The Mercurial Sets Bonus - Movement Speed Increased - is to weak. The difference it makes is miniscule. So much in fact, that you won't notice it until you run with someone who doesn't wear it. It seems to be about 1/20 faster than without, maybe less.
The idea of increased speed is great, but what difference makes 1/20? None, really. You don't do anything faster, all your actions stay the same, except that you move 1 tile faster every ~20 tiles.I think you might have understood by now, but just to be sure: A single tile in 20.
Mercurial Set - doesn't really make a difference
There's a post by Nick in a thread basically identical to this about why they kept the MSI so low. I'll find it later and edit this post with the link.
It is quite old and their reason, while legitimate, is more of a "we just wanted to try it". All I wanted to state - in an easy to find thread that is only about the Set Bonus - is that it is not nearly enough to make any difference in gameplay except that you spent a lot of CE and CR on a sub-par set.
Yeah, that's the one. Eh, it's not that old.
Edit: It's a bad habit of mine to leave out negative modifiers.
that OOO's worry that MS = OP is unfounded. Let's bump that sucker up to medium per piece already!
a) Mercurial Set:
1. Change each equipment Increase Movement Speed values to "High", for "Maximum!" value together.
b) Mercurial Demo Set:
1. Change each equipment Increase Movement Speed values to "Medium" for "Very High" value together.
2. Change "Damage: Low" to "Ctr: Low" or even "Medium". May be too much as Medium due to being better together than Volcanic Demo Suit. Maybe change either Mercurial Demo or Volcanic Demo to "piercing" defense, much desired in Mercurial Demo (made of slimes)
c) Change in value of "Increase Movement Speed". "Maximum!" should grant a "+100%" movement speed, so each level would grant a +16.5%~ increase. Mercurial Demo would grant +66.6%~ increase with this data.
> This would open up Spiral Knights to other effective "speedy" equipments.
"due to being better together than Volcanic Demo Suit"
Dunno, both status and defense wise, Ice queen got unquestionably better than royal jelly.
I don't think you're aware of how much a 30% speed buff would completely break the game, let alone a 100% one. Mercurial would literally become the only thing people would wear.
It would only defend against not many types of damage unless you UV'd a lot... if needed, it could have the normal defense striped from them.
Need to bump up their definition of low. It should be noticeable and make a difference to some degree, as it does not now. I mean, come on, VH damage and VH asi (from clone sets) are certainly noticeable and make a HUGE difference in actual play.
I think they should multiply what a low is by 2/3, and give mercurial high on each piece, with merc demo having med.
I believe each stage is 4.5?
If that is the case, it would give 3 per low; +9% on each piece of mercurial, +18% per set, and +6 for each piece of merc demo.
I'll use TF2 as an example, as it provides a good example:
-The heavy travels A LOT slower than other classes. He moves at 77% of the standard speed or 33% slower.
-The scout travels A LOT faster than other classes. He moves at 133% of the standard speed. 18% is roughly half that.
-A pyro travels at 10% faster if he is using the gas jockey set. This is slightly higher than the current, and is considered barely noticeable.
-The medic travels 6.7% faster than the standard class. This is not advertised anywhere in game, and was added on during testing, as it made the medic "work better" as it makes up for the fact that you're following another player around but keeping at a distance... in other words, this amount of MSI is negligible when competing with other players.
-The medic travels 17.33% faster than standard classes when he has an ubercharge while wielding the overdose. This is noticeably faster, but not by much. It feels like a small amount of movement speed compared to the scout- and it is. This would be most comparable to what I think a full mercurial set should be.
Another decent option would be to simply give mercurial medium MSI, and then create another, higher risk higher reward armor, that gives MSI high, but has similar or worse stats as chaos cloak. This wouldn't give merc demo enough of a boost imo however.
Every stage of MSI should be 2.5%. While I do believe 100% to be "a little" over the top, 18% might be a tad to little. HOWEVER this highly depends on what OOO plans to do with MSI - is it going to be a normal UV in the future? Will there be other kinds of speed increases?
