It’s a Mob with the leader Wolver. They have more normal and Pierce defence and Less ELEMENTAL Defence.
Horonets: A Hornet like creature with a patient, Monk like look, who acts similar to Greavers, they also have a small tomes which creates a must cloud dealing Stun.
Tribal Beast: A monkey like beast which acts like a Mender, who can Do a Ram attack. They can create a mender esque dome to protct all creatures except other Tribal Beasts that only dissapates when that Tribal beast who casted it dies.
Silkwings and greaver also pop up. Constructs appear in ALL levels also with Several Jellies.
Beastal Constructs: A construct which CPU is modified to act more like a beast. A failled product of the Project. It looks like a Shufflebot, but with more camo on it.
Burrow bombs: In wolver likeness, they make bombs that burrow near you.
AoE Oil attack: They release an oil effect similar to a Battle pod, which if SHOCKED, releases Stun fumes.
Basis of introductory lv(Very Cruddy, sorry):
With our friends at Emberlight and Recon knights, HQ has found an Abandoned Ruin which was once occupied by gremlins. In the lore on the walls of these ruins, describe a Legendary guardian who can transform into a Furry beast who kills anything in it due to a certain artifact. The gremlins were doing tests on trying to fuse that power with a construct.
These Gremlins have fled due to the sightings of a Fur covered, feral monster. With this sight, knights have been sent to investigate, but had never returned. More of these “Werewolvers” appeared, some having facial appearances of knights and Gremlins.
We have now asked you and your squad to assist Chief biotech Hahn to Reasearch and eliminate this threat to the inhabitants of Cradle!
Lobby(it has a morning like Background):
This lobby is on the first depth, and has a Wolver den, ruins and Aztec look. There are knights Who are on comlinks and Hahn Standing near a passage way into the depth.
There is no basil, and a normal knight takes his place. If you ask, she will reply by saying something like “Basil Has disappeared recently, so I am taking over his place for the time being.”
The inventory would be:
Any Flourish line depending on Tier(2*, 3* and 5*)
Any Jelly line depending on Tier.
Magnus line depending on Tier.
Any Jelly line depending on Tier.
Hahn will explain the conditions, and Brinks will be near a Stash of Items.
Talking to him will tell them why He’s here and offer to craft a armour (Explain in Rewards’ Basis).
First Depth: Gaia’s Garden(Noon Background).
Hahn and a few helper knights(With Brandish like swords and some with Autogun lines) will follow until the numbers wane to just 3 and Hahn by the 3rd depth.
This is a pretty simple Wolver’s den, with a more Aurora isles feel as you progress with Statues, pools and other ancient looks, until you reach a Temple with no roof and face a battle of Beasts, Slimes and then a group of Follower Wolvers.
Hahn(He would be following you throughout, will be bemused at the sight of these creatures), and you got to the elevator.
Second: Tome Gallery(Evening/Dusk):
As you go through the ruins, you encounter several Tomes which explain about the creature, and a Recon Module Made by gremlins, explaining the Tests. They weren’t compatable with constructs, and were desperate enough to try it on themselves. After finding this, a Battle will commence with the Horonets accoupnied by greavers and Slikwings.
Hahn will be more unverved as this happens.
In the final room, a Tribal Beast speaking poor English will explain that it worships the Werewolver, and protects this sacred place. It doesn’t want to enrage it, and wants to kill the “Intruders”. It then assists the enemies in the final room.
Third Depth: Guise of the Wolven(Early Night)
In a small campfire, you’re assaulted by a leader Wolver, after beating it, It Barks and a Tall Stranger appears translating the Words.
“Human not harmed. Giant One Wants you.”
This stranger is no other than Basil. He will explain in a cutscene that a werewolver attacked him in the lobby pre Knight Inverstigation. He was saved by the leader wolver and has been creating gear in return.
The reason for the gear was because at this time, the Werewolvers and their followers attack the normal ones, dwindling their numbers.
As a reward for helping them with the Werewolver problem, they will allow them access to a Room which will explain more about the Projects
Hahn decdides to stay and study from the site, and the players and the knights trek along.
In the depth, you are constantly stalked by a figure, who then appars as the first Werewolver since the project and the first you face.
He is first as a regular thwacker, but after a while, will rage unconrolibly and morph.
After the battle, several wolvers swarm him, but he then defeats them. He runs away, muttering something about “Power, army and other revenge related items" while grabbing a knight.
You give pursuit and go onto the elevator, ready for the penultimate depth.
Penultimate Depth: The hunter(Midnight)
The level is more of a Mechanical based lv, as you go into a part of their reaserch camp, there are Bestial Constructs, Trapped Lichens, and the occasional Grem Were-wolver along with Tribal Beasts and Horonets.
As you reach the midway point, you meet one of the missing knights from the Group. He is having spasms, Foaming in the mouth and has the "Awe" eyes.
He talks about him being "Corrupted, bitten, going crazy, rage, kill everything in it's path." He then noticed you and says something about "Betrayal, desserter, I have power, DIE!"
He morphs into a Werewolver, and you then have to battle him. When killed, he drops a Tome based on the main Werewolver from past.
It explains from a previous inhabitant before it becoming a CW lv, that the beast isn't a protector, just a bully, destroying anything due to his wrath, and the artifac feeds on the Wrath, and transforms the victim. You realise that that that one fear tranformed that knight. You wonder about that first one, and porceed to the final battle.
