In the current system of bonuses, there are some useless ones (the family bonuses) and one that is not worth it (movement speed). The way it is now, there is a hard cap on how much of a bonus you can get. This is one thing that renders family bonuses useless, because if you can reach this cap with generic bonuses you will not need anything else. My first suggestion is to remove this cap.
Now, I know many people will cry OP. Of course, just removing it would not be the best idea, there is more to this. The idea of removing is to allow for more wild combinations of bonuses instead of limiting the bonuses to a hard cap. What if someone wanted even more attack speed or charge time reduction instead of reaching the limit and having to dump into damage? Of course, there should be something to prevent the ultimate abuse of double maximum damage bonuses.
This is why I also propose to change the amount that a generic bonus gives (either weapon specific, defense related, status related, or in general) to a gradually increasing gain. Here is an example of what I mean (keep in mind this is only an example, not exact numbers):
The current system:
+1 through +6 DMG bonus = 7% gain per increase, maxing at 42%
My idea:
+1 = 2%
+2 = 5%
+3 = 9%
+4 = 14%
+5 = 20%
+6 = 27%
+7 = 35%
(For those wondering what the pattern is it adds 1 + (the current amount of upgrades) to the bonus percentage)
The only exception to this would be the family bonuses, which will still offer a flat amount. The current increase for them seems reasonable for this. Family bonuses will hard cap at +4 to prevent abuse.
The main idea behind this is to prevent the creation of OP weapons. If you want a higher bonus in something, you'll have to invest in it instead of investing just enough here, just enough there, and then dump the rest to here and I'm set to faceroll everything. Yet, it would allow a new level of something at the cost of something else.
Now with that said, I also propose a change to how the status bonuses work. Currently, if you get enough resistance, you can render certain statuses useless. This is only useful in certain areas in PVE, and renders some weapons useless in PVP. Because of this, I propose to change the way they work to simply reducing how effective said status is, instead of both that and reducing the chance it will happen to you. Instead of negating freeze, you just won't be frozen as long. Instead of negating fire, you won't take as much damage from it, etc.
If anything, I would propose making status immunity easier to get. Under the present system, full double max armor isn't enough to make you immune to many status effects... which makes status resistance feel like something of a waste of money.
Even in lockdown: max+medium shock resistance may protect you from a voltaic tempest mist bomb (which is, by design, a weak source of the effect)... but the Polaris and storm driver lines will still inflict shock with dismal regularity.
One exception: I thoroughly support cutting the duration of the curse status. 20 seconds of being without a primary weapon- while wearing one piece of max curse resistant armor- is insane.