The current 2.5% increase is certainly not enough, raising it to 4%, making the bonus on the Mercurial Set "High" (+24% MS) and on the Mercurial Demo Set "Medium" (16% MS) should be enough to make it worthwhile, while still leaving enough room on the what-else-could-we-do? side.
I also must admit that I have no idea what Fehzor meant in his first three sentences as I missed units for proper understanding. :/
Edit: If you give it a thought in numbers, wouldn't even a +50% MSI be still legitimate? If you move, say, 50% faster, you would span not even twice the distance in the same time. The Striker equipment in Lockdown increases speed by about 400%, give or take. Of course you can only do it for a limited amount of time, but it gives you a good idea of the difference. Maybe, just maybe, 50% would be just enough to make it actually wothwhile, given it's otherwise poor stats.
Read my post a bit more. The scout moves at 33% faster. This is enough to GREATLY change game balance. You want to put in more than that?
What I said in my first three sentences:
-Make each stage of MSI give a +3% increase tot he player's speed (currently it is at 4.5%)
-Make mercurial have MSI high (Twice what it is at right now)
-Make mercurial demo have MSI medium (6% per piece)
This would make MSI give two thirds as much per stage, opening it up for greater use as an ability.
Oh, I read your post, but missing units are missing units and wrong numbers stay wrong even with a unit, so there was no way to understand what you meant. Also, right now each MSI has not 4.5% but 2.5%.
Your TF2 example is also lacking in so far as it takes place in a small world where traversing is not to slow to begin with. 100% there are not 100% here. Also their speeds are a set feature to a class which has certain advantages over others and no TF2 character has to deal with shadow or elemental damage, with CTR or ASI.
As I already said, the sets stats are rather poor, it is nowhere near as good as, let's say, the skolver set. If I think about 50% and imagine walking 15 tiles in the time someone else walks 10, I can still life with that. If I think about 20 or 30 tiles, the difference is still acceptable simply due to the fact, that this game has no race challenge. You will never get that far ahead, the speed is more for dodging and there it should make a difference. I would settle for the 24% MSI on the Mercurial and for the 16% on the Mercurial Demo, but getting closer to 50% would not be wrong either.
AND, as a final statement, it is better to get over the top and back a little down than being content with something sub-par. Let's say they really use your 18% and it turns out that less than 2 tiles on a distance of 10 tiles is noticable but barely helpfull at all, will they ever even look at the MSI again if we say we need more? No, because we got more and should be damn happy about them having changed anything at all.
And before someone asks, MSI can never be a UV on equipment for the same reason CTR and ASI are not avaiable as UVs on armor and shields.
No, it is close to a 4.5% increase per piece, as determined here-
While TF2 is not a perfect example, it is something. In TF2, the classes might not have the exact same mechanics going for them, but they do have the same general mechanics of strafing, shooting, moving around, etc. It is more of an example for game design than anything else…. and if a scout there goes 33% faster which feels like a ton of difference, explain to me how 33% faster in spiral knights won't be the same?
Consider 18% as 18/100; for every 100 tiles traveled by a player with neutral MSI, 118 will have been traveled by a player with MSI Max. For every 50 tiles, 59, for every 25, 29.5, and so on. I'm suggesting doubling the amount of MSI on each piece, and you say that isn't enough?
The data is outdated - written in 2011 - and probably already inaccurate when it was tested, as mentioned by one of the follow up posts.
I have been running straight lines and raced with a gildmate a straigth line and all tests have proven to result in a numer below 5% for two set pieces.
If a snail needs an hour to move a meter, it's great if it can do the meter in 45 minutes, but who whatches a snail 45 minutes anyways? TF2 and Spiral Knights don't have the same base speed and not the same distance to cover in that time, so it will feel different simply due to the fact, that it never was the same to begin with. It's like comparing walking and driving, if you walk 2mph and drive 100mph and increase both by 33% does it feel the same? It's a krass example, but you get the idea. In TF you don't evade, because no one outsmarts bullet. In SK you actually are given the chance see what's coming at you.
