Because everyone is so nice (except the people in cobalt you guys aren't very nice or respectful of peoples personal SPACE!), and I love aaaaall the players (except COBALTS...)
Becs - For getting me into CR AAAAAND EoS you're a beautiful person with a beauitiful soul. Don't let the holy mother see that hard chakra.
Avenged - errrrrrmahgerd for being delicious jb and never reviving me until you've killed all the monsters.
Spook - Do I need a reason, I mean, Also your're the first person I partied with when I joined my first guild I'm PRETTY SURE... Even though you called me a he it's okay I love you.
Nj - because Nj.
Hadn Extra Muppet - u guys are ADORABLE.
I'm sorry about vergerner clers, Avenged and Spook.
Yuka cuz Yuka is AMAZING