Here's an idea, what if we could sell materials to the token vendor, for their equivalent, or half their equivalent, in tokens?
it would be a way of procuring tokens, making it less stressful to hunt down the materials they need. people could get rid of unwanted materials, in exchange for tokens, and use the tokens to buy the material they need.
does that make sense?
Selling for Tokens
pretty good idea, less farming and grinding.
i would say no to this because it makes all materials more or less wothless. since you could buy (nearly) every material in the game with 2 star mats if that was implemented. as it is you are going to see a total materials price crash when they implement the auction house/materials market. and that would only compound the problem.
and to look at it a different way
Under this method,
100 gel drops->50 primal tokens->10 hearthstone pendants->12000 crowns easy(sell to any other NPC vender).
The hearthstone price is a bug. Both it and the warm hearthstone are 3*, when clearly the hearthstone should be 2*.
To me, looks like it's supposed to be that way.
It was reported at least around April 6, 2011. Been discussed here and there on the forums since then, multiple fixes have occurred since then. I doubt this was just passed up that much if it wasn't intentional. Maybe they'll "fix" it later but I think this is intentional for the time being.
Still regardless, as it stands, this is what you can do with it now. And either way even if it was for a two star trinket (btw, anyone know the prices a two star trinket sells for?), it could still be done a similar way just with a bit less money. Even 500cr would be decent.
its easy to forget that just because alot of people have 100 gel drops, it doesnt mean they are easier to get than other mats of the same quality. it just means that not alot of people use them, and they dont sell as highly to players.
you need to remember that they, like the other mats, are still just as difficult to get, only people happen to run in areas where they are alot more common.
and it may not be as simple as 2 gel drops to a primal, im just putting out the idea, because we have all these mats that just grow in number because they are too useless to use, and to worthless to sell, due to an uneven market.
NegimaSonic 2* Sells for 250 I believe.
Also on the Gel Drops thing. I have so many (200 or so) from running Royal Jelly with my guild members. That is why people have a large surplus of Gel Drops/Cores. Royal Jelly runs. Sure, I could run other areas that have a surplus of an item, but nothing is easier to get than Gel Drops. Even Shards are harder to get than Gel Drops. (Not saying it's a huge difference mind you) Gel Drops are extremely common because of Royal Jelly. Hands down. But that is just my experience on it.
hmm really. Well that's sad but w/e. Still sorta works. Got a number for four star as well? That'd complete the cycle.
Basically, just in case this is changed in the future, I'm fishing for information that was left out of this topic. And I can't log onto the game right now anyway [nor do I have 50 tokens last I checked since I keep selling hearthstone for emergency money ^^;] I'm not asking someone to buy a 50 token 4 star trinket and test this for me, just if someone happens to already have one and know.
Hey, you might find it interesting to note that Brinks doesn't actually sell Gel Drops. Those are 1* items. It would take 100 gel cores for the situation that Negima described a few posts back, using the 'half price' system. So stop focusing on that example.
Someone pointed out earlier that 2* mats could kind of crash the system if this was implemented. While it would take a lot of them to do it, they have a point. So why not just bar Brinks from purchasing 2*s? At this point you could make every item sell back for 2/5ths it's purchase cost, since they're all multiples of 5 from that point on. (Just a little under half, but that's kind of arbitrary.) ---Oh except for brute cores. Those are 8 jelly jems. Maybe they could sell for 3?
That, or you could make Brinks take 2* items for even less than a token each. (say, one token for 3 or something?) In any case, it would allow people to trade around piles of unwanted mats more easily than with an auction house or the current trade chat. As well as being kind of unique!
Yes. So tired of farming Royal Jelly for Antigua (Ya, I know you get Antigua from Brinks.)...and I only did it twice.