Yes, absolutly. I consider doubling nothing to still be nothing. If you want to evade you would so by 18% which is 0.18 a tile faster. That is marginal. You don't have to think "race" in this game, making the finish line 50% faster won't get you the gold medal either. But to dodge a chair flying at you 0.5 tiles faster, that can mean a difference between life and death.
Also I will repeat: Let's say they really use your 18% and it turns out that less than 2 tiles on a distance of 10 tiles is noticable but barely helpfull at all, will they ever even look at the MSI again if we say we need more? Given I am wrong, after all I can admit when somethings unclear, and 50% proves to much, what do you think will happen? People will cry and they will nerf it. Not a big deal, because if it is so OP they now know that it has to be in between. But if your 18% prove wrong we are done for in regards to the Mercurial Sets. No one will listen to another increase, because we got our chance. And truth be told, neither you nor I can say what feels best without being able to try it.
Remember how they nerfed Dark Retribution to oblivion because it had a loldiculous damage at first? That might happen again if MSI is increased too much.
Right now the MSI is nearly non-existant, if they increase it and nerf it back to where we have been before we wouldn't have lost anything. Also, the DR has been new without a reference for damage, but with the Mercurials we know that the current numbers are to low, so it is highly unlikely they would go back to something that is obviously useless. So I'd rather take the risk for them to nerf it a little than to have it increased so little that it still doesn't matter.
Basing off of Fehzor's TF2 analysis:
Why not have eave level of movement boost provide 5% speed increase, and buff the Quicksilver line so that the 3 and 4* sets provide Low increases, and the 5* set provides Medium increases (Mercurial Demo need not be modified). Under the current setup, the maximum achievable boost would be 20%- noticeably different, but not tremendously so. A medium boost (Mercurial demo set, etc.) would be barely noticeable, but that speed increase would definitely make your gameplay smoother. If additional equipment were introduced allowing you to reach Maximum, it would be a 30% increase, resulting in a significantly different gameplay feel.
Movement speed increases are a potentially great way to add variety to the existing styles of play. This would be a great thing to try out on the Test Server and determine just how much MSI is too much, and how much is necessary to make it useful.
1. It IS a race to the frontline in LD, and in most levels, where the first player to get there gets to hit and kill first
2. I still don't see why TF2 is a completely terrible example; it shows us the difference when competing with people, and all values are relevant to a default of 100% speed; this default speed correlates to the default speed in spiral knights fairly well. Players in both games dodge, strafe, and do almost everything, albeit in 3D vs 2D, and the shield mechanics are vastly different… although the MSI example still holds in my opinion
3. I would love to travel 50% faster than everyone else, but I think you should compare that to the other bonuses, CTR gives about ~6.3% reduction, and ASI gives about 3.4%, and damage gives about 7% per stage. Surely the numbers should be close to these per level of bonus? I wouldn't disagree with Mohander's idea of giving each piece med and buffing the bonus to 5%. Either way, it is still a substantial increase.
20% is still less than my initial 25% (duh, who'd guess), but it's a step into the right direction. The best possible scenario would be, of course if different speeds where just tested on the Test Servers. After all, as I said, we can not say anything certain without having seen it.
Lockdown is broken as hell, no one could care less about the toothpick show off competition that takes place there. Restricting a set due to something that is in it self a horrible accumulation of bugs and unbalanced battles is stupid. Tried to think of something nicer, but it is just that. This game is played in the Clockwork in first line and one set that is unbalanced in PvP more or less could really make no less of a difference. Also, if it means less Skolvers I'd even endorse it.
I tried to convey to you how it is different, but it seems I can not reach you. This isn't meant to be rude, it is just a statement. So let's leave TF2 aside, because we will obviously get nowhere with that. Also, not all people have played it, so it might have been irrelevant to begin with.
Here I also have to disagree. All those UVs might give those values, yes, but you are overlooking a most crucial aspect: Availablity.