Boss Lv: Hunters of the knight(Dawn???):
You enter a lv where the sky is dawn, however, the power shorts out, turning it pitch black(Akin to CK) and a current of lightning is shown, lighting a hulking figure before it runs away.
One of the knight decide to try and find the generator, but gets defeated by a nearby werewolver. You decide to try and find an emergency generator.
After traversing a layberinth of enemies, you are able to set up emergency lights, and find the boss in a altar room.
When you find the first werewolver(Now stronger and more feral due to the accelerated power of his rage, explains that he's lost everything to the knights, and now mutters "An eye for an eye, several lives for several lives! I am the Night Hunter!!"
BOSS, Night Hunter :
Phase 1:
The night hunter is Invicible to all attacks, and is guarded by several Tribal beasts. The tribal beasts are all supposed to be defeated before be can be weakened. You can then attack him as it shifts to the next phase.
He is vulnerable.
He has the basic attacks, and more:
Feral windmill:
A Pierce attack which in animation is similar to the "Fang over Fang"(From naruto) and does mulitple dmg and can stun lcok if caught in the path.
Burrow Bombs: Similar to the Beastal constructs's variation, but is multiple.
Burrow Quake: Causes a tremor when burrowing.
This cycles between Phase 1 and two until phase 3.
Phase 3:
The last knight is then killed by the Night Hunter and is transformed, he then summons Tribal Beats, 3 Werewolves and Horownets. Again he is invicible until the tribal beasts are killed(Who are then repleaced by spawning Silkwings) and has a new attack:
Pack call: Can summon up to 3 more Werewolvers.
Phase 4(more like interval):
The Night Hunter runs to a pillar and stays there, only using Pack call and Burrow Bombs. The main objective is to destroy these 6 chains that can only be destroyed by burrow bombs. You have to avoid the Werewolvers and get near the cains when he uses the burrow bombs to destroy them. Once does, he's back to his repetoir of attacks.
When defeated, he topples over the edge of the depth, dissapearing.....
The generator lights the depth fully, and all Werewolver are transformed back to normal. You take the elevator back to the camp.
Moonlight Ruins: Aftermath:
At the camp, the wolvers are grateful and allow access to the room. There are several modules revealing the hunter's past:
He lost his children and family in the CW due to a battle with knights, he is recuited to this place, sees his fellow companions forced to be transformed, all for the sake of destroying the knights. He then touches the artifact, and is "overcome with a firery sensaton, transforming into the night hunter...."
As you regroup with hahn, the replacement basil and several of the free knights, along with the artifact, Hahn wants to study it, and see if there are anyother artifacts with that power, and hopes that the artifact that Razwog obtained didn't have a dangerous effect on it.
You ge to an area with a mechanical tools and notice the hulking figure f the night Hunter, who is reverted. He seems to be slowly turning Charcoal black(AkA Dying), and says that no matter whet you do, thye will win in the end.
As he dies, he drops a material depending on tier( T1: Rotten feral Fang, T2: Upkept Feral Fang, T3: Pristene feral Fang).
Half Moon Turret(2*)(Can someone help with the names?)
A typical Antigua infused with the celestial power of the Half Moon.
This is a 2* antigua with a brown and white design, and the bullet colour is redish grey.
Half Moon Turret REVISED(3*)
The Turret has been revised for more powerful blows despite its incomplete state.
This is a buffed HMT to the strength of the 3* antigua, and the wing design is replaced with a Claw.
Lupinotuum Tormentarii(5*)
Legend fortold that the Essance of the Night Hunter will become active when the Celestial power of the Full Moon.
This has the Two Claws on each side, similar to the motiff of the Ap/Sent, has the same dmg numbers as them, and all guns have pierce dmg. The creature that comes out during the charge is basically The Night Hunter's Feral Windmill animation, but in a red hue.
Feral Call(1*)
The shouts of the Werewolvers echo though this weapon created from the failed experiments at Moonlight Ruins.
A Normal weapon that does a AoE skyburst blast. Causes Stun.
Feral Shout(3*)
(Working on text)
This has a larger radius, more power and status duration than FC.
Feral Screech(5*)
(Working on Text)
More radius, Power, and Duration to the 5* standards.
Armour crafting:
Rotten Hunting Coat(1*)
(Will be filled)
Upkept Hunting Coat(3*)
(Same as above)
Pristine Hunting coat(5*)
(Smae as above)
I get the whole idea down, but with problems today, I’ll leave it there. The rewards will be listed.
Now, as a way to ask for help, can anyone help me with weapon ideas(One gun and bomb).
The lore framework appears good to me. I like the detail, makes me picture this being similar to the Shadow Legion mission with a bunch of neat little cutscenes :)
Beasts are usually paired with jellies in most levels. What other monsters are you considering to mix in? All I noticed were wolvers and werewolver-type monsters, of which I assume all fall into the beast family. This mission would be quite easy if everyone just runs around spamming flourishes and DBB until everything flops dead. Doesn't have to be jellies, just something else that isn't weak to piercing.
Considering the beast theme, this might be the perfect time to implement that 5* piercing Antigua-style gun that has been suggested a million times, or something similar ;) For a bomb, maybe a pure elemental damage oriented bomb (since we don't have one yet) with a unique mechanic (like how DR introduced a new mechanic). Possibly an imploding bomb, deals a flat damage in a radius and pulls everything to the center post-hit? Who knows, my imagination isn't the greatest >.>