Today's release notes can be found here:
September 5 Update - Discussion

wait! does this mean I can now run to a herd of snipes and make them fly away? :)

Oh look I'm on the forums. THIS UPDATE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD FOREVER. Snipe herding is now dead.

How am I supposed to feed on their spinning power and build a fluffy helicopter to terrorize Haven and deliver your order in under twenty minutes now?
It makes less sense than it sounds.

did this really need to be announced? i mean, really only the pith helm thing seems like something people might want to know as soon as it happens.

We were going to transform the birds into time bombs to blast the wall around the fountain to flood Haven so they had to stop us.
This is clearly more important than fixing or balancing stuff.

So... How bout that Iron Slug buff? xP

So... How bout that Iron Slug buff? xP
They are still thinking about how to destroy it's mechanics and what kind of compensation would be worse than the UV tickets spam.

+1 Byas
+1 Yanos-Aldrin
Everyone uses graphics on LOW!!
so give us weapons and Balance those "unused" weapons as IRON SLUG and those normal dmg shards bombz D:

Update started during final LoA arena and I don't have time to do another today...
Great timing as usual.

Any predictions on the bug that will occur after this patch? If mine patches at all. Been waiting 5 minutes when they usually take less than 2.

why are these 3 little things about 15 minutes to download?
EDIT: like 30 secs after posting Now....its 24:55 >.<
explain urself, please. are u sneaking something in?

That you aren't giving me Ghosts in the Machine?

Stun fix? Weapon balancing? New danger mission?
I think they forgot the "- recolor/retexture armor for imminent useless promo #10 with 3% chance of getting something non-useless" in the update.
Consider me unimpressed.
P.S. Also, I'm sorry but what is this "Wegner" and what does it do?

Wegner is the geo knight in Arcade. he thought me about minerals even though i learned nothing from him
JUST SAW WEGNER! sexy. what armor is he wearing? i want i want i want!

Damn, pill eyes + pith helm is so ugly. D:
Who came up with this design change idea?

It is fun as hell to let a whole bunch gather then walk near and watch the whole flock fly away. You can still snipe herd by the way. This update added more snipes, the original ones still move about how they did before.

I saw them, ran towards them and...and...HOW COULD WE LIVE WITHOUT THIS?
On a serious note, I'm disappointed.

Once again guns messed up in lockdown.
Jokes over OOO, not funny anymore. I dont want elevators either. I hate the clockworks.

Serious? This little update messed up guns in LD again? Gonna have to see this for myself.
Eh. I'm neutral to this update. It's not totally ruining a bomb, but the update is small enough they could have waited to have it patch along with a biggger update.
I'm so disappointed about the new design of the spiral pith helm :'( I got a gear that i liked so much ( and just look now what it look likes (
give us back the old design of spiral pith helm please! Stop useless updates ...

good thing i have Dusky Night vision googles on my proto :)
Cobalt Star, u were denied access?

Woah, what happened to my control panel? (the ingame one) There are faewer options than I remember having.
Edit: Oh wait, they added a video panel to the options.

Wegner is the geo knight in Arcade. he thought me about minerals even though i learned nothing from him
So........... then what is an "Arcade" and what does it do? I vaguely remember using an "Arcade" about 10 months ago, but I've forgotten what it is.

Joke aside, Arcade was the place where everyone went to do their runs. EVERYONE.
Then missions came out.
Also, I'm still waiting on GitM.

gawking over the changes to the animations for shooting a gun
or was this another unintentional bug just like that one where everybody's busy stance looked like a statue
ruined alchemer switching

It's tradition, it wouldn't be the same if they didn't screw up something that isn't even related to the patch notes changes (or even the related ones in some cases).

nice new animations on toothpicks btw
inconsistencies with the color and the hitbox is still inaccurate as butts
nerd rage, man, i feel it coming oh too late

These little micro patches are simply a means to download the code for the next energy promotion that will likely start in the next day or two.
Most likely this time in the most popular color picks from last month's survey.

New snipes - EPIC
New Wegner - Cool
New Pith Helm - Not cool. Ruined my favourite costume helm. It looks like I'm a crazed psychopath.

Toothpick nerf. I don't know whether to be excited or disappointed. I'm more disappointed the update didn't say anything about it.

instead of fixing freaking SNIPE why don't you fix STUN and re balance the hammer and the shard bombs and polaris!?!?!??

If you look at the pith helm on a side view / 90 degree angle, you can see through one eye hole and out the other.
The eyes are just TOO far back in the helm to look right, either that or wearing the Pith shrinks your head. :P
Fix please.

Yeah the toothpick range is now between the brandish and gran faust, which I think makes sense (though the gran faust range is much longer than the other two). However, I think this is something that definitely should have been mentioned in the patch notes.
Also the animations were improved. The BTB combo now has a red animation to match the colour of the sword, which is neat. However the swing animation is still white and should probably be changed to red also.

We are looking into issues regarding flourish-style swords. Thank you for your patience.

It's just as it should be! Keep the Flourish the way it is.

Their swing radius on the first swing only lost about 0.25 spaces in radius.
For those who never bothered to check or are too obsessed with their piercing sword to care how minimal the change was, even though realistically a quarter space radius taken from a two space radius swing on a non-heavy mechanic sword should have been taken off months ago.

Honestly, I would think the Flourish style swords should have a shorter range then the heavy swords. Just due to the sheer size of the heavy swords compared to the Flourish/Brandish lines. Brandishes are effectively short swords, Flourish are rapiers, and heavy swords are like two-handed weapons which are typically absurdly long.
Them having slightly shorter range would also make more sense considering how insanely fast they attack.

Rapiers are absurdly long.
Maybe your thinking of foils, which are trash, and much shorter.

Intentional or not, this bug is both helpful and harmful to strikers/guardians/recons. It does give gunners a slight buff over swords which is a +1 to balancing out the game so I personally think this bug should be kept. Then again, half of the LD players are going to complain about this so you might as well fix this unintentional(?) bug.

Analyze the reduced flourish range all you like, the reduction is so insignificant that it just doesn't matter. And the flourish's range still significantly surpasses its animation.
If we're going to reduce flourish range, I'd rather it be an intentional action that brings it in line with its animation than a random unintended reduction that's so small you can barely even notice it.
Art changes....