CTR is on all weapons by default, all three of them are on certain armor pieces and all of them are available as UVs through Tickets and crafting. As far as I know "Maximum!" is the limit for each of them, while single UVs can go up to Very High. Maximum! is six times a bonus, so you can, theoretically, have +37,8% CTR, +20,4% ASI and a whoopin' +42% Damage. (...+42% Damage? The hell is wrong with this?!)
Letting aside ASI, both CTR and Dmg are big numbers. But they are not only big numbers, but a even bigger difference: For a normal sword with 300 Dmg a swing would cause 426 on each swing. The CTR would reduce charging time well over 1/3, nearly halving it.
MSI can only occur on specific armor, never going past what is decided at the end. Also, MSI is definitly no DB or ASI, it just makes you faster. It can be a great asset if used wisely, but it has downsides. For starters, enviroment traps. Being fast will take a certain degree of controll over what you do. None of the other UVs actually need skill to be executed. They give raw unconcealed power that is makes a direct difference in battle. MSI would be a visible difference, but it offers none of the securitys a standart UV can give.
Now tell me, why should something like that be capped at 20%? Hell, even Skolver alone gives you a DB of +28% and can still be increased.
But we could just forget about all that [scrap], if an admin or the likes would grace us with the perspective of implementing a few versions of it for the Test Servers.
If you cater to the idea that two stages should be the maximum MSI boost, then of course it should be higher, but I would rather there be room for trinkets, shields, or even weapons to make the bearer go faster.
Consider that full skolver gives you 28% on one weapon type. That averages out to a 9.6% to all weapons, although adds up to more pending on weapons used. Other damage bonuses like chaos give you damage med, which is a much more apt comparison, damage med and ctr med. That gives you 14% damage to all weapons, which is more realistic.
And you're right, we shouldn't be arguing here, as it could be tested+implemented next week if the devs were to read our thread, agree with us that MSI should be a thing, and implement it on the test server. It would probably take them about an hour tops to do, and they could instantly solve this argument. And I truly believe that this kind of thing goes with "more ways to attack" or whatever Nick keeps hinting at…
increase the speed, but make it that it reduce our attacks by a small bit. i wouldnt mind losing some attack power for more speed.
Right now MSI is useless and a waste of money, so buffing the speed but reducing other stats would lead absolutly nowhere.
0 + 1 - 1 = 0
I'm really, really dissapointed. 1k CE, 20 (30?) boss tokens, and 35k cr for THAT?
One up.
You know what's super-duper awesome? they should freaking know by now, that MSI is not worth the dirt under my cats nails, yet they added it to another piece of equipment
A high speed buff would be just too insanely cheap. Imagine a 30% or higher MSI. Now, Imagine LD with that stuff. yes, Nobody would use striker anymore. Instead however, you'd have a bunch of recons wearing merc-mail dashing around like they just took performance enhancing stuffs.
any idea how little 30% is?
Obviously not. Also, you seem to be fairly new, so to give you a rough idea, so you don't have to read all those posts:
- The Striker equipment in Lockdown increases speed by about 400%, give or take.
- +30% is a increase of 3 in 10 tiles. I.e. in the same time you take 10 tiles normally, you instead take 13.
In case you can't do the math: 30% is less than 1/13 of Striker.
Why did you bother typing that answer when you neither read the posts nor have any idea of ... well anything with numbers?
"Nobody would use striker anymore. Instead however, you'd have a bunch of recons wearing merc-mail dashing around like they just took performance enhancing stuffs."
From 30% MSI? You bonkers?
I remember this thread! What good fun... the ridiculous "You can't use TF2! Its a totally different game that has no influence over Spiral Knights except for in terms of game promotions (lockboxes, regular update things with promotions as fodder, etc...)!" thing.
And then everyone argues "30% speed is nothing!" or "5% speed is way too much!" and no one even thinks to look at any kind of external game or otherwise that implements some kind of MSI.
