Enemy 1: Hellion (Fiend)
Demonic Knights who traded their Souls for power, and are now forced to serve those same powers.
Humanoids similar to Knights but slightly taller, wearing armour that resembles a more demonic version of the Skelly sets. For weapons they dual wield an Axe in one hand and a Katar in the other. Higher Tier versions also have wings.
Tier 1: Wears a demonic Skelly set.
Tier 2: Wears a demonic Sinister Skelly set, has a pair of tiny wings.
Tier 3: Wears a demonic Grim Skelly set, has a pair of large wings.
Attack 1: A 4-hit combo consisting of two slashes with the Axe, a 180 spin where they drive their elbow into the target and ending with a slash from the Katar.
Attack 2 (Tiers 2 & 3): Jumps into the air and flies off the top of the screen, a few seconds later they smash down onto the ground, dealing a fair bit of damage to anything under them, while airborne they still cast a shadow so you can see where they'll land. At Tier 3 they also create a 4-bullet spread where they land.
Ability 1: Hellions are capable of performing quick dodge rolls to avoid both melee and ranged attacks, however their dodge is slower than that or a Wolver of Devilite and they have a 2-5 second 'cooldown' between dodges.
Ability 2: When killed a Hellion's spirit leaves it's body and attempts to run away, if they spirit is not killed in 10 seconds it will turn into a new Hellion, revived Hellions only have 25%,50% & 75% of their total health at their respective tiers.
Status Hellions are a different colour to regular Hellions and have an aura of their respective status (so Blazing Hellions have an aura of ashes)
Shock: Thundering Hellion
Fire: Blazing Hellion
Poison: Vile Hellion
Frost: Chilling Hellion
Enemy 2: Monitor (Construct)
Small, lightly armed surveillance robots built by the Gremlins so that they can more easily keep track of what goes on in the Clockwork tunnels
A round ball-shaped robot slightly smaller than a Knight's head. These machines fly via a Rotor blade built-in to their body, similar to the wings of a Snipe. They have a single large glowing eye.
Tier 1: Basic Model
Tier 2: Now has a small gun mounted onto the bottom and a small aerial on top of it.
Tier 3: More armour, a better gun and a small laser pointer next to its eye.
Attack 1: Bumps into the Knight, cutting them with its rotor, this attack has poor reach and damage but is very fast.
Attack 2 (Tiers 2 & 3): Fires a single bullet from its cannon at Tier 2, fires a 3-shot burst (one after the other, not all at once) at Tier 3.
Attack 3 (Tier 3 only): The Monitor begins to mark a Knight with its laser pointer over several seconds (during which the Monitor cannot move), upon a successful Marking the Knight in question has their defenses reduced for a period of time. This attack is broken by any damage taken (like a Zombie's breath attack.)
Ability 1 (Tiers 2 & 3): Monitors have their FoV projected in front of them, if a Knight walks into this projected FoV the Monitor will sound an alarm, causing all nearby enemies to come running towards it. This also happens if the Monitor is hit (unless the hit is strong enough to kill it in one shot, meaning a canny Bomber/Iron Slugger/etc can kill them before they can call their friends. This could also be used to get past enemies without fighting them (such as shooting the Monitor from afar to sound an alarm to lure enemies away from something they were guarding.)
Status Monitors are distinguished by having different coloured eyes, much like Status Scuttlebots are.
Shock: Generator Monitor
Fire: Furnace Monitor
Poison: Recycling Monitor
Frost: Coolant Monitor
Monitor? Floating survailence ball? Made by aliens?
Halo reference?