And then Yauj uses the striker booster as an example.. the striker booster comes at a great cost, one that cannot even be compared to "Damage High"- The cost of invisibility or shielding+healing+guarding team mates. So I'm not entirely certain whether that's a fair comparison to make- 1/13th the invisibility or shielding/healing abilities of the other lockdown items might be game breaking in PvE.
Right now, I'm leaning towards Mercurial Mail getting MSI med and Mercurial demo getting something else.. maybe one more resistances? To something like fire or ice or perhaps even poison?
"And you're right, we shouldn't be arguing here, as it could be tested+implemented next week if the devs were to read our thread, agree with us that MSI should be a thing, and implement it on the test server. It would probably take them about an hour tops to do, and they could instantly solve this argument. And I truly believe that this kind of thing goes with "more ways to attack" or whatever Nick keeps hinting at…"
- Your quote mate, and I for my part would love to see 20, 25 and 30% play out on a testserver. I just bumped it to get it back on the table, as I saw those nutjobs gave that useless bonus to yet another piece.
TF2 is a very different game from Spiral Knights. One need only look at the most fundamental difference to see why a 30% speed boost in TF2 and one in SK cannot be at any level compared:
-When you aim at something and fire in TF2 with most weapon, the shot will instantly hit.
-In SK, you can and frequently do outrun bullets, a large amount of damage sources are melee-only and areas of effect are telegraphed profusely
I'm still pretty certain that 30% speed boosts would make nothing else worth using but I would have a lot of fun during the test server event where we find that out, which I agree should be happening.
Yauj...don't be a *word I won't say*. it is a significant enough increase actually. You have NO idea how significant it is. If you ever played any other MOB or other MMO with any speed-boosting'd know. When it comes to videogames, 13 is quite higher than 10. So don't call me a potato and shake your head at me like you're some almighty professor. Because you're not.
Now pretty much everyone agrees on Testing it, so I will just keep pushing until they actually cave in and change something.
And regarding you arkate: "Imagine a 30% or higher MSI. Now, Imagine LD with that stuff. yes, Nobody would use striker anymore."
Your insults are meaningless given this statement. I won't even bother arguing.
Uhm... Guys. Yeah, how do I put this? They DID increase MSI.
Problem is: Did anyone notice? They did not just increase it a bit, you know? We are at freaking 10% for one piece. I did the tests with a friend again, to get the base movement speed of the knights (it's 5 t/s - 300 t/m) and, while at it, we did a test for Mercurial. Turns out, we we are at 20% with both pieces. There isn't too much of a margin error, but take it as you want, we are definitly over 15%.
I think it must've happened today. I've been using Mercurial through all of the kat event and I never outran people by this much then.
Congrats! You did it!
Edit: Sorry, I was influenced by placebo effect. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but the MSI has not increased one bit. I did two recording in training hall running across the whole thing with med MSI and no MSI.
The run with no MSI took 561 frames while the run with med MSI took 521 frames. That's a difference of not quite 8%.
charge a bomb and youll walk same speed than normal ... very usefull to counter the slow speed of charge
Exactly Quakeman. Since MSI is linear, it only increases from 100% to 107% when running. (a 7% relative increase)
But the whole point of wearing the equipment is so that you're quick in battle, not quick TO the battle. Examples inbound:
When firing guns, your movement speed is slowed by about half. (I can't remember if it's less than half or a bit more than, so for example lets just say 50%) This means that without the Medium MSI, you'll be traveling 50% of your normal pace, but with it you'll be traveling 57%. That's a considerable 14% increase in relative movement speed.
When charging bombs that make you plod along, (such as the Vortex, BAB, and Irontech, and even other weapons like the Magnus) the effect is even MORE noticable, seeing as these cut your speed to about 35%. With MSI you'll be moving at 42% instead. That's a considerable 20% relative increase in speed, and is very valuable when dodging attacks and using these weapons.
Remember this linear boost also affects when charging weapons like most guns, or heavy swords like the Troika and Sealed Sword.
Seem's like I shouldn't do test runs at two in the morning, because they where obviously wrong.
Tried again today, yes, it's ~8% with both pieces.
Regarding everything with bombs and guns:
I'd go so far and say you are wrong. When shooting guns, yes you are slowed by a bit less than 50% (my runs with a AP said something about 54% MS), but, and this is a big but(t), MSI seems to not increse your MS flat, but by %. That is, if you move with 50%, you don't increase your MS to 58%, but to 54% - to say, 50%*1.08.
Normal bombs seem to slow you by about 10%, so the MSI is about the same, and still barely noticable.
Next time I'll have some vid's uploaded, to better trace such results.
The devs themselves said that the mercurial set was more of an experiment. That is where the problem lies. Being an experiment, they had no idea what might come of it. The MSI doesn't make much of a difference at all, but should they boost merc mail so it does make a difference, people will start using it a bit too much. For piercing at least. But right now, people are unsatisfied because the MSI is too low, and not many people use mercurial mail. So essentially, OOO made a big mistake by adding in the quicksilver line, and created a vicious cycle. Either the line has to be removed entirely, but I think that the community would be much happier if OOO added in some sort of other armor to counter how good mercurial mail would be, or reduce the armor of the mail itself.
Fine, you win. I'll re-write my post in terms of the Binding of Isaac, which is as close to Spiral Knights as I can think of.
Isaac has 100% speed. This is what it looks like, and is considered "Normal"-
Eve travels at 123% speed. This is what that looks like, and is only a tad bit faster than what I want merc to give you.-
Cain travels at 130% speed. This is about the same increase, as a percentage, that you guys "want" the knight to travel at-
Blue Baby travels at 110% speed. This is close to what it is now.-
(All number taken from-
Is that any better? Are the base speeds in the binding of isaac entirely irrelevant to Spiral Knights due to the nature of both games?
That's some pretty noticable speed levels. If Isaac had any form of PvP, you'd find everyone would pick Cain or Eve as those other guys would be useless.
There are important differences still, being that Isaac has acceleration where movement in SK is instant. Firerate for absolutely everything is also considerably lower and all kinds of attacks root you in place or slow you down.
Doubling the current total to 16% sounds like a perfectly reasonable amount to me. Don't just leave your test servers gathering dust, OOO!
Let's face it, OOO won't start balancing till they opend they core (so probably never).
But with the introduction of the Dash I'd like to throw in another thing you could do with MSI:
Each instance of MSI could remove a second from the Dash recovery, addionally to the marginal 8% movement speed (which I think should be raised regardless of that).
It wouldn't be much, but a you have to start somewhere, right?
Merc Set + Hammer + LD = Rage Quit
If you Merc Set and a Hammer, try it. The hammer dash makes the user go untouched. Its weird. its like visibly, here's here, but really, hes a little farther away.
If you sentence over the place with words sense will make?
Regardless of what you actually mean, "LD" is enough to make me not care about it. Lockdown is an abomination and unbalanced as can be. It should never be an argument for anything.
Movement speed is OP in lockdown. Once you reach the skill plateau you will understand what I mean when two players of equal skill go 1 on 1 only to find that your timing is off by a fraction of a second thanks to MSI. +10% movement speed is OP--please don't make anything go above 10%.
Wow what a scrub. You can't balance weapons and armor without taking into consideration both PvE AND PvP.
I'd advise you to stick around some time, read a few suggestions, get the hang of it - and return when you don't make a fool of yourself for barging into a nearly 10 month old thread on a topic where pretty much everyone except one person agreed that MSI is not worth the filth under your nails. Further more, you also offered a great display of "not having read a single post" when asking to not make it go above 10% - because you know what? Right now one piece of MS is ~8%, so it is not too difficult to get ~16%.
Good job in getting a headstart on making yourself known as a loudmouth.
If you honestly want to know why LD is not to be considered in anything, look through older posts in this thread or look for such discussions among others, but don't waste my time if you just skip to the end of everything without regarding anything that has already been contributed.
Movement Speed Low = How much faster are you really moving? I can't notice the